Bad Brains
Black Dots (LP)
Black Dots (LP)
70s / Hardcore Punk / Reggae / Killed By Death
16 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Reissue. The first full length session of BAD BRAINS in a studio, recorded at Inner Ear in 1979! Details
16 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Reissue. The first full length session of BAD BRAINS in a studio, recorded at Inner Ear in 1979! Details

Bastards (FIN)
Demo 1982 (LP)
Demo 1982 (LP)
80s / Hardcore / Punk / Killed By Death
26 Track; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. Vinyl-Neuauflage ihres Demos von 1982 in Originalgeschwindigkeit. Ein weiteres Stück klassischer finnischer Hardcore der 80er. Die BASTARDS... Details
26 Track; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. Vinyl-Neuauflage ihres Demos von 1982 in Originalgeschwindigkeit. Ein weiteres Stück klassischer finnischer Hardcore der 80er. Die BASTARDS... Details

Black Randy & His Elite Metrosquad
Idi Amin (7")
Idi Amin (7")
Punk Rock / Funk / Killed By Death
4 Tracks; Reissue. Replica reissue of this 1978 release. Dangerhouse was one of the first independent labels to document the burgeoning West Coast punk rock scene of the late 70s. Although... Details
4 Tracks; Reissue. Replica reissue of this 1978 release. Dangerhouse was one of the first independent labels to document the burgeoning West Coast punk rock scene of the late 70s. Although... Details

Black Randy & The Metrosquad feat. Joe Ramirez (Eyes / The Flesh Eaters) & Joe Nanini (The Dils / Wall Of Voodoo)
I Slept In An Arcade (7")
I Slept In An Arcade (7")
Punk Rock / Killed By Death
2 Tracks; Reissue. Replica reissue of this 1979 release. Dangerhouse was one of the first independent labels to document the burgeoning West Coast punk rock scene of the late 70s. Although... Details
2 Tracks; Reissue. Replica reissue of this 1979 release. Dangerhouse was one of the first independent labels to document the burgeoning West Coast punk rock scene of the late 70s. Although... Details

Black Randy & The Metrosquad feat. John Doe (X / Randoms) & K. K. Barrett (Screamers / Randoms)
Trouble At The Cup (7")
Trouble At The Cup (7")
Punk Rock / New Wave / Killed By Death
3 Tracks; Reissue. Replica reissue of this 1977 release. Dangerhouse was one of the first independent labels to document the burgeoning West Coast punk rock scene of the late 70s. Although... Details
3 Tracks; Reissue. Replica reissue of this 1977 release. Dangerhouse was one of the first independent labels to document the burgeoning West Coast punk rock scene of the late 70s. Although... Details

The Bleach Boys
Fur Cough From The Grave (LP)
Fur Cough From The Grave (LP)
70s / 80s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
14 Tracks; Compilation; Limited to 400 copies. Original 1976-1983 UK Punk. Punk Rock hadn't really hit small town England in 1976, but when it did, it hit like a neutron bomb. THE BLEACH BOYS... Details
14 Tracks; Compilation; Limited to 400 copies. Original 1976-1983 UK Punk. Punk Rock hadn't really hit small town England in 1976, but when it did, it hit like a neutron bomb. THE BLEACH BOYS... Details

Briard feat. Andy McCoy (Hanoi Rocks)
I Really Hate Ya / I Want Ya Back (7")
I Really Hate Ya / I Want Ya Back (7")
70s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
2 Tracks; Reissue. Die erste offizielle Vinyl-Neuauflage der wohl ersten jemals aufgenommenen finnischen Punk-Single! Diese Replica-Sleeved-Edition wurde sorgfältig für Vinyl remastered und kommt... Details
2 Tracks; Reissue. Die erste offizielle Vinyl-Neuauflage der wohl ersten jemals aufgenommenen finnischen Punk-Single! Diese Replica-Sleeved-Edition wurde sorgfältig für Vinyl remastered und kommt... Details
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