The 99th Floor ex-Sick Rose / pre-The Acid Lemon
Teen Trash Vol. 9 (CD)
Teen Trash Vol. 9 (CD)
60s Style / Garage Punk
14 Tracks. 99THE FLOOR are another exponent of the still going strong Italian 60's punk inspired scene of today! They feature ex-members of the well-known and famous SICK ROSE! Details
14 Tracks. 99THE FLOOR are another exponent of the still going strong Italian 60's punk inspired scene of today! They feature ex-members of the well-known and famous SICK ROSE! Details

Amyl & The Sniffers
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
11 Tracks. AMYL & THE SNIFFERS sind die langersehnte, unbekümmert-energiegeladene Wiederbelebungsmaßnahme, die dem Punk noch einmal neuen Atem eingehaucht hat. In allerbester trotzig-rotziger... Details
11 Tracks. AMYL & THE SNIFFERS sind die langersehnte, unbekümmert-energiegeladene Wiederbelebungsmaßnahme, die dem Punk noch einmal neuen Atem eingehaucht hat. In allerbester trotzig-rotziger... Details

The Anomalys feat. Bone (The Sex Organs)
Deadline Blues (7")
Deadline Blues (7")
Garage Punk
2 Tracks. This is the darkest effort yet from from the negative tequila sex beat bringers, Amsterdam's ANOMALYS. The A-nomaly side of this single, "Deadline Blues", is a tough assed mid-tempo... Details
2 Tracks. This is the darkest effort yet from from the negative tequila sex beat bringers, Amsterdam's ANOMALYS. The A-nomaly side of this single, "Deadline Blues", is a tough assed mid-tempo... Details

Balagan / SUCK feat. Uri (Häxxan)
Shit / Fuck (7")
Shit / Fuck (7")
Garage Punk
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Split der beiden Psychedelic Garage Punk Bands. Bei BALAGAN aus Berlin ist Uri von HÄXXAN dabei. SUCK aus Kassel bewegen sich im Fahrwasser von Bands wie... Details
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Split der beiden Psychedelic Garage Punk Bands. Bei BALAGAN aus Berlin ist Uri von HÄXXAN dabei. SUCK aus Kassel bewegen sich im Fahrwasser von Bands wie... Details

Bantam Rooster feat. Tom Potter (The Dirtbombs / The Chrome Spiders / The Detroit City Council)
Low Budget Lust (7")
Low Budget Lust (7")

The BellRays feat. Lisa Kekaula (The Now Time Delegation)
Grand Fury (LP)
Grand Fury (LP)
Soul Punk / Garage Punk
13 Tracks; Remastered; Reissue. Finally its here! After many years, the repress arrived. This time how it was supposed to be. With new cover artworkand newly mixed songs. It's a rare but... Details
13 Tracks; Remastered; Reissue. Finally its here! After many years, the repress arrived. This time how it was supposed to be. With new cover artworkand newly mixed songs. It's a rare but... Details

Beyond Lickin'
Return Of The Pantyhose Snatcher (CD)
Return Of The Pantyhose Snatcher (CD)
Lo-Fi / 60s Style / Garage Punk / Surf
13 Tracks. Wild garagesurfsixtiespunk from Pernis Rotterdam the Netherlands. File under: "Surf Trash Punkin' Garage Rock & Roll". Details
13 Tracks. Wild garagesurfsixtiespunk from Pernis Rotterdam the Netherlands. File under: "Surf Trash Punkin' Garage Rock & Roll". Details
The Black Lips / Subsonics
Live At The Clermont Hotel (7")
Live At The Clermont Hotel (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk
2 Bands; 4 Tracks. Live at the Clermont lounge, Atlanta's seediest strip club, its the BLACK LIPS and SUBSONICS!!! Recorded live on August 16, 2007. BLACK LIPS do "Bad Kids" and "Lean." SUBSONICS... Details
2 Bands; 4 Tracks. Live at the Clermont lounge, Atlanta's seediest strip club, its the BLACK LIPS and SUBSONICS!!! Recorded live on August 16, 2007. BLACK LIPS do "Bad Kids" and "Lean." SUBSONICS... Details

Black Monuments feat. Ryan (Positive Noise)
s/t (7")
s/t (7")
Lo-Fi / Synth-Punk / Garage Punk
3 Tracks; Schwarzes Vinyl; Limited to 200 copies (of 300). US-Band from Grand Rapids, Michigan playing raging Synth Punk/Garage with a touch of HC. Details
3 Tracks; Schwarzes Vinyl; Limited to 200 copies (of 300). US-Band from Grand Rapids, Michigan playing raging Synth Punk/Garage with a touch of HC. Details
The Black Orchids feat. Jenna McGrath (Da Willys)
The Lunatics Ball (7")
The Lunatics Ball (7")
80s / Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
4 Tracks. New York US-Band with female vox on some songs. Only release of the band. Details
4 Tracks. New York US-Band with female vox on some songs. Only release of the band. Details
Born Loose feat. Larry May (Candy Snatchers / The Crums) & Suke (Snuka / Iron Prostate / Candy Snatchers) & Shane Konen (Live Ones / Ghetto Ways) & Eric Robel (Heroin Sheiks / Nova Express).
Blowout! (LP+MP3)
Blowout! (LP+MP3)
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll / Schweinerock
12 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. Kick Ass Rock'n'Roll - wenn es je eine Band gegeben hat, auf die diese Bezeichnung passt, dann waren es die CANDY SNATCHERS. BORN LOOSE sind die ultimative... Details
12 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. Kick Ass Rock'n'Roll - wenn es je eine Band gegeben hat, auf die diese Bezeichnung passt, dann waren es die CANDY SNATCHERS. BORN LOOSE sind die ultimative... Details

Born Loose feat. Larry May (Candy Snatchers / The Crums) & Suke (Snuka / Iron Prostate / Candy Snatchers) & Shane Konen (Live Ones / Ghetto Ways) & Eric Robel (Heroin Sheiks / Nova Express).
Move Along (7")
Move Along (7")
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll / Schweinerock
3 Tracks; Limited to 600 copies. Killer debut recordings by CANDY SNATCHERS' Larry May's band! It features 2 original songs plus a fantastic cover of the M-80's garage-punk anthem "You've Been... Details
3 Tracks; Limited to 600 copies. Killer debut recordings by CANDY SNATCHERS' Larry May's band! It features 2 original songs plus a fantastic cover of the M-80's garage-punk anthem "You've Been... Details

Brain Tilt pre-The Sidetracks / pre-The King Ryders / feat. Sleepy Doc Julius (Shady & The Vamp)
Inside Out (7")
Inside Out (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Rock / Garage Punk
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited Edition. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. ""Inside out" is a two guitar n drums declaration of love to your favourite punk-girl out there. It rips... Details
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited Edition. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. ""Inside out" is a two guitar n drums declaration of love to your favourite punk-girl out there. It rips... Details

Brain Tilt pre-The Sidetracks / pre-The King Ryders / feat. Sleepy Doc Julius (Shady & The Vamp)
No Glasses On (7")
No Glasses On (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Rock / Garage Punk
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblätter; Limited Edition. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. "BRAIN TILT lost their oldest member to - how fitting - a brain disease, but the trio is complete again... Details
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblätter; Limited Edition. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. "BRAIN TILT lost their oldest member to - how fitting - a brain disease, but the trio is complete again... Details

Brain Tilt pre-The Sidetracks / pre-The King Ryders
The Deranged Side Of Doo-Wop (LP)
The Deranged Side Of Doo-Wop (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Rock / Garage Punk
12 Tracks; DIY Siebdruckcover; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. Die Cover kommen in sehr einzigartigen Hüllen: einem Siebdruck auf alte,... Details
12 Tracks; DIY Siebdruckcover; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. Die Cover kommen in sehr einzigartigen Hüllen: einem Siebdruck auf alte,... Details

Brain Tilt pre-The Sidetracks / pre-The King Ryders
The Deranged Side Of Doo-Wop (LP)
The Deranged Side Of Doo-Wop (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Rock / Garage Punk
12 Tracks; DIY Siebdruckcover; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. Die Cover kommen in sehr einzigartigen Hüllen: einem Siebdruck auf alte,... Details
12 Tracks; DIY Siebdruckcover; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. Die Cover kommen in sehr einzigartigen Hüllen: einem Siebdruck auf alte,... Details

Brain Tilt pre-The Sidetracks / pre-The King Ryders
The Deranged Side Of Doo-Wop (LP)
The Deranged Side Of Doo-Wop (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Rock / Garage Punk
12 Tracks; DIY Siebdruckcover; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. Die Cover kommen in sehr einzigartigen Hüllen: einem Siebdruck auf alte,... Details
12 Tracks; DIY Siebdruckcover; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz. Die Cover kommen in sehr einzigartigen Hüllen: einem Siebdruck auf alte,... Details

Brick War feat. King Louie (Bad Times / Kajun SS / Persuaders / The Royal Pendletons / Missing Monuments) & Paul Rotzz (Die Rotzz / Kajun SS) & Julian Fried (Black Rose Band / Missing...
Warpath (2x7")
Warpath (2x7")
Garage Punk
4 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. King Louie (PERSUADERS & tons more) + Julian Fried (BLACK ROSE BAND/MISSING MONUMENTS) + Jerry Macgillicuddy (BLACK ROSE BAND/MACGILLICUDDYS) + Paul Rotzz (DIE... Details
4 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. King Louie (PERSUADERS & tons more) + Julian Fried (BLACK ROSE BAND/MISSING MONUMENTS) + Jerry Macgillicuddy (BLACK ROSE BAND/MACGILLICUDDYS) + Paul Rotzz (DIE... Details

Buck Biloxi & The Fucks pre-New Buck Biloxi
Put You In The Gulag (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Put You In The Gulag (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
3 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Repress; Limited to 200 numbered copies (of 250). Es braucht ein besonderes Talent, super eingängige, angepisste Songs zu schreiben. Diese EP enthält drei. Minimalistischer... Details
3 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Repress; Limited to 200 numbered copies (of 250). Es braucht ein besonderes Talent, super eingängige, angepisste Songs zu schreiben. Diese EP enthält drei. Minimalistischer... Details

The Celebrities feat. Joe Sussman (Nancy / Dangus Tarkus / Muff Divers) & Kel Mason (Gee Tee)
Redd Karpet (LP)
Redd Karpet (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
7 Tracks; Limited Edition. An international collaboration between Joe Sussman (NANCY, DANGUS TARKUS, MUFF DIVERS) and Kel Mason (GEE TEE) with a cameo by Ishka Edmeades (TEE VEE REPAIRMAN, SATANIC... Details
7 Tracks; Limited Edition. An international collaboration between Joe Sussman (NANCY, DANGUS TARKUS, MUFF DIVERS) and Kel Mason (GEE TEE) with a cameo by Ishka Edmeades (TEE VEE REPAIRMAN, SATANIC... Details

Chained Bliss
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
Punk Rock / Post Punk / Garage Punk
10 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Philly’s own CHAINED BLISS set tongues a-waggin’ back in 2019 with their "Stained Red" cassette EP, gathering more than a few comparisons to the WIPERS’ early racket... Details
10 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Philly’s own CHAINED BLISS set tongues a-waggin’ back in 2019 with their "Stained Red" cassette EP, gathering more than a few comparisons to the WIPERS’ early racket... Details

Cheb Samir & The Black Souls Of Leviathan feat. Seb Normal (Crash Normal / The Normals / Cheeraks / Feeling Of Love)
Don't Like Girls (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Don't Like Girls (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Duo
3 Tracks; Graues Vinyl. Art Garage Punk Duo aus Frankreich, das sich aus Cheb Samir und Seb von den NORMALS zusammensetzt. Drei Stücke die an die frühen DIRTBOMBS und an die CHEATER SLICKS... Details
3 Tracks; Graues Vinyl. Art Garage Punk Duo aus Frankreich, das sich aus Cheb Samir und Seb von den NORMALS zusammensetzt. Drei Stücke die an die frühen DIRTBOMBS und an die CHEATER SLICKS... Details

Billy Childish Thee Mighty Caesars / Thee Headcoats / The Buff Medways / The Milkshakes / The William Loveday Intention / The Spartan Dreggs / CTMF / The Guy Hamper Trio / The Delmonas /...
From Fossilised Cretaceous Seams: A Short History (2xLP, FOC)
From Fossilised Cretaceous Seams: A Short History (2xLP, FOC)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Blues Punk
33 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. Als die Idee für das das Ted Kessler Buch "To Ease My Troubled Mind: Die autorisierte unautorisierte Geschichte von Billy Childish" aufkam, wollte Billy ein... Details
33 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. Als die Idee für das das Ted Kessler Buch "To Ease My Troubled Mind: Die autorisierte unautorisierte Geschichte von Billy Childish" aufkam, wollte Billy ein... Details

Billy Childish The Buff Medways / The MBEs / The Milkshakes / Thee Headcoats / The Chatham Singers / The Pop Rivets / Thee Mighty Caesars / Jack Ketch & The Crowmen / Kyra / Delmonas
Punk Rock ist nicht tot: 1977-2018 (3xLP, FOC)
Punk Rock ist nicht tot: 1977-2018 (3xLP, FOC)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Blues Punk
48 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben links eine angeschlagene Ecke! 40 Years of Childish! Career-spanning compilation! Triple Gatefold Vinyl! Sleevenotes by Stewart Lee!... Details
48 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben links eine angeschlagene Ecke! 40 Years of Childish! Career-spanning compilation! Triple Gatefold Vinyl! Sleevenotes by Stewart Lee!... Details
Wild Billy Childish & The Buff Medways feat. Billy Childish (The Milkshakes / Thee Mighty Caesars / Thee Headcoats / The Pop Rivets)
The XFM Sessions (LP)
The XFM Sessions (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Garage Rock
15 Tracks. Ganz im Sinne des Ausspruchs von BILLY CHILDISH, dass sich eine Band immer ein wenig vor ihrer Zeit auflösen sollte, gingen CHILDISH und seine BUFF MEDWAYS 2006 getrennte Wege, nachdem... Details
15 Tracks. Ganz im Sinne des Ausspruchs von BILLY CHILDISH, dass sich eine Band immer ein wenig vor ihrer Zeit auflösen sollte, gingen CHILDISH und seine BUFF MEDWAYS 2006 getrennte Wege, nachdem... Details

Choke Chains feat. Tom Potter (Bantam Rooster / The Dirtbombs) & Mark Millionaire (The Chinese Millionaires) & Lindsey Crappor (No Bails)
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Noise
12 Tracks. Thomas Jackson Potter, he of 90s Crypt Records legends BANTAM ROOSTER and an original member of DIRTBOMBS, has concocted another nasty recipe for disaster with this latest unit... Details
12 Tracks. Thomas Jackson Potter, he of 90s Crypt Records legends BANTAM ROOSTER and an original member of DIRTBOMBS, has concocted another nasty recipe for disaster with this latest unit... Details

Chubby & The Gang
The Mutt's Nuts (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
The Mutt's Nuts (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Hardcore Punk / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
15 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Limited Edition. West London five-piece CHUBBY & THE GANG are balanced by two energies – a casual “fuck it” on one side, an active “fuck off” on the other. For every... Details
15 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Limited Edition. West London five-piece CHUBBY & THE GANG are balanced by two energies – a casual “fuck it” on one side, an active “fuck off” on the other. For every... Details
Claw Hammer feat. Jon Wahl (The Electric Tombstones / Pontiac Brothers / The Suicide Kings / The Red Aunts / Blunder Tongue / The Cougars)
Pablum (LP)
Pablum (LP)

Coconut Coolouts
Halloween Party Songs (7"+MP3)
Halloween Party Songs (7"+MP3)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk
2 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. Two spooky Halloween songs. They continue the tradition of killer singles from Seattle's premiere party-punk band, only with a macabre, bone-chilling twist. Abject... Details
2 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. Two spooky Halloween songs. They continue the tradition of killer singles from Seattle's premiere party-punk band, only with a macabre, bone-chilling twist. Abject... Details
The Come N'Go
Tumbling Heights (LP+CD, farbiges Vinyl)
Tumbling Heights (LP+CD, farbiges Vinyl)
Garage Punk
10 Tracks; Gelbes Vinyl; A1 Poster Cover; Inkl. CD. 2001 in Biel/Bienne Schweiz gegründet von ein paar wilden Rock'n'Roll Teenager Punks! Nach etlichen überbordenden Live Konzerten und 3 Alben auf... Details
10 Tracks; Gelbes Vinyl; A1 Poster Cover; Inkl. CD. 2001 in Biel/Bienne Schweiz gegründet von ein paar wilden Rock'n'Roll Teenager Punks! Nach etlichen überbordenden Live Konzerten und 3 Alben auf... Details
The Conditionz
Pushing Up Daisies (12" EP)
Pushing Up Daisies (12" EP)
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
6 Tracks. US-Band aus Riverside, Kalifornien. "Start the 90’s with six brand new songs by the Conditionz. Punk destructo-garage rock to dump your beer by." Details
6 Tracks. US-Band aus Riverside, Kalifornien. "Start the 90’s with six brand new songs by the Conditionz. Punk destructo-garage rock to dump your beer by." Details

The Cramps
Bad Music For Bad People (T-Shirt / M)
Bad Music For Bad People (T-Shirt / M)
Garage Punk / Psychobilly
Offiziell lizensiertes rotes T-Shirt; Größe M; Gildan Softstyle Ring Spun; 100% Baumwolle. Details
Offiziell lizensiertes rotes T-Shirt; Größe M; Gildan Softstyle Ring Spun; 100% Baumwolle. Details

The Cramps
Do The Dog (T-Shirt / M)
Do The Dog (T-Shirt / M)
Garage Punk / Psychobilly
Offiziell lizensiertes weißes T-Shirt; Größe M; Gildan Softstyle Ring Spun; 100% Baumwolle. Details
Offiziell lizensiertes weißes T-Shirt; Größe M; Gildan Softstyle Ring Spun; 100% Baumwolle. Details
Curlee Wurlee
Birds & Bees (LP)
Birds & Bees (LP)
60s Style / Garage Punk / Beat / Pop Punk
14 Tracks. New and 4th album feat. 14 brilliant originals recorded on a hot rainy day. English and French, straight guitar and organ sounds: hits only. Not only garage punk and moody beat, but... Details
14 Tracks. New and 4th album feat. 14 brilliant originals recorded on a hot rainy day. English and French, straight guitar and organ sounds: hits only. Not only garage punk and moody beat, but... Details
The Dahmers
Down In The Basement (LP)
Down In The Basement (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
18 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! Das 3. Album der schwedischen Rock'n'Roll-Horror-Sensation. Das Album versammelt 18 Tracks mit einem... Details
18 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! Das 3. Album der schwedischen Rock'n'Roll-Horror-Sensation. Das Album versammelt 18 Tracks mit einem... Details
The Dahmers
In The Dead Of Night (LP)
In The Dead Of Night (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
13 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! A mutation of garage punk, energic rock and 60s pop makes 'In The Dead Of Night' a... Details
13 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! A mutation of garage punk, energic rock and 60s pop makes 'In The Dead Of Night' a... Details
DC Snipers feat. Mike Sniper (Blank Dogs / The Mayfair Set / LiveFastDie)
Missile Sunset (LP)
Missile Sunset (LP)
Garage Punk / Synth-Punk
11 Tracks. The DC SNIPERS from NYC bring something different to the table with each of the 11 tracks on this album; and it’s hard to do that and actually end up with a record that’s good! But the... Details
11 Tracks. The DC SNIPERS from NYC bring something different to the table with each of the 11 tracks on this album; and it’s hard to do that and actually end up with a record that’s good! But the... Details

Demolition Doll Rods feat. Dan Kroha (ex-The Gories)
Let Yourself Go (DVD)
Let Yourself Go (DVD)
Garage Punk / Garage Rock
117 Min. Spielzeit; NTSC/PAL (Multiregion). Live at EL JUGLAR, Madrid 2006. Das Trio ist besessen von einem Dämon, der sie zu bedingungslosem Entertainment zwingt und hat auch noch Spaß dabei!... Details
117 Min. Spielzeit; NTSC/PAL (Multiregion). Live at EL JUGLAR, Madrid 2006. Das Trio ist besessen von einem Dämon, der sie zu bedingungslosem Entertainment zwingt und hat auch noch Spaß dabei!... Details

Destination Lonely ex-The Fatals / ex-Kung-Fu Escalator / ex-The Beach Bitches
No One Can Save Me (LP+CD)
No One Can Save Me (LP+CD)
Garage Punk / Psych / Trash
10 Tracks; Inkl. CD. Drei ANGRY YOUNG MEN aus Toulouse/Bordeaux, entspringen einer reichen Rock'n'roll Garage Noise Trash Kultur in Süd Frankreich. Sie spielten und gründeten Bands wie BLEW UP,... Details
10 Tracks; Inkl. CD. Drei ANGRY YOUNG MEN aus Toulouse/Bordeaux, entspringen einer reichen Rock'n'roll Garage Noise Trash Kultur in Süd Frankreich. Sie spielten und gründeten Bands wie BLEW UP,... Details
Didjits feat. Rick Sims (Gaza Strippers / Supersuckers / The Lee Harvey Oswald Band)
Backstage Passout (LP)
Backstage Passout (LP)
90s / Punk Rock / Garage Punk
11 Tracks. Die US-Band aus Illinois live Sept. 19, 1990 at the Kilburn National Ballroom, London. Details
11 Tracks. Die US-Band aus Illinois live Sept. 19, 1990 at the Kilburn National Ballroom, London. Details

Digger & The Pussycats feat. Sam Agostino (Brat Farrar / Russian Roulettes / Kamikaze Trio)
Japanese Wedding (7")
Japanese Wedding (7")
Garage Punk / Blues Punk / Duo
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Unveröffentlichte Songs des beliebten australischen Duos ihrer letzten Studio Session. Details
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Unveröffentlichte Songs des beliebten australischen Duos ihrer letzten Studio Session. Details
The Double Naught Spys feat. Danny (The Botswanas) & Mike (The Wrong Directions)
Teen Trash Vol. 5 (CD)
Teen Trash Vol. 5 (CD)
60s Style / Garage Punk
16 Tracks; Reissue. USA 60's inspired screaming fuzz-punk. Reissue of the now deleted debut album "Goin' Nowhere With... ", here with 2 extra unreleased tracks. Details
16 Tracks; Reissue. USA 60's inspired screaming fuzz-punk. Reissue of the now deleted debut album "Goin' Nowhere With... ", here with 2 extra unreleased tracks. Details

Drunk Mums
Beer Baby (LP)
Beer Baby (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
10 Tracks; Limited Edition. Australia's unrivalled purveyors of hard-hitting tunes, DRUNK MUMS, are storming back onto the music scene in 2024 after a four-year hiatus that felt like a... Details
10 Tracks; Limited Edition. Australia's unrivalled purveyors of hard-hitting tunes, DRUNK MUMS, are storming back onto the music scene in 2024 after a four-year hiatus that felt like a... Details
The Dyna Jets ex-The Future Primitives
She's Magnetic (10")
She's Magnetic (10")
Garage Punk / Rockabilly / Surf
7 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. THE FUTURE PRIMITIVES are gone, they left a path of destruction and 3 LPs with music that blowed the brains of many around the globe. Now from the ashes of that... Details
7 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. THE FUTURE PRIMITIVES are gone, they left a path of destruction and 3 LPs with music that blowed the brains of many around the globe. Now from the ashes of that... Details
The Easy Livin' ex-The Morning Shakes / ex-The M-80s
Good Time Head-On Collision! (LP)
Good Time Head-On Collision! (LP)
60s Style / Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
14 Tracks. Garage punk band in the proud NYC tradition. This 14 track platter brings together the best worlds of '60s garage, '70s punk and '90s manic panic garage punk. Details
14 Tracks. Garage punk band in the proud NYC tradition. This 14 track platter brings together the best worlds of '60s garage, '70s punk and '90s manic panic garage punk. Details
The Electric Ferrets feat. Ike Robison (Badtown Boys / Dead Lazlo's Place)
Into My Brain (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Into My Brain (7", farbiges Vinyl)

Punk Floyd EP (7")
Punk Floyd EP (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Trash
4 Tracks; Limited to 300 numbered copies. Band from London, Ontario, Canada with low-fi-as-fuck garage punk. Details
4 Tracks; Limited to 300 numbered copies. Band from London, Ontario, Canada with low-fi-as-fuck garage punk. Details

The Feelers
Nothing Always (7")
Nothing Always (7")
Garage Punk
3 Tracks; Second pressing. THE FEELERS are back with this great 7", spazzed out "Killed by Death" Punk, snotty vox & hectic songs, this came out for their 2007 Euro Tour with the CLOROX GIRLS.... Details
3 Tracks; Second pressing. THE FEELERS are back with this great 7", spazzed out "Killed by Death" Punk, snotty vox & hectic songs, this came out for their 2007 Euro Tour with the CLOROX GIRLS.... Details
The Fiends ex-The Worst
Teen Trash Vol. 12 (CD)
Teen Trash Vol. 12 (CD)
60s Style / Garage Punk
13 Tracks. Volume 12 already in the International GARAGE PUNK serie featuring all neo Garage-punkers from all over the globe. This time it's the FIENDS from Vancouver CANADA with an excellent 60's... Details
13 Tracks. Volume 12 already in the International GARAGE PUNK serie featuring all neo Garage-punkers from all over the globe. This time it's the FIENDS from Vancouver CANADA with an excellent 60's... Details
Fist City / Piss Test feat. Zach (Red Dons / Scott Baio Army / Soda Pop Kids)
Split (7"+MP3)
Split (7"+MP3)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Old School
2 Bands; 5 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt + Download-Code. PISS TEST are from Portland featuring members of RED DONS, THERAPISTS, CUNTIFIERS, SCOTT BAIO ARMY, SODA POP KIDS, CALL SIGN COBRA, ... This... Details
2 Bands; 5 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt + Download-Code. PISS TEST are from Portland featuring members of RED DONS, THERAPISTS, CUNTIFIERS, SCOTT BAIO ARMY, SODA POP KIDS, CALL SIGN COBRA, ... This... Details

Gut Reactions
Bored (7")
Bored (7")
Garage Punk
3 Tracks. Still sad because THE FEELERS stopped playing about two years ago? Well, here’s a serious contender, the GUT REACTIONS from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! This three songs will hit you like a... Details
3 Tracks. Still sad because THE FEELERS stopped playing about two years ago? Well, here’s a serious contender, the GUT REACTIONS from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! This three songs will hit you like a... Details

Gut Reactions feat. Zygoteens
Yer So Cruel (7")
Yer So Cruel (7")
Garage Punk
3 Tracks. Zweite Single dieser begnadeten Garagen-Lärmer aus Milwaukee mit Leuten von den ZYGOTEENS. Details
3 Tracks. Zweite Single dieser begnadeten Garagen-Lärmer aus Milwaukee mit Leuten von den ZYGOTEENS. Details
Head On ex-Witcherry Wild
Woman On A Wall (LP+MP3, FOC)
Woman On A Wall (LP+MP3, FOC)
Garage Rock / Garage Punk / Blues Punk
10 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Klappcover; Inkl. Download-Code. With a band name assumed as a double tribute to Fatih Akin's punch movie as well as to the no less striking STOOGES' song, HEAD ON spreads... Details
10 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Klappcover; Inkl. Download-Code. With a band name assumed as a double tribute to Fatih Akin's punch movie as well as to the no less striking STOOGES' song, HEAD ON spreads... Details
Thee Headcoats feat. Billy Childish (The Milkshakes / Thee Mighty Caesars / The Pop Rivets / Wild Billy Childish & CTMF)
Conundrum (LP)
Conundrum (LP)
Lo-Fi / Blues Punk / Garage Punk
14 Tracks; Reissue. Die unangefochtenen Könige des Garage Rock! Re-Issue des längst vergriffenen Klassikers! Damals stand auf der Coverrückseite zur Erstveröffentlichung von "Conundrum": "Ripping... Details
14 Tracks; Reissue. Die unangefochtenen Könige des Garage Rock! Re-Issue des längst vergriffenen Klassikers! Damals stand auf der Coverrückseite zur Erstveröffentlichung von "Conundrum": "Ripping... Details

Thee Headcoats feat. Billy Childish (The Milkshakes / Thee Mighty Caesars / The Pop Rivets / Wild Billy Childish & CTMF)
Elementary Headcoats: Thee Singles 1990-1999 (3xLP, FOC)
Elementary Headcoats: Thee Singles 1990-1999 (3xLP, FOC)
Lo-Fi / 60s Style / Garage Punk
50 Tracks; Klappcover; Compilation; Reissue. Die unbestrittenen Könige des Garage Rock mit dem Re-Issue ihrer Singles Compilation auf drei LPs im Gatefold Sleeve. "Elementary Headcoats" ist eine... Details
50 Tracks; Klappcover; Compilation; Reissue. Die unbestrittenen Könige des Garage Rock mit dem Re-Issue ihrer Singles Compilation auf drei LPs im Gatefold Sleeve. "Elementary Headcoats" ist eine... Details

The Hipshakes
Live At Rob's House (7")
Live At Rob's House (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk
3 Tracks. Nach den BLACK LIPS, CARBONAS und BEAT BEAT BEAT gibt es nun auch von der ersten europäischen Band eine Live 7" aus Rob's House. Wie nicht anders zu erwarten wird von den englischen LoFi... Details
3 Tracks. Nach den BLACK LIPS, CARBONAS und BEAT BEAT BEAT gibt es nun auch von der ersten europäischen Band eine Live 7" aus Rob's House. Wie nicht anders zu erwarten wird von den englischen LoFi... Details

Honey Don't
Don't Ask Me (7")
Don't Ask Me (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Folk
3 Tracks. Band aus Italien. Klingt wie eine Mischung aus den MOJOMATICS, den BLACK LIPS und DEMON'S CLAWS. Das heißt catchy Blues-Country-Trash-Punk. Streng limitiert. Details
3 Tracks. Band aus Italien. Klingt wie eine Mischung aus den MOJOMATICS, den BLACK LIPS und DEMON'S CLAWS. Das heißt catchy Blues-Country-Trash-Punk. Streng limitiert. Details
The Hot Pockets feat. Adam (The Spaceshits) & Robert (De Stipjes) & Martin (Gravediggers)
Rejected #3 (7")
Rejected #3 (7")

I Get Mynze feat. Legendary Wings
Big Wup (7")
Big Wup (7")
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Garage Punk
3 Tracks. Blown own, burned up dumdum TV punk made by Kalamazoo MENSA chapter board members (also LEGENDARY WINGS members). Sounds like someone recorded this band in 1983 on a VHS tape, stuck the... Details
3 Tracks. Blown own, burned up dumdum TV punk made by Kalamazoo MENSA chapter board members (also LEGENDARY WINGS members). Sounds like someone recorded this band in 1983 on a VHS tape, stuck the... Details

The Judges
Judgement Day (LP)
Judgement Day (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
9 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Debut LP from Melbourne Australia’s JUDGES. A 36-minute meditation on the power of THE RIFF from some of the folks who brought you Smarts, Cereal Killer, and Living Eyes.... Details
9 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Debut LP from Melbourne Australia’s JUDGES. A 36-minute meditation on the power of THE RIFF from some of the folks who brought you Smarts, Cereal Killer, and Living Eyes.... Details
The Kent 3 ex-Brother Buzz
Chromies (7")
Chromies (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk
5 Tracks; Limited to 800 copies. Band from Bellingham, Washington, USA formed in the early 90s. Details
5 Tracks; Limited to 800 copies. Band from Bellingham, Washington, USA formed in the early 90s. Details
The King Khan & BBQ Show ex-Spaceshits / feat. feat. King Khan (The Black Jaspers / King Khan & The Shrines / The Tandoori Knights / The Almighty Defenders) & Mark Sultan (Les Sexareenos)
Bad News Boys (LP+MP3)
Bad News Boys (LP+MP3)
Garage Punk / R&B / Duo
11 Tracks; Inkl. bedruckter Innenhülle + Download-Code. After a five-year hiatus, rock n rolls renegade-angel savior The King Khan & BBQ Show returns with a brand new album of high-energy,... Details
11 Tracks; Inkl. bedruckter Innenhülle + Download-Code. After a five-year hiatus, rock n rolls renegade-angel savior The King Khan & BBQ Show returns with a brand new album of high-energy,... Details

Ladies Night / No Feeling feat. Levon (Das Pussyhound)
Split (7")
Split (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Trash
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Limited to 400 copies. Split-7" der beiden Bands aus Vancouver, Kanada. LADIES NIGHT ist ein schwer gestörtes Distortion Garage Punk Monster - irgendwo zwischen den OBLIVIANS... Details
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Limited to 400 copies. Split-7" der beiden Bands aus Vancouver, Kanada. LADIES NIGHT ist ein schwer gestörtes Distortion Garage Punk Monster - irgendwo zwischen den OBLIVIANS... Details

LiveFastDie LFD
Bandana Thrash Bloopers (7")
Bandana Thrash Bloopers (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Scum Punk
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Outtakes vom Album "Bandana Trash Record" im besten GG ALLIN & THE SCUMFUCS Stil inklusive ordentlich übersteuertem Gitarrensound. "Gonna Have Some Fun" im... Details
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Outtakes vom Album "Bandana Trash Record" im besten GG ALLIN & THE SCUMFUCS Stil inklusive ordentlich übersteuertem Gitarrensound. "Gonna Have Some Fun" im... Details

The Locomotions feat. Martin Savage (Blacks / Dixie Buzzards / Tokyo Knives) / Loco Lopez & Topi the Kat (Sons Of Cyrus)
s/t (7")
s/t (7")

Th' Losin Streaks feat. Tim Foster (The Trouble Makers / Trouble Bound Gospel) & Matt K. Shrugg (Groovie Ghoulies / The Zodiac Killers)
Sounds Of Violence (LP)
Sounds Of Violence (LP)
60s Style / Garage Punk
14 Tracks; Reissue. Garage Rock, wie er gespielt werden sollte: laut, wild, kompromisslos! Und ohne die üblichen Retro-ismen. Man stelle sich vor THE SONICS treffen Texas Punk '66. Eine... Details
14 Tracks; Reissue. Garage Rock, wie er gespielt werden sollte: laut, wild, kompromisslos! Und ohne die üblichen Retro-ismen. Man stelle sich vor THE SONICS treffen Texas Punk '66. Eine... Details
Love & Respect feat. Steve Turner (Mudhoney)
Deep & Heartfelt (LP)
Deep & Heartfelt (LP)
Garage Punk / Blues Punk / Noise Punk
12 Tracks. Zweitband des MUDHONEY Gitarristen Steve Turner. Details
12 Tracks. Zweitband des MUDHONEY Gitarristen Steve Turner. Details
The Lovely Bad Things
The Late Great Whatever (LP)
The Late Great Whatever (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Garage Pop / Grunge / Surf
12 Tracks. Deeply embedded in California's DIY scene, the THE LOVELY BAD THINGS have cultivated a devoted fan base through sharing the stage (or lack thereof) with noteworthy acts THE GROWLERS,... Details
12 Tracks. Deeply embedded in California's DIY scene, the THE LOVELY BAD THINGS have cultivated a devoted fan base through sharing the stage (or lack thereof) with noteworthy acts THE GROWLERS,... Details

Lover! feat. Rich Crook (Reatards / Lost Sounds / Knaughty Knights)
Lost In The Shuffle: The Singles Collection (LP, FOC)
Lost In The Shuffle: The Singles Collection (LP, FOC)
Garage Punk / Garage Pop / Psychedelic
16 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. Singles collection with their gazillion 7"ers . Details
16 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. Singles collection with their gazillion 7"ers . Details
The Makeouts
Back To Sleep (LP)
Back To Sleep (LP)
Garage Punk
13 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. They are a Stockholm, Sweden based Garage Punk band. From day one of their existence they had quite a following, and with their wild live shows and stage antics... Details
13 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. They are a Stockholm, Sweden based Garage Punk band. From day one of their existence they had quite a following, and with their wild live shows and stage antics... Details
The Makeouts
In A Strange Land! (LP)
In A Strange Land! (LP)
Garage Punk
11 Tracks. THE MAKEOUTS started long time ago as a RIP OFFS blueprint, short harsh guitar riffs, fast paced songs and snotty vocals. THE MAKEOUTS became quite well known in their country, played... Details
11 Tracks. THE MAKEOUTS started long time ago as a RIP OFFS blueprint, short harsh guitar riffs, fast paced songs and snotty vocals. THE MAKEOUTS became quite well known in their country, played... Details

The Manikins feat. Kalle & Max (Local Oafs)
Bad Papers (7")
Bad Papers (7")
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Punk'n'Roll
3 Tracks; Limited to 333 copies. Band aus Schweden mit gewohnt hektischem, kickendem Vollgas-Punkrock mit hysterischen Vocals und durchgetretenem Distortion-Pedal. Die B-Seite läuft von innen nach... Details
3 Tracks; Limited to 333 copies. Band aus Schweden mit gewohnt hektischem, kickendem Vollgas-Punkrock mit hysterischen Vocals und durchgetretenem Distortion-Pedal. Die B-Seite läuft von innen nach... Details

The Mans
High b/w Bad For You Baby (7")
High b/w Bad For You Baby (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Trash
2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Das Duo aus der Einöde von West Lafayette, Indiana ist nach einer sehr limitierten Split 7" mit COCOCOMA beim französischen YAKISAKANA Label gelandert, auf welches... Details
2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Das Duo aus der Einöde von West Lafayette, Indiana ist nach einer sehr limitierten Split 7" mit COCOCOMA beim französischen YAKISAKANA Label gelandert, auf welches... Details

Thee Marvin Gays
Sleepless Nights (LP+MP3)
Sleepless Nights (LP+MP3)
Fuzz / Garage Punk / Psych Pop
12 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. 2. Album der Band aus Belgien. Details
12 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. 2. Album der Band aus Belgien. Details

Memphis Bitch
Sometimes It Get's Rough (7")
Sometimes It Get's Rough (7")
00s / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
3 Tracks. Band aus Heidelberg mit melodischem Kick Ass Garage Punk, der den Spirit von 77er Punk Rock mit Schweiß und Bier mischt. Details
3 Tracks. Band aus Heidelberg mit melodischem Kick Ass Garage Punk, der den Spirit von 77er Punk Rock mit Schweiß und Bier mischt. Details

Mess Folk
This Is Mess Folk...And More! (LP)
This Is Mess Folk...And More! (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk
22 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Compilation record featuring various recordings from 2008-2010. Details
22 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Compilation record featuring various recordings from 2008-2010. Details
Miss Alex White & The Red Orchestra (feat. Clone Defects / White Mystery)
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Indie Rock
10 Tracks. Chicago's MISS ALEX WHITE hat ihr Debütalbum mit Wes und Eddie von den CLONE DEFECTS eingespielt. 10 mal rauher Lo-Fi Underground Rock'n'Roll der seine Wurzeln bei VELVET UNDERGROUND... Details
10 Tracks. Chicago's MISS ALEX WHITE hat ihr Debütalbum mit Wes und Eddie von den CLONE DEFECTS eingespielt. 10 mal rauher Lo-Fi Underground Rock'n'Roll der seine Wurzeln bei VELVET UNDERGROUND... Details
The Monsters feat. Beat Zeller (Lightning Beat-Man / Reverend Beat-Man)
Birds Eat Martians (LP)
Birds Eat Martians (LP)
90s / Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Psychobilly / Trash
16 Tracks; Repress. ACHTUNG: Cover unten links leicht angeschlagen! Wild primitive teenage Rock'n'Roll mixed up with chainsaw massacre garage punk and Trash! 'Birds eat Martians' war das 5te... Details
16 Tracks; Repress. ACHTUNG: Cover unten links leicht angeschlagen! Wild primitive teenage Rock'n'Roll mixed up with chainsaw massacre garage punk and Trash! 'Birds eat Martians' war das 5te... Details

The Monsters feat. Beat Zeller (Lightning Beat-Man / Reverend Beat-Man)
I'm A Stranger To Me (7")
I'm A Stranger To Me (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Trash
2 Tracks. Lightning / Reverend Beat-Man and crew are blowing atomic snot rockets across this new 7incher - their first record in a coons age - with a catastrophic blast of breakneck scuzznscum on... Details
2 Tracks. Lightning / Reverend Beat-Man and crew are blowing atomic snot rockets across this new 7incher - their first record in a coons age - with a catastrophic blast of breakneck scuzznscum on... Details

The Monsters feat. Beat Zeller (Lightning Beat-Man / Reverend Beat-Man)
Masks (LP+CD)
Masks (LP+CD)
80s / Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Psychobilly
13 Tracks; Inkl. CD + bedruckter Innenhülle; Reissue. ACHTUNG: Cover unten rechts minimal angeschlagen! Nachpressung des Debüt-Albums. THE MONSTERS wurden 1986 in Bern Gegründet und 1989 hatte... Details
13 Tracks; Inkl. CD + bedruckter Innenhülle; Reissue. ACHTUNG: Cover unten rechts minimal angeschlagen! Nachpressung des Debüt-Albums. THE MONSTERS wurden 1986 in Bern Gegründet und 1989 hatte... Details

The Monsters feat. Beat Zeller (Lightning Beat-Man / Reverend Beat-Man)
Pop Up Yours! (LP)
Pop Up Yours! (LP)
Lo-Fi / Blues Punk / Garage Punk / Trash
14 Tracks. Chainsaw massacre garage as its best from Switzerlands own blues trash loonies. 25 year aniversary full on blast power trash simpel raw riff rock. Details
14 Tracks. Chainsaw massacre garage as its best from Switzerlands own blues trash loonies. 25 year aniversary full on blast power trash simpel raw riff rock. Details

The Monsters feat. Beat Zeller (Lightning Beat-Man / Reverend Beat-Man)
The Hunch (LP+CD, farbiges Vinyl)
The Hunch (LP+CD, farbiges Vinyl)
90s / Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Psychobilly
16 Tracks; Grünes Vinyl; Inkl. CD-Version + Postkarte; Reissue. ACHTUNG: Cover minimal an einer Ecke angeschlagen! 1991, exakt in der Zeit wo kommerzieller Techno, Grunge und Heroin Groove Punk... Details
16 Tracks; Grünes Vinyl; Inkl. CD-Version + Postkarte; Reissue. ACHTUNG: Cover minimal an einer Ecke angeschlagen! 1991, exakt in der Zeit wo kommerzieller Techno, Grunge und Heroin Groove Punk... Details

The Monsters feat. Beat Zeller (Lightning Beat-Man / Reverend Beat-Man)
You're Class, I'm Trash (LP+7"+MP3)
You're Class, I'm Trash (LP+7"+MP3)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Noise / Trash
13 Tracks; Inkl. Bonus 7" + Download-Code. A stead to go on tour in the pandemic year they wrote this 13 songs insane Swiss Brain twister Chainsaw Garage Punk, Noise Rock'n'Roll Trash and a Mini... Details
13 Tracks; Inkl. Bonus 7" + Download-Code. A stead to go on tour in the pandemic year they wrote this 13 songs insane Swiss Brain twister Chainsaw Garage Punk, Noise Rock'n'Roll Trash and a Mini... Details

The Monsters feat. Beat Zeller (Lightning Beat-Man / Reverend Beat-Man)
Youth Against Nature (LP+CD, FOC)
Youth Against Nature (LP+CD, FOC)
90s / Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Psychobilly
13 Tracks; Klappcover; Inkl. CD; Reissue. Neuauflage des 95er Albums mit dem die Band die Gefilde des Garage Punks verließ und in das Land des Voodoo Primitive Rock'n'Roll ein zog. Aufgenommen in... Details
13 Tracks; Klappcover; Inkl. CD; Reissue. Neuauflage des 95er Albums mit dem die Band die Gefilde des Garage Punks verließ und in das Land des Voodoo Primitive Rock'n'Roll ein zog. Aufgenommen in... Details
M.O.T.O. feat. Niila Kunnari (Boredom Boys / God Give Ass / The Heartburns) & Mikko Luukko (Sweatmaster)
No Sleep 'Til Turku (LP, FOC)
No Sleep 'Til Turku (LP, FOC)
Garage Punk / Power Pop
18 Tracks; Klappcover. Paul Caporino & M.O.T.O. aus New Orleans sind mit ihrem bereits 10. Album zurück. Aufgenommen wurde in den Dwyers-Studio während eines Finnland-Urlaubs des Band-Masterinds... Details
18 Tracks; Klappcover. Paul Caporino & M.O.T.O. aus New Orleans sind mit ihrem bereits 10. Album zurück. Aufgenommen wurde in den Dwyers-Studio während eines Finnland-Urlaubs des Band-Masterinds... Details

Murder By Guitar feat. Martin Savage (The Locomotions / Blacks / Dixie Buzzards / Tokyo Knives) & Loco Lopez (Sons Of Cyrus / The Locomotions)
Rock Bottom (7")
Rock Bottom (7")
Power Pop / Garage Punk
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Hinter dieser schwedischen Band stecken im Prinzip die LOCOMOTIONS. Das exzellente Songwriting hat Sänger Erik Jonasson auch schon bei den SONS OF CYRUS... Details
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Hinter dieser schwedischen Band stecken im Prinzip die LOCOMOTIONS. Das exzellente Songwriting hat Sänger Erik Jonasson auch schon bei den SONS OF CYRUS... Details

Myelins Sheats
Stackticon (7")
Stackticon (7")
Garage Punk
4 Tracks; 500 copies. Cassandra, Joel, Martine and Paul went to the lab and found the perfect formula on how to start an extraordinary band: "None of us really knew how to play our instruments... Details
4 Tracks; 500 copies. Cassandra, Joel, Martine and Paul went to the lab and found the perfect formula on how to start an extraordinary band: "None of us really knew how to play our instruments... Details
(Get The) REVVUP (7")
(Get The) REVVUP (7")
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Duo
2 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Debüt-7" des Duos aus New York. RAMONES-influenced Garage-Punk mit einer SPITS-Kante. Lustige Truppe, die Live auch gerne mal in... Details
2 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Debüt-7" des Duos aus New York. RAMONES-influenced Garage-Punk mit einer SPITS-Kante. Lustige Truppe, die Live auch gerne mal in... Details

The New Bomb Turks
Tapeworm Blues: The 1992 Demos (10"+MP3)
Tapeworm Blues: The 1992 Demos (10"+MP3)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
6 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. 6-song 1992 demos 10": CRUDE, RUDE, and LOUD punkrock blort recorded 4 months prior to the epic "Destroy-Oh-Boy!!" sessions inna dank basement in Columbus. TWO... Details
6 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. 6-song 1992 demos 10": CRUDE, RUDE, and LOUD punkrock blort recorded 4 months prior to the epic "Destroy-Oh-Boy!!" sessions inna dank basement in Columbus. TWO... Details
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