Absolute Grey feat. Mitchell Rasor
Painted Post (MLP)
Painted Post (MLP)
Acoustic / Jangle Pop / Experimental
6 Tracks; Inkl. Labelinsert. Darkly melodic acoustic jangle pop from Rochester, NY, USA. Details
6 Tracks; Inkl. Labelinsert. Darkly melodic acoustic jangle pop from Rochester, NY, USA. Details

Louis & Bebe Barron
Forbidden Planet (CD)
Forbidden Planet (CD)
50s / Soundtrack / Electronic / Experimental / Instrumental
23 Tracks; Reissue. Original MGM Soundtrack zum Film "Forbidden Planet" aus dem Jahr 1956. Louis & Bebe Barron gelten als Pioniere der Electronic Music. Details
23 Tracks; Reissue. Original MGM Soundtrack zum Film "Forbidden Planet" aus dem Jahr 1956. Louis & Bebe Barron gelten als Pioniere der Electronic Music. Details

Bloodflowers feat. Kevin Potts (Cage Decay / Kaltesglas / Weakener)
Torn At The Seams (CD EP)
Torn At The Seams (CD EP)
Dark Ambient / Experimental
5 Tracks; Limited to 300 copies. Bloodflower's "Torn at the seams" is the third volume of Ad Noiseam's Darkambient series. Details
5 Tracks; Limited to 300 copies. Bloodflower's "Torn at the seams" is the third volume of Ad Noiseam's Darkambient series. Details
Eugene Chadbourne Shockabilly
Oil Of Hate (7")
Oil Of Hate (7")
Punk Rock / Country Rock / Experimental
3 Tracks. Eugene has been a reviewer for "Allmusic" and a contributor to "Maximum Rock'n'Roll". This recording numbly dedicated to the memories of everyone who has died in the folly of 1991, the... Details
3 Tracks. Eugene has been a reviewer for "Allmusic" and a contributor to "Maximum Rock'n'Roll". This recording numbly dedicated to the memories of everyone who has died in the folly of 1991, the... Details
Eugene Chadbourne Shockabilly
Young & Innocent Days (2x10", farbiges Vinyl)
Young & Innocent Days (2x10", farbiges Vinyl)
Anti-Folk / Alternative / Avantgarde / Experimental
14 Tracks; Mehrfarbiges transparentes Splatter Vinyl; Limited to 1000 copies. ">>This Music is really tripping me out<<, steht auf dem Cover und damit ist schon fast alles gesagt [...] Diese... Details
14 Tracks; Mehrfarbiges transparentes Splatter Vinyl; Limited to 1000 copies. ">>This Music is really tripping me out<<, steht auf dem Cover und damit ist schon fast alles gesagt [...] Diese... Details
The Clash feat. Joe Strummer (The 101ers / The Mescaleros)
Sandinista! (3xLP)
Sandinista! (3xLP)
80s / Post Punk / Dub / Reggae / Experimental / World Music
36 Tracks; Remastered; Reissue. Ihr 4. Album als Dreifach-Album. Details
36 Tracks; Remastered; Reissue. Ihr 4. Album als Dreifach-Album. Details
Dogbowl Stephen Tunney (King Missile)
Flan (Songs From The Novel By Stephen Tunney) (LP)
Flan (Songs From The Novel By Stephen Tunney) (LP)
Indie Rock / Art Rock / Experimental
21 Tracks. 3. Album des US-Künstlers Stephen Tunney (KING MISSILE) als DOGBOWL. Details
21 Tracks. 3. Album des US-Künstlers Stephen Tunney (KING MISSILE) als DOGBOWL. Details
Dogbowl Stephen Tunney (King Missile)
I Am Drunk Everynight Because Of The Blue Fur Bosom Girl (7", farbiges Vinyl, FOC)
I Am Drunk Everynight Because Of The Blue Fur Bosom Girl (7", farbiges Vinyl, FOC)
Dunkelziffer feat. Damo Suzuki (Can / Damo Suzuki Band) & Dominik von Senger (Phantom Band / The Ya-Ya's)
I See Your Smile (7")
I See Your Smile (7")
New Wave / Art Rock / Experimental
2 Tracks. Band aus dem Umfeld von CAN und der Kölner Krautrock-Szene. Details
2 Tracks. Band aus dem Umfeld von CAN und der Kölner Krautrock-Szene. Details

Experimental Dental School feat. Jesse Hall
2 1/2 Creatures (LP)
2 1/2 Creatures (LP)
Jazz Punk / Experimental / Noise Rock
13 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. Crazy US-Band aus Oakland, Kalifornien. Details
13 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. Crazy US-Band aus Oakland, Kalifornien. Details

The Fall Of Troy
Doppelgänger (CD, FOC)
Doppelgänger (CD, FOC)
Hardcore / Post-Hardcore / Experimental
11 Tracks; Digipack; Inkl. Booklet mit Texten. Junges Trio aus Washington mit einem Meisterwerk. "Die Lieder sind temporeich und stecken voller Überraschungen, erinnern etwas an die BLOOD... Details
11 Tracks; Digipack; Inkl. Booklet mit Texten. Junges Trio aus Washington mit einem Meisterwerk. "Die Lieder sind temporeich und stecken voller Überraschungen, erinnern etwas an die BLOOD... Details
Fetus Productions feat. Jed Town (Superettes / Features / SPK)
Fetalmania (MLP)
Fetalmania (MLP)
Post Punk / Industrial / Experimental
6 Tracks. Band aus Neuseeland, gegründet 1980 und aufgelöst 1989. Details
6 Tracks. Band aus Neuseeland, gegründet 1980 und aufgelöst 1989. Details
First Things First pre-Hausen
Dirtbag Blowout (LP)
Dirtbag Blowout (LP)
Alternative Rock / Experimental / Psychedelic
8 Tracks. Debütalbum der Undergroundband aus München. Zwischen Unkrautrock, Krach, Psychedelic und Experiment. Details
8 Tracks. Debütalbum der Undergroundband aus München. Zwischen Unkrautrock, Krach, Psychedelic und Experiment. Details

Jowe Head Swell Maps / Television Personalities / The Long Decline / Househunters / Palookas / Angel Racing Food
Cabinet Of Curios (2xLP)
Cabinet Of Curios (2xLP)

Ikaros ex-Leiah / Ariel Kill Him
Speed On Future (7")
Speed On Future (7")
Indie Rock / Emo / Experimental
4 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Band aus Schweden um Sänger und Gitarrist David Lehnberg mit einer Synthese aus sphärischem Pop und einer Sorte Indierock à la LEIAH. Details
4 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Band aus Schweden um Sänger und Gitarrist David Lehnberg mit einer Synthese aus sphärischem Pop und einer Sorte Indierock à la LEIAH. Details

Limbo feat. Gianluca Becuzzi
Siliciolatria (CD EP)
Siliciolatria (CD EP)
EBM / Industrial / Experimental
6 Tracks. Six remixed, reprogrammed and unreleased tracks from the "Zos Kia Kaos" CD. LIMBO was an influential eclectic music project created in 1984 by the Tuscan artist Gianluca Becuzzi - still... Details
6 Tracks. Six remixed, reprogrammed and unreleased tracks from the "Zos Kia Kaos" CD. LIMBO was an influential eclectic music project created in 1984 by the Tuscan artist Gianluca Becuzzi - still... Details
Mutton Gun Muttongun / feat. Justin Harwood (The Chills / Luna)
Amplexus (LP)
Amplexus (LP)
Noise Rock / Experimental
10 Tracks. Debütalbum der Band aus London mit Wurzeln in Neuseeland. Details
10 Tracks. Debütalbum der Band aus London mit Wurzeln in Neuseeland. Details
No Man feat. Roger Miller (Mission Of Burma / Sproton Layer)
Whamon Express (LP, farbiges Vinyl, Cut-Out)
Whamon Express (LP, farbiges Vinyl, Cut-Out)
Art Rock / Experimental
12 Tracks; Farbiges Vinyl; Cut-Out. Inkl. DAVID BOWIE "The Man Who Sold The World" Coversong. Details
12 Tracks; Farbiges Vinyl; Cut-Out. Inkl. DAVID BOWIE "The Man Who Sold The World" Coversong. Details
Passage Four
Vlad Speaks To Immanuel (LP)
Vlad Speaks To Immanuel (LP)
Dark Wave / Alternative / Experimental
6 Tracks. Italienische Band aus dem römischen Underground. Details
6 Tracks. Italienische Band aus dem römischen Underground. Details
Pere Ubu feat. David Thomas (Rocket From The Tombs)
Waiting For Mary (What Are We Doing Here?) (12" EP)
Waiting For Mary (What Are We Doing Here?) (12" EP)
Ritual Tension
The Blood Of The Kid (LP)
The Blood Of The Kid (LP)
Alternative Rock / Experimental
8 Tracks. US-Band from NYC formed in 1983. Recorded live at CBGB July 31 & September 1, 1986. Details
8 Tracks. US-Band from NYC formed in 1983. Recorded live at CBGB July 31 & September 1, 1986. Details
Schlong / False Sacrament feat. Pat Mello (Watch Them Die / Uncus) & Dave Mello (Downfall / Jewdriver / Operation Ivy / Shaken 69)
Split (10", farbiges Vinyl)
Split (10", farbiges Vinyl)
Experimental / Punk / Jazzcore
2 Bands; 11 Tracks; Weiss/Pinkes Vinyl. Split der zwei US-Bands. SCHLOND aus Oakland, Kalifornien mit den Brüdern Dave Mello (u.a. OPERAtION IVY und DOWNFALL) & Pat Mello (u.a. WATCH THEM DIE)... Details
2 Bands; 11 Tracks; Weiss/Pinkes Vinyl. Split der zwei US-Bands. SCHLOND aus Oakland, Kalifornien mit den Brüdern Dave Mello (u.a. OPERAtION IVY und DOWNFALL) & Pat Mello (u.a. WATCH THEM DIE)... Details
Sharky's Machine ex-Killdozer 85 / feat. Mike Edison (Edison Rocket Train / GG Allin & The Holy Men / The Raunch Hands)
A Little Chin Music (MLP, farbiges Vinyl)
A Little Chin Music (MLP, farbiges Vinyl)
80s / Garage Punk / Noise / Experimental
6 Tracks; Multicoloured Vinyl. Debüt der US-Band aus New York. Details
6 Tracks; Multicoloured Vinyl. Debüt der US-Band aus New York. Details
Sharky's Machine ex-Killdozer 85 / feat. Mike Edison (Edison Rocket Train / GG Allin & The Holy Men / The Raunch Hands)
Let's Be Friends! (LP)
Let's Be Friends! (LP)

Silver Apples
Fractal Flow (7")
Fractal Flow (7")
90s / Space Rock / Synth-Pop / Experimental
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. 1967 gegründetes New Yorker Space-Rock-Duo um Simeon Coxe und Dan Taylor. Nachdem 1970 Schluss war, gab es 1996 eine Reunion wo diese 7" entstand. Das Cover ziert ein... Details
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. 1967 gegründetes New Yorker Space-Rock-Duo um Simeon Coxe und Dan Taylor. Nachdem 1970 Schluss war, gab es 1996 eine Reunion wo diese 7" entstand. Das Cover ziert ein... Details
Legitimate Beef (LP)
Legitimate Beef (LP)
90s / Noise Rock / Experimental
12 Tracks; Innenhülle mit Texten. 2. Album von 1990 der 1985 in Brooklyn, New York, gegründeten US-Band. Schräger Sound mit Saxophon. Details
12 Tracks; Innenhülle mit Texten. 2. Album von 1990 der 1985 in Brooklyn, New York, gegründeten US-Band. Schräger Sound mit Saxophon. Details
Sudden Sway feat. Mike McGuire (The Now)
Autumn Cutback Job Lot Offer (7")
Autumn Cutback Job Lot Offer (7")
Indie Rock / Experimental
8 Tracks; Inkl. Inserts. Eight jingles for imaginary products on a seven inch single. Came with two fold-out paper inserts with more detailed descriptions of the products. Details
8 Tracks; Inkl. Inserts. Eight jingles for imaginary products on a seven inch single. Came with two fold-out paper inserts with more detailed descriptions of the products. Details
Thug feat. Tex Perkins (Beasts of Bourbon) & Lachlan McLeod (The Butcher Shop)
Electric Woolly Mammoth (LP)
Electric Woolly Mammoth (LP)
Alternative Rock / Noise Rock / Experimental
17 Tracks; Bedruckte Innenhülle. 2. und letztes Album der Band aus Australien um TEX PERKINS. Details
17 Tracks; Bedruckte Innenhülle. 2. und letztes Album der Band aus Australien um TEX PERKINS. Details
V/A Curlew / Bosho / The Jazz Passengers / Scanners / Miracle Room / Hansundtom / Alva Rogers / Mark Dresser, Mark Feldman, Nels Cline
Live At The Knitting Factory Vol. 1 (LP)
Live At The Knitting Factory Vol. 1 (LP)
Avantgarde / Free Jazz / Experimental
8 Interpreten; 8 Tracks. All tracks recorded live at The Knitting Factory NYC between Dec. '88 and Feb. '89. Details
8 Interpreten; 8 Tracks. All tracks recorded live at The Knitting Factory NYC between Dec. '88 and Feb. '89. Details
V/A Chunk / Gary Lucas / Odd Job / Mori, Frith, Dresser / Myra Melford / Sonny Sharrock / Marclay, Bennett / Joey Baron / Glen Velez
Live At The Knitting Factory Vol. 2 (LP)
Live At The Knitting Factory Vol. 2 (LP)
Avantgarde / Free Jazz / Experimental
9 Interpreten; 9 Tracks. All tracks recorded live at The Knitting Factory NYC between Jan. '89 & Aug. '89. Details
9 Interpreten; 9 Tracks. All tracks recorded live at The Knitting Factory NYC between Jan. '89 & Aug. '89. Details
V/A Doctor Nerve / No Safety / Gentle Safe & Natural / Thomas Chapin Trio / Negativland / Brandon Ross' The Overflow / Slan / Don Byron Plays The Music Of Mickey Katz / Marilyn Crispell &...
Live At The Knitting Factory Vol. 3 (LP)
Live At The Knitting Factory Vol. 3 (LP)
Avantgarde / Free Jazz / Experimental
9 Interpreten; 10 Tracks. All tracks recorded live to two-track digital at The Knitting Factory, NYC. Details
9 Interpreten; 10 Tracks. All tracks recorded live to two-track digital at The Knitting Factory, NYC. Details
V/A Obimen / The Hamsters / The Lowthers / John The Postman / Beatrice / God / Mr. A. Valler / Andrew Berry / The Next Step / Philip Johnson
The Disparate Cogscienti (LP)
The Disparate Cogscienti (LP)
V/A The Ex / Splat! / Big Flame / A Witness / Stump / MacKenzies / The Shrubs / Twang / The Nose Flutes / The Great Leap Forward / Jackdaw With Crowbar
The First After Epiphany (LP)
The First After Epiphany (LP)
Alternative Rock / Indie Rock / Experimental / Post Punk
11 Bands; 11 Tracks; Bedruckte Innenhülle. Compilation des UK Labels Ron Johnson Records mit jeder Menge abgedrehter Bands. Details
11 Bands; 11 Tracks; Bedruckte Innenhülle. Compilation des UK Labels Ron Johnson Records mit jeder Menge abgedrehter Bands. Details
The Velvet Underground feat. Lou Reed & John Cale
White Light/White Heat 45th Anniversary (2xLP, FOC)
White Light/White Heat 45th Anniversary (2xLP, FOC)
60s / Proto Punk / Art Rock / Experimental
13 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Klappcover; Limited Edition. Zum 45-jährigen Jubiläum des Klassikers "White Light/White Heat" von THE VELVET UNDERGROUND erscheint das Album in einer limitierten Neuauflage... Details
13 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Klappcover; Limited Edition. Zum 45-jährigen Jubiläum des Klassikers "White Light/White Heat" von THE VELVET UNDERGROUND erscheint das Album in einer limitierten Neuauflage... Details

Warsaw Was Raw
Chaajoth (7")
Chaajoth (7")
Experimental / Hardcore / Noise
9 Tracks; Foldoutcover mit Texten. Französische Experimental-Hardcore-Band (mit Grindcore- und Noise-Einflüssen) aus Paris mit zwei Sängerinnen. Details
9 Tracks; Foldoutcover mit Texten. Französische Experimental-Hardcore-Band (mit Grindcore- und Noise-Einflüssen) aus Paris mit zwei Sängerinnen. Details
It's Beginning To And Back Again (LP)
It's Beginning To And Back Again (LP)
80s / Alternative Rock / Electronic / Experimental
8 Tracks. Das 1989 erschienene Album "It's Beginning To And Back Again" (kurz IBTABA) zeigt die britische Band WIRE in experimenteller Bestform. Die Aufnahmen basieren auf Live-Mitschnitten in... Details
8 Tracks. Das 1989 erschienene Album "It's Beginning To And Back Again" (kurz IBTABA) zeigt die britische Band WIRE in experimenteller Bestform. Die Aufnahmen basieren auf Live-Mitschnitten in... Details
Yukio Yung Terry Burrows (The Chrysanthemums / Push-Button Pleasure / Chrys&themums / Tonesucker)
Goodbye Pork Pie Brain (10", farbiges Vinyl)
Goodbye Pork Pie Brain (10", farbiges Vinyl)
Alternative Rock / Art Rock / Experimental
5 Tracks; Gelbes Vinyl; Limited Edition. 10" des UK-Künstlers Terry Burrows unter Yukio Yung. Details
5 Tracks; Gelbes Vinyl; Limited Edition. 10" des UK-Künstlers Terry Burrows unter Yukio Yung. Details
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