GG Allin & Antiseen
Murder Junkies (LP)
Murder Junkies (LP)
90s / Scum Punk
10 Tracks; Remastered; Reissue; Limited to 600 copies. "Murder Junkies" is the 7th studio album by GG ALLIN and featuring ANTiSEEN as band. This is GG ALLIN's final studio album to be released... Details
10 Tracks; Remastered; Reissue; Limited to 600 copies. "Murder Junkies" is the 7th studio album by GG ALLIN and featuring ANTiSEEN as band. This is GG ALLIN's final studio album to be released... Details
Hammercocks / The Faggot Kings
Split (LP)
Split (LP)
Scum Punk / Punk'n'Roll
2 Bands; 14 Tracks. A ballsy trans-atlantic team up of two great followers of the good ‘ol down & dirty tradition of buzzsaw Destructo Punk. The HAMMERCOCKS are from Texas and as everybody who’s... Details
2 Bands; 14 Tracks. A ballsy trans-atlantic team up of two great followers of the good ‘ol down & dirty tradition of buzzsaw Destructo Punk. The HAMMERCOCKS are from Texas and as everybody who’s... Details

LiveFastDie LFD
Bandana Thrash Bloopers (7")
Bandana Thrash Bloopers (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Scum Punk
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Outtakes vom Album "Bandana Trash Record" im besten GG ALLIN & THE SCUMFUCS Stil inklusive ordentlich übersteuertem Gitarrensound. "Gonna Have Some Fun" im... Details
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Outtakes vom Album "Bandana Trash Record" im besten GG ALLIN & THE SCUMFUCS Stil inklusive ordentlich übersteuertem Gitarrensound. "Gonna Have Some Fun" im... Details

Trailer Park Tornados
Don't Mind The Maggots (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Don't Mind The Maggots (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Scum Punk
4 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl. Das aus dem Arsch der USA, Buffalo, stammende Trio verwüstet mit diesen 4 kruden LoFi Punk Hasstiraden regelrecht alles was ihm im Weg steht. Als Vergleich dienen primitive... Details
4 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl. Das aus dem Arsch der USA, Buffalo, stammende Trio verwüstet mit diesen 4 kruden LoFi Punk Hasstiraden regelrecht alles was ihm im Weg steht. Als Vergleich dienen primitive... Details
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