Abrasive Wheels
When The Punks Go Marching In (2xLP, farbiges Vinyl, FOC)
When The Punks Go Marching In (2xLP, farbiges Vinyl, FOC)
80s / Hardcore Punk / Punk Rock
22 Tracks; Klares 140g Vinyl; Klappcover; Reissue; Limited to 1000 copies. The 1982 debut album by punk legends ABRASIVE WHEELS. Hailing from Leeds, the band were seldom out of the Independent... Details
22 Tracks; Klares 140g Vinyl; Klappcover; Reissue; Limited to 1000 copies. The 1982 debut album by punk legends ABRASIVE WHEELS. Hailing from Leeds, the band were seldom out of the Independent... Details

Akne Kid Joe
Karate Kid Joe (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Karate Kid Joe (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Deutschpunk / Synth-Punk / Neo-NDW
14 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Repress. Debütalbum der Band aus Nürnberg. "[...] Lauter, schroffer Gesang, sperriger Schrammelpunk, immer auf Konfrontation aus. Das Quartett mit dem genialen Bandnamen... Details
14 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Repress. Debütalbum der Band aus Nürnberg. "[...] Lauter, schroffer Gesang, sperriger Schrammelpunk, immer auf Konfrontation aus. Das Quartett mit dem genialen Bandnamen... Details
The Alarm ex-Seventeen
A New South Wales (10", farbiges Vinyl)
A New South Wales (10", farbiges Vinyl)
Alternative Rock / Folk Rock
4 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl; Limited Edition. Comes in clear plastic sleeve with sticker on front. Details
4 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl; Limited Edition. Comes in clear plastic sleeve with sticker on front. Details
Assassins Of God
No Music Tonight / Pink Song (7", farbiges Vinyl)
No Music Tonight / Pink Song (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Hardcore / Jazzcore
2 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl. Einzige 7" Single der Verrückten aus San Francisco. Details
2 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl. Einzige 7" Single der Verrückten aus San Francisco. Details
Atom & His Package
Behold, I Shall Do A New Thing (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Behold, I Shall Do A New Thing (7", farbiges Vinyl)
90s / Synth-Punk / Pop Punk / One Man Band
3 Tracks; Clear Vinyl. Adam Goren begann 1996 mit der Produktion von Synth-Punkrock, indem er eine Gitarre mit einem QY700-Sequenzer, liebevoll "The Package" genannt, kombinierte und Musik nicht... Details
3 Tracks; Clear Vinyl. Adam Goren begann 1996 mit der Produktion von Synth-Punkrock, indem er eine Gitarre mit einem QY700-Sequenzer, liebevoll "The Package" genannt, kombinierte und Musik nicht... Details

Aunt Nelly ex-The Clique / ex-The Bresslaws / ex-The Effectives
s/t (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
s/t (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Psychedelic / Mod / R&B / Soul
15 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Limited to 100 numbered copies. Mod blue-eyed soul, featuring ex members of THE CLIQUE, THE BRESSLAWS and THE EFFECTIVES. The sound is embedded in the 60s and best... Details
15 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Limited to 100 numbered copies. Mod blue-eyed soul, featuring ex members of THE CLIQUE, THE BRESSLAWS and THE EFFECTIVES. The sound is embedded in the 60s and best... Details
The Axel Grinders
Apparatus Of Love (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Apparatus Of Love (7", farbiges Vinyl)
2 Tracks; Blaues Vinyl. Dionysus Records international grunge series vol. 1 - New Zealand. Details
2 Tracks; Blaues Vinyl. Dionysus Records international grunge series vol. 1 - New Zealand. Details
The Axel Grinders
Apparatus Of Love (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Apparatus Of Love (7", farbiges Vinyl)
2 Tracks; Gelbes Vinyl. Dionysus Records international grunge series vol. 1 - New Zealand. Details
2 Tracks; Gelbes Vinyl. Dionysus Records international grunge series vol. 1 - New Zealand. Details
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