Wimpy Dicks
S.L.O. Bored (LP)
Neuware • US • 1985 • Bopp n' Skin
Hardcore Punk / Killed By Death
11 Tracks.
San Luis Obispo (California) based HC band with criminally underrated debut album. They have been around since early 1980. WIMPY DICKS called it a day after releasing a 2nd effort in '87 ("Wimpy Dicks And Broken Strings"), but recently reformed as a trio.
Interpret: Wimpy Dicks
Format: LP
Kategorie: Vinyl
Label: Bopp n' Skin
Katalog-Nr.: 002
Erscheinungsjahr: 1985
Erscheinungsland: United States
Style: Hardcore Punk / Killed By Death
Sprache: Englisch
Trackliste / Inhalt:
A1. No Direction In Life
A2. S.L.O. Bored
A3. Status
A4. Stuck
A5. New Wave Slut
B1. Pop Pop Pop
B2. Clap
B3. Police Riot To S.L.O. Town
B4. 45%
B5. Flags Fly
B6. Kook Shoot
A2. S.L.O. Bored
A3. Status
A4. Stuck
A5. New Wave Slut
B1. Pop Pop Pop
B2. Clap
B3. Police Riot To S.L.O. Town
B4. 45%
B5. Flags Fly
B6. Kook Shoot
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