Ladies Night / No Feeling feat. Levon (Das Pussyhound)
Split (7")
Split (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Trash
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Limited to 400 copies. Split-7" der beiden Bands aus Vancouver, Kanada. LADIES NIGHT ist ein schwer gestörtes Distortion Garage Punk Monster - irgendwo zwischen den OBLIVIANS... Details
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Limited to 400 copies. Split-7" der beiden Bands aus Vancouver, Kanada. LADIES NIGHT ist ein schwer gestörtes Distortion Garage Punk Monster - irgendwo zwischen den OBLIVIANS... Details

Les Terribles feat. Operation S / The No Talents / Cecilia und die Sauerkrauts
Quelque Chose Comme Ca (LP)
Quelque Chose Comme Ca (LP)
60s Style / Garage Punk / Beat
12 Tracks. The french ambassadors of the yéyé beat return with their third album! So, are you ready for an amazing 60's dance party? Well, don't forget to bring this platter to the DJ! LES... Details
12 Tracks. The french ambassadors of the yéyé beat return with their third album! So, are you ready for an amazing 60's dance party? Well, don't forget to bring this platter to the DJ! LES... Details

LiveFastDie LFD
Bandana Thrash Bloopers (7")
Bandana Thrash Bloopers (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Scum Punk
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Outtakes vom Album "Bandana Trash Record" im besten GG ALLIN & THE SCUMFUCS Stil inklusive ordentlich übersteuertem Gitarrensound. "Gonna Have Some Fun" im... Details
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Outtakes vom Album "Bandana Trash Record" im besten GG ALLIN & THE SCUMFUCS Stil inklusive ordentlich übersteuertem Gitarrensound. "Gonna Have Some Fun" im... Details

The Locomotions feat. Martin Savage (Blacks / Dixie Buzzards / Tokyo Knives) / Loco Lopez & Topi the Kat (Sons Of Cyrus)
s/t (7")
s/t (7")

Th' Losin Streaks feat. Tim Foster (The Trouble Makers / Trouble Bound Gospel) & Matt K. Shrugg (Groovie Ghoulies / The Zodiac Killers)
Sounds Of Violence (LP)
Sounds Of Violence (LP)
60s Style / Garage Punk
14 Tracks; Reissue. Garage Rock, wie er gespielt werden sollte: laut, wild, kompromisslos! Und ohne die üblichen Retro-ismen. Man stelle sich vor THE SONICS treffen Texas Punk '66. Eine... Details
14 Tracks; Reissue. Garage Rock, wie er gespielt werden sollte: laut, wild, kompromisslos! Und ohne die üblichen Retro-ismen. Man stelle sich vor THE SONICS treffen Texas Punk '66. Eine... Details
Love & Respect feat. Steve Turner (Mudhoney)
Deep & Heartfelt (LP)
Deep & Heartfelt (LP)
Garage Punk / Blues Punk / Noise Punk
12 Tracks. Zweitband des MUDHONEY Gitarristen Steve Turner. Details
12 Tracks. Zweitband des MUDHONEY Gitarristen Steve Turner. Details
The Lovely Bad Things
The Late Great Whatever (LP)
The Late Great Whatever (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Garage Pop / Grunge / Surf
12 Tracks. Deeply embedded in California's DIY scene, the THE LOVELY BAD THINGS have cultivated a devoted fan base through sharing the stage (or lack thereof) with noteworthy acts THE GROWLERS,... Details
12 Tracks. Deeply embedded in California's DIY scene, the THE LOVELY BAD THINGS have cultivated a devoted fan base through sharing the stage (or lack thereof) with noteworthy acts THE GROWLERS,... Details

Lover! feat. Rich Crook (Reatards / Lost Sounds / Knaughty Knights)
Lost In The Shuffle: The Singles Collection (LP, FOC)
Lost In The Shuffle: The Singles Collection (LP, FOC)
Garage Punk / Garage Pop / Psychedelic
16 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. Singles collection with their gazillion 7"ers . Details
16 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. Singles collection with their gazillion 7"ers . Details
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