Schlong / False Sacrament feat. Pat Mello (Watch Them Die / Uncus) & Dave Mello (Downfall / Jewdriver / Operation Ivy / Shaken 69)
Split (10", farbiges Vinyl)
Split (10", farbiges Vinyl)
Experimental / Punk / Jazzcore
2 Bands; 11 Tracks; Weiss/Pinkes Vinyl. Split der zwei US-Bands. SCHLOND aus Oakland, Kalifornien mit den Brüdern Dave Mello (u.a. OPERAtION IVY und DOWNFALL) & Pat Mello (u.a. WATCH THEM DIE)... Details
2 Bands; 11 Tracks; Weiss/Pinkes Vinyl. Split der zwei US-Bands. SCHLOND aus Oakland, Kalifornien mit den Brüdern Dave Mello (u.a. OPERAtION IVY und DOWNFALL) & Pat Mello (u.a. WATCH THEM DIE)... Details

Spider Bags
Frozen Letter (LP+MP3, farbiges Vinyl)
Frozen Letter (LP+MP3, farbiges Vinyl)
Garage / Psych / Punk
8 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Inkl. Download-Code. Chapel Hill, North Carolina's SPIDER BAGS push themselves further out into the psychedelic frontier than ever before, aided by engineer/producer WESLEY... Details
8 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Inkl. Download-Code. Chapel Hill, North Carolina's SPIDER BAGS push themselves further out into the psychedelic frontier than ever before, aided by engineer/producer WESLEY... Details
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