Gob Cookies feat. Tobias Öller (Country Punk Oberland)
Great White World (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Great White World (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Punk Rock / Folk Punk
16 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Band aus Bayern mit ihrem Debüt-Album. Flotter melodischer Punk Rock und Folk-Punk mit Rock'n'Roll-Einfluss und Titeln wie "In Gob We Trust", "BSE Not... Details
16 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Band aus Bayern mit ihrem Debüt-Album. Flotter melodischer Punk Rock und Folk-Punk mit Rock'n'Roll-Einfluss und Titeln wie "In Gob We Trust", "BSE Not... Details

The Pokes
Another Toast (LP+CD)
Another Toast (LP+CD)
Folk Punk
13 Tracks; Inkl. CD + Textbeiblatt. 5. Album der Berliner Folkpunk-Band mit deutsch-britischer Besetzung. Details
13 Tracks; Inkl. CD + Textbeiblatt. 5. Album der Berliner Folkpunk-Band mit deutsch-britischer Besetzung. Details

The Real McKenzies
Two Devils Will Talk (LP+MP3)
Two Devils Will Talk (LP+MP3)
Folk Punk / Punk Rock
14 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code + Textbeiblatt. 10. Album der Celtic Punks aus Vancouver. Details
14 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code + Textbeiblatt. 10. Album der Celtic Punks aus Vancouver. Details

V/A The Answer / The Burgundy Runn / Jack And The Beanstalks / The Jackson Investment Co. / The Kings Ransom / The Mad Hatters / The Jujus / The Fortune Seekers / The Bees / The Sleepers /...
Teenage Shutdown Vol. 9: "Teen Jangler Blowout!" (LP)
Teenage Shutdown Vol. 9: "Teen Jangler Blowout!" (LP)
60s / Garage Punk / Folk Punk
17 Bands; 17 Tracks; Reissue. A ripping slew of revved-up, ampheta-folkpunk Stonesy/Byrds-on-meth ringers with lotsa ringin' guit, ala the primo example set by THE SYNDICATE OF SOUND "Little Girl". Details
17 Bands; 17 Tracks; Reissue. A ripping slew of revved-up, ampheta-folkpunk Stonesy/Byrds-on-meth ringers with lotsa ringin' guit, ala the primo example set by THE SYNDICATE OF SOUND "Little Girl". Details
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