Jetz pre-The Pencils
If That's What You Really Want: 1977 - 1979 (LP)
If That's What You Really Want: 1977 - 1979 (LP)
70s / Power Pop / Mod / Punk Rock
13 Tracks; Compilation. The first ever domestic vinyl release of this archival compilation of all their classic material. This release of the album features one additional bonus song not found on... Details
13 Tracks; Compilation. The first ever domestic vinyl release of this archival compilation of all their classic material. This release of the album features one additional bonus song not found on... Details
JFA Jodie Foster's Army
Live 1984 Tour (LP)
Live 1984 Tour (LP)
Hardcore Punk / Skate Punk / Killed By Death
20 Tracks. Live at CBGB's New York, NY + Live at the Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA. Details
20 Tracks. Live at CBGB's New York, NY + Live at the Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA. Details
Jobbernowl feat. Omar (Quit)
My Sight (10")
My Sight (10")
Hardcore / Emo / Pop Punk
6 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt mit Texten; Limited to 1000 numbered copies. Emotional hardcore from Florida, no whiny emo! Details
6 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt mit Texten; Limited to 1000 numbered copies. Emotional hardcore from Florida, no whiny emo! Details
Johnny Socko
Full Trucker Effect (LP)
Full Trucker Effect (LP)
Ska / Ska Punk
21 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 1000 copies. 2. Album der US "third wave" Ska Band aus Bloomington. Details
21 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 1000 copies. 2. Album der US "third wave" Ska Band aus Bloomington. Details
Jon Cougar Concentration Camp feat. Chris Fields (The Dwarves / The Queers / End Of Power)
8 West (7")
8 West (7")
Punk Rock
2 Tracks. Band aus San Diego feat. Chris Fields (u.a THE DWARVES, THE QUEERS) & Dave Swain (THE QUEERS). Produziert von Blag Dahlia (THE DWARVES). Details
2 Tracks. Band aus San Diego feat. Chris Fields (u.a THE DWARVES, THE QUEERS) & Dave Swain (THE QUEERS). Produziert von Blag Dahlia (THE DWARVES). Details

Jones Very pre-Alloy / ex-Articles Of Faith / feat. Vic Bondi
Trains Of Thought (7")
Trains Of Thought (7")
90s / Post-Hardcore / Punk
2 Tracks; Pink Marbled Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Leichter Fleck auf Cover. Details
2 Tracks; Pink Marbled Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Leichter Fleck auf Cover. Details

Jones Very pre-Alloy / ex-Articles Of Faith / feat. Vic Bondi
Trains Of Thought (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Trains Of Thought (7", farbiges Vinyl)
All Day Sucker (LP)
All Day Sucker (LP)
Indie Rock / Noise Rock / Jazz Punk
12 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Einziges Album der US-Band aus Minneapolis. Details
12 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Einziges Album der US-Band aus Minneapolis. Details
The Joykiller feat. Jack Grisham (T.S.O.L.) & Billy Persons (Weirdos) & Chris Lagerborg (The Vandals / F-Minus / Down By Law)
Static (CD)
Static (CD)
Pop Punk
14 Tracks; Booklet mit Texten. "Erweist sich überraschenderweise als ziemlich hitverdächtige Platte, die zwar genausoweit vom frühen kalifornischen Punkrock entfernt ist wie der Vorgänger, aber... Details
14 Tracks; Booklet mit Texten. "Erweist sich überraschenderweise als ziemlich hitverdächtige Platte, die zwar genausoweit vom frühen kalifornischen Punkrock entfernt ist wie der Vorgänger, aber... Details
Jr. Gone Wild
Less Art More Pop! (LP)
Less Art More Pop! (LP)
Country Punk / Beat / Garage Rock
14 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Debütalbum von 1986 der Cowpunk Band aus Kanada. Details
14 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Debütalbum von 1986 der Cowpunk Band aus Kanada. Details

The Judges
Judgement Day (LP)
Judgement Day (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
9 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Debut LP from Melbourne Australia’s JUDGES. A 36-minute meditation on the power of THE RIFF from some of the folks who brought you Smarts, Cereal Killer, and Living Eyes.... Details
9 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Debut LP from Melbourne Australia’s JUDGES. A 36-minute meditation on the power of THE RIFF from some of the folks who brought you Smarts, Cereal Killer, and Living Eyes.... Details
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