Jr. Gone Wild
Less Art More Pop! (LP)
Less Art More Pop! (LP)
Country Punk / Beat / Garage Rock
14 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Debütalbum von 1986 der Cowpunk Band aus Kanada. Details
14 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Debütalbum von 1986 der Cowpunk Band aus Kanada. Details

The Royal Hangmen
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
60s Style / Garage Punk / R&B / Beat
11 Tracks. If you go bananas listening to bands like the SHADOWS OF KNIGHT, the ZAKARY THAKS, the BAD SEEDS, the CYNICS and the STAGGERS, this one's for you babe! The first long-playing record by... Details
11 Tracks. If you go bananas listening to bands like the SHADOWS OF KNIGHT, the ZAKARY THAKS, the BAD SEEDS, the CYNICS and the STAGGERS, this one's for you babe! The first long-playing record by... Details
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