Third Rail feat. Steve Merritt (Complete Disorder)
End It (LP)
2nd Hand (vg+/m-) US 1990 Caffeine Machine Publications CMP 001
90s / Noise Rock / Sludge Metal / Hardcore Punk
9 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Einzige Veröffentlichung der US-Band aus Berkeley, CA. Für Fans der ROLLINS BAND und BLACK FLAG zu "My War" Zeiten. Details
7,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Trained Attack Dogs
Pizza (7")
2nd Hand (m-/vg-) US 1987 Rave RAVE 002
4 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt mit Texten und Aufkleber; Edition of 1500 copies. Philadelphia hardcore with a rock'n'roll/rockabilly edge. Details
2,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Traitors ex-No Empathy
s/t (LP)
Neuware US 1998 Johanns Face JFR 041
Punk Rock / Garage Punk / Hardcore
15 Tracks. Nasty garage hardcore. Think NEW BOMB TURKS, only faster; think MINOR THREAT, only more fucked up; think very, very drunk. Details
11,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Transilvia - Screaming In The Basement Strapped To A Leather Spiderweb (7")
Screaming In The Basement Strapped To A Leather Spiderweb (7", farbiges Vinyl)
2nd Hand (m-/vg+) US 1991 Well Primed
Industrial / Grunge / Hardcore
3 Tracks; Grün-Klares Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt + Infoblatt + Aufkleber. A horror power trio based in New Brunswick, NJ. Formed in a cloud of smoke in 1989, they are soundtracking the urban rat... Details
4,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Treepeople feat. Doug Martsch (Built To Spill / The Halo Benders) & Scott (State Of Confusion / Stuntman)
Just Kidding (LP)
Neuware (m-/m-; rw) US 1993 C/Z CZ054
Indie Rock / Post-Hardcore / Grunge
11 Tracks; Limited Edition. Gesuchtes 3. Album der 1987 gegründeten US-Band um Doug Martsch (u.a. BUILT TO SPILL). Details
18,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Tripface feat. Scott (Burning Bridges) & Dave Allen (Glassjaw)
This Foundation (7")
2nd Hand (m-/m-) US 1996 Exit EXT003-7
4 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Hardcore band from Long Island, active from 1993-1997. Details
4,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
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