Strange Attractor feat. Jeff (The Statues)
Beat On The Bratwurst (7")
Beat On The Bratwurst (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Trash
8 Tracks; Limited Edition. STRANGE ATTRACTOR sings in Deutsch. It's 8 songs with lots of the lyrics in German. Jeff and his STATUES buddies Rob & Mitch plus a ULTRAVIOLENCE RAY bandmember cry out... Details
8 Tracks; Limited Edition. STRANGE ATTRACTOR sings in Deutsch. It's 8 songs with lots of the lyrics in German. Jeff and his STATUES buddies Rob & Mitch plus a ULTRAVIOLENCE RAY bandmember cry out... Details

Strange Attractor feat. Jeff (The Statues)
Mutant Love (LP, FOC)
Mutant Love (LP, FOC)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk
9 Tracks; Klappcover. This is Jeff from the STATUES with his solo outfit, way more dirty and garage then Statues. Details
9 Tracks; Klappcover. This is Jeff from the STATUES with his solo outfit, way more dirty and garage then Statues. Details

Superhelicopter feat. Nils Damage (Superhelicopter Ltd. / The Damnation Kids / The Gothiefs / The Spamchords / Interstellar Nightmare / Preskool Dropouts / Joe Le Balor / Kalotte)
Deutschland (7")
Deutschland (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Blues Punk
2 Tracks; One-Sided; Limited to 315 copies. Gold Silkscreened B-Side. Ursprünglich erschienen in einer 100 Auflage als Beilage zur LP "Sweet, Nice And Happy". Hier gibt es die Oldenburger mit zwei... Details
2 Tracks; One-Sided; Limited to 315 copies. Gold Silkscreened B-Side. Ursprünglich erschienen in einer 100 Auflage als Beilage zur LP "Sweet, Nice And Happy". Hier gibt es die Oldenburger mit zwei... Details
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