Brick War feat. King Louie (Bad Times / Kajun SS / Persuaders / The Royal Pendletons / Missing Monuments) & Paul Rotzz (Die Rotzz / Kajun SS) & Julian Fried (Black Rose Band / Missing...
Warpath (2x7")
Warpath (2x7")
Garage Punk
4 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. King Louie (PERSUADERS & tons more) + Julian Fried (BLACK ROSE BAND/MISSING MONUMENTS) + Jerry Macgillicuddy (BLACK ROSE BAND/MACGILLICUDDYS) + Paul Rotzz (DIE... Details
4 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. King Louie (PERSUADERS & tons more) + Julian Fried (BLACK ROSE BAND/MISSING MONUMENTS) + Jerry Macgillicuddy (BLACK ROSE BAND/MACGILLICUDDYS) + Paul Rotzz (DIE... Details

The Crazymen
Raggare O Punkarsvin Überalles EP (7")
Raggare O Punkarsvin Überalles EP (7")
Metal Punk / Sludge Metal / Stoner Rock
8 Tracks; Innencover mit Texten; Limited to 300 copies. Swedish Progressive Punk band. Details
8 Tracks; Innencover mit Texten; Limited to 300 copies. Swedish Progressive Punk band. Details
The Dahmers
Down In The Basement (LP)
Down In The Basement (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
18 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! Das 3. Album der schwedischen Rock'n'Roll-Horror-Sensation. Das Album versammelt 18 Tracks mit einem... Details
18 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! Das 3. Album der schwedischen Rock'n'Roll-Horror-Sensation. Das Album versammelt 18 Tracks mit einem... Details
The Dahmers
In The Dead Of Night (LP)
In The Dead Of Night (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
13 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! A mutation of garage punk, energic rock and 60s pop makes 'In The Dead Of Night' a... Details
13 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! A mutation of garage punk, energic rock and 60s pop makes 'In The Dead Of Night' a... Details

For Reasons Of State ex-The Ghoulies
Via Di Propaganda (MLP)
Via Di Propaganda (MLP)
Punk Rock
5 Tracks; One-Sided Vinyl. Alternative Punk Rock aus Schweden um ex-THE GHOULIES Mastermind Robert Svensson mit ihrem ersten Vinyl-Release nach ihrem Debüt "Black Rock Music". 5 kurze, rockige... Details
5 Tracks; One-Sided Vinyl. Alternative Punk Rock aus Schweden um ex-THE GHOULIES Mastermind Robert Svensson mit ihrem ersten Vinyl-Release nach ihrem Debüt "Black Rock Music". 5 kurze, rockige... Details

Gut Reactions feat. Zygoteens
Yer So Cruel (7")
Yer So Cruel (7")
Garage Punk
3 Tracks. Zweite Single dieser begnadeten Garagen-Lärmer aus Milwaukee mit Leuten von den ZYGOTEENS. Details
3 Tracks. Zweite Single dieser begnadeten Garagen-Lärmer aus Milwaukee mit Leuten von den ZYGOTEENS. Details

Mary's Kids ex-Mensen
Death In Suburbia (10")
Death In Suburbia (10")
Punk Rock
6 Tracks. High Energy Punk Rock('n'Roll) aus Stockholm, Schweden um Sängerin Marianne (ex-MENSEN). Inkl. Coversongs von WARSAW und X-RAY SPEX. Details
6 Tracks. High Energy Punk Rock('n'Roll) aus Stockholm, Schweden um Sängerin Marianne (ex-MENSEN). Inkl. Coversongs von WARSAW und X-RAY SPEX. Details
Jag Är Ett Problem (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Jag Är Ett Problem (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Punk Rock / Killed By Death
5 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited Edition. Brilliant Swedish band from Stockholm, 1980, 5 tracks EP yes this is killer punk from the past. They never did a record back in the day, but... Details
5 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited Edition. Brilliant Swedish band from Stockholm, 1980, 5 tracks EP yes this is killer punk from the past. They never did a record back in the day, but... Details
The Panic Buttons
Alabamalama (LP)
Alabamalama (LP)
Garage Punk
12 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Band from Alabama, USA. On this KenRock record they give us 12 tracks of incredible punk-rock. For fans of the good old RIP OFFS sound and new... Details
12 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Band from Alabama, USA. On this KenRock record they give us 12 tracks of incredible punk-rock. For fans of the good old RIP OFFS sound and new... Details
Pure Mania
One Step Ahead (7")
One Step Ahead (7")
Punk Rock / Glam Punk / Rock
3 Tracks. Drei total verschiedene Songs dieser Schweden. Ein JOHNNY THUNDERS-like Punk Rock Song trifft auf eine Rock-Ballade und einen Synth-Pop-Disco Song. Details
3 Tracks. Drei total verschiedene Songs dieser Schweden. Ein JOHNNY THUNDERS-like Punk Rock Song trifft auf eine Rock-Ballade und einen Synth-Pop-Disco Song. Details

Refused feat. Dennis (The International Noise Conspiracy / AC4 / Step Forward)
This Just Might Be The Truth (LP)
This Just Might Be The Truth (LP)
90s / Hardcore Punk
12 Tracks; Reissue. REFUSED ist eine schwedische Hardcore-Punk-Band, die im Januar 1992 aus der Band STEP FORWARD entstand. Sie löste sich am 6. Oktober 1998 nach einem vorerst letzten Konzert... Details
12 Tracks; Reissue. REFUSED ist eine schwedische Hardcore-Punk-Band, die im Januar 1992 aus der Band STEP FORWARD entstand. Sie löste sich am 6. Oktober 1998 nach einem vorerst letzten Konzert... Details
Namnlös EP (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Namnlös EP (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Punk Rock / Killed By Death
4 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Inkl. Textblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. Hot Swedish punkrock from Hjo with love. Details
4 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Inkl. Textblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. Hot Swedish punkrock from Hjo with love. Details

Basement Noise (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Basement Noise (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
RSD 2021 / Punk Rock / Alternative Rock
13 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Limited Edition. Limitierte Vinyl-Neuauflage des SATOR Klassikers "Basement Noise" zum RSD 2021! Das 7. Album der Schwedischen Rockband ist jetzt erstmalig als Vinyl... Details
13 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Limited Edition. Limitierte Vinyl-Neuauflage des SATOR Klassikers "Basement Noise" zum RSD 2021! Das 7. Album der Schwedischen Rockband ist jetzt erstmalig als Vinyl... Details

Här Har Du Ditt Liv (LP)
Här Har Du Ditt Liv (LP)
Punk Rock / Pop Punk
12 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 300 copies. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you start mixing the catchy melodies of ABBA and the sex appeal of ROXETTE with the... Details
12 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 300 copies. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you start mixing the catchy melodies of ABBA and the sex appeal of ROXETTE with the... Details

Sista Brytet feat. Fredrik (Knugen Faller / Riwen / Royal Downfall / Totalt Jävla Mörker)
Hjärtat I Handen (LP)
Hjärtat I Handen (LP)
Punk Rock
12 Tracks. Recorded in Studio Mögel in Umeå in 2017. The whole recording was "play high or go home". And most of the recordings were more based on feeling than perfection. The band would like... Details
12 Tracks. Recorded in Studio Mögel in Umeå in 2017. The whole recording was "play high or go home". And most of the recordings were more based on feeling than perfection. The band would like... Details

Supersuckers / The Hangmen
Split (7")
Split (7")
Punk'n'Roll / Schweinerock
2 Bands; 2 Tracks; Braun-Transparentes Vinyl; 2nd Pressing; Limited to 500 copies (of 1000). A wrecking and rawking split from 2 true greats in rock'n'roll! Details
2 Bands; 2 Tracks; Braun-Transparentes Vinyl; 2nd Pressing; Limited to 500 copies (of 1000). A wrecking and rawking split from 2 true greats in rock'n'roll! Details
Musik I Plast (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Musik I Plast (7", farbiges Vinyl)
70s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
3 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl; Reissue; Limitd Edition. TBC put out this EP back in 1978. 300 copies? Ok they sing in swedish, but that's normal for Swedish bands to do. "Musik I Plast" on the a-side is... Details
3 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl; Reissue; Limitd Edition. TBC put out this EP back in 1978. 300 copies? Ok they sing in swedish, but that's normal for Swedish bands to do. "Musik I Plast" on the a-side is... Details
The Turpentines feat. Markus Karlsson (Tokyo Knives)
By Popular Demand (LP)
By Popular Demand (LP)
Schweinerock / Punk'n'Roll / Punk Rock
12 Tracks; Inkl. bedruckter Innenhülle. Schweden mit deutlichen Fifties- und Sixties-Einflüssen. Details
12 Tracks; Inkl. bedruckter Innenhülle. Schweden mit deutlichen Fifties- und Sixties-Einflüssen. Details
V/A Acetones / Backyard Babies / Fokkewolf / Smooth & Greedy / Rodeo Rockets / Peepshows / Kucksuckers / Electric Frankenstein / Cosmic Goblins / Stisism / The Rockets / The Bones / Sex...
The 2nd Coming... (10", farbiges Vinyl)
The 2nd Coming... (10", farbiges Vinyl)
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