Whooping Cranes
That's What I Need (LP)
feat. Joe Poliseno (The Fast / Miki Zone Zoo)
2nd Hand (m-/m-) • US • 1987 • Zip
80s / Post Punk / Indie Rock
9 Tracks.
Einziges Album der US-Band aus NYC.
Interpret: Whooping Cranes
Format: LP
Kategorie: Vinyl
Label: Zip
Katalog-Nr.: ZIPA 02
Erscheinungsjahr: 1987
Erscheinungsland: United States
Genre: Punk / Alternative & Indie
Sprache: Englisch
Trackliste / Inhalt:
A1. The Will Is The Way
A2. Never Turn Away
A3. That Empty Space
A4. Not My Type
B1. Burning Bridges
B2. Days Gone By
B3. Away
B4. What A Week
B5. Creeping Shadows
A2. Never Turn Away
A3. That Empty Space
A4. Not My Type
B1. Burning Bridges
B2. Days Gone By
B3. Away
B4. What A Week
B5. Creeping Shadows
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