Malice In Wonderland (LP)
Malice In Wonderland (LP)
80s / Hard Rock
10 Tracks; Innnehülle mit Texten. Das (laminierte) Cover ist von der spanischen Pressung (6370 432), das Vinyl jedoch eine UK-Pressung (TOPS 126)... Die Laminierung des Covers hat Falten. Details
10 Tracks; Innnehülle mit Texten. Das (laminierte) Cover ist von der spanischen Pressung (6370 432), das Vinyl jedoch eine UK-Pressung (TOPS 126)... Die Laminierung des Covers hat Falten. Details

Nervous Eaters feat. Steve Cataldo (The Reflectors)
Eaterville #2 (LP)
Eaterville #2 (LP)
70s / Punk Rock / Punk'n'Roll / Killed By Death
12 Tracks; Compilation. The Live Files, Action Packed Galore, Rat-ities & Roaring Reel to Reel Broadcasts 76-79. 'Eaterville Vol. 2' is not a compilation of low-fi recordings and rehearsals, but... Details
12 Tracks; Compilation. The Live Files, Action Packed Galore, Rat-ities & Roaring Reel to Reel Broadcasts 76-79. 'Eaterville Vol. 2' is not a compilation of low-fi recordings and rehearsals, but... Details

Nikki & The Corvettes pre-Nikki Corvette & The Romeos
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
80s / Power Pop / Punk Rock
16 Tracks; Inkl. 4 Bonus Tracks; Reissue. Out of print for quite a few years now, now back in print via Munster Records! Originally released on BOMP! Records in 1980 in the aftermath of the punk... Details
16 Tracks; Inkl. 4 Bonus Tracks; Reissue. Out of print for quite a few years now, now back in print via Munster Records! Originally released on BOMP! Records in 1980 in the aftermath of the punk... Details

No Sweat pre-The Sweat / feat. Clive Culbertson
Start All Over Again EP (7")
Start All Over Again EP (7")
70s / Power Pop / Killed By Death
4 Tracks; Reissue; Limited to 400 copies. Neuauflage der einzigen Single des Trios aus Northern Irland bestehend aus den CULBERTSON-Brüdern Clive und Adrian sowie Paddy Scanloon. Sie erschien 1978... Details
4 Tracks; Reissue; Limited to 400 copies. Neuauflage der einzigen Single des Trios aus Northern Irland bestehend aus den CULBERTSON-Brüdern Clive und Adrian sowie Paddy Scanloon. Sie erschien 1978... Details
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