Ladget / Daddy Longleg
Split (7")
Split (7")
Punk Rock / Hardcore
2 Bands; 5 Tracks. Split der Bands aus Münster und Karlsruhe. Melodischer Punkrock trifft auf HC/Punk. Details
2 Bands; 5 Tracks. Split der Bands aus Münster und Karlsruhe. Melodischer Punkrock trifft auf HC/Punk. Details
The Leather Uppers
Bright Lights (LP)
Bright Lights (LP)
Blues Punk / Punk Rock / Duo
13 Tracks. Die LEATHER UPPERS bieten auf "Bright Lights" eine fulminante Mischung aus rasantem Blues Punk und auf den Punkt gebrachten, und auf das nötigste reduzierten US Punk Rock. 13 Kracher... Details
13 Tracks. Die LEATHER UPPERS bieten auf "Bright Lights" eine fulminante Mischung aus rasantem Blues Punk und auf den Punkt gebrachten, und auf das nötigste reduzierten US Punk Rock. 13 Kracher... Details
The Leather Uppers feat. Anthony Bedard (Icky Boyfriends / Resineaters) & Craig Daniels (The Exploders / Tijuana Bibles / The Bon)
OK, Don't Say Hi (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
OK, Don't Say Hi (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Blues Punk / Punk Rock
19 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 500 copies. A limited repress of the legendary Neopolitan record originally on Pantsuit City Records and long since out of print - compiling early... Details
19 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 500 copies. A limited repress of the legendary Neopolitan record originally on Pantsuit City Records and long since out of print - compiling early... Details

Leatherface feat. Frankie Stubbs (Pope / Jesse) & Dickie Hammond (Doctor Bison)
Mush (LP)
Mush (LP)
90s / Punk Rock
12 Tracks; Reissue. The definitive album from the last punk band that mattered. All remastered with bonus tracks. The release includes remastered bonus material via download, including a unique... Details
12 Tracks; Reissue. The definitive album from the last punk band that mattered. All remastered with bonus tracks. The release includes remastered bonus material via download, including a unique... Details

The Lillingtons feat. Kody Templeman (Teenage Bottlerocket / Sack / The Hybrids)
Can Anybody Hear Me? (A Tribute To Enemy You) (MLP)
Can Anybody Hear Me? (A Tribute To Enemy You) (MLP)
Pop Punk / Punk Rock
6 Tracks. THE LILLINGTONS and ENEMY YOU have a history that goes back a quarter of a century. You wo't find that in today's punk scene where there's so much competition and grubbing for clout on... Details
6 Tracks. THE LILLINGTONS and ENEMY YOU have a history that goes back a quarter of a century. You wo't find that in today's punk scene where there's so much competition and grubbing for clout on... Details

The Lillingtons feat. Kody Templeman (Teenage Bottlerocket / Sack / The Hybrids)
Project 313 (7")
Project 313 (7")
Pop Punk / Punk Rock
4 Tracks. It's been 11 years since Red Scare put out the last release from THE LILLINGTONS. Where've they been? Perhaps it was interdimensional reptoids from outer space? Was it another bout with... Details
4 Tracks. It's been 11 years since Red Scare put out the last release from THE LILLINGTONS. Where've they been? Perhaps it was interdimensional reptoids from outer space? Was it another bout with... Details

Liquid Stone
Here Comes The Weekend / Because Of You (7")
Here Comes The Weekend / Because Of You (7")
80s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
2 Tracks; Reissue; Limited Edition. From the small town of Buckingham, 60 miles north of London, LIQUID STONE was a four piece band that was formed by Ronni, Mick and Muz in the mid 70s. Various... Details
2 Tracks; Reissue; Limited Edition. From the small town of Buckingham, 60 miles north of London, LIQUID STONE was a four piece band that was formed by Ronni, Mick and Muz in the mid 70s. Various... Details

The Living feat. Duff McKagan (Guns N' Roses / Velvet Revolver / Neurotic Outsiders) & Greg Gilmore (Mother Love Bone)
1982 (MLP, farbiges Vinyl)
1982 (MLP, farbiges Vinyl)
80s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
7 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. First time on vinyl! Unveröffentlichte 1982er Studio-Aufnahmen von THE LIVING, einer frühen 80er Seattle Punk-Band mit Duff McKagan (GUNS N' ROSES) an... Details
7 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. First time on vinyl! Unveröffentlichte 1982er Studio-Aufnahmen von THE LIVING, einer frühen 80er Seattle Punk-Band mit Duff McKagan (GUNS N' ROSES) an... Details
Local Oafs ex-The Manikins
Power And Glory (LP)
Power And Glory (LP)
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
18 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Nach dem Ende der MANIKINS sind Kalle und Max mit ihrer zweiten Band back on the map. Wie schon auf dem Vorgänger Album wieder die geballte... Details
18 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Nach dem Ende der MANIKINS sind Kalle und Max mit ihrer zweiten Band back on the map. Wie schon auf dem Vorgänger Album wieder die geballte... Details
Local Oafs ex-The Manikins
Too Dumb To Reason, Too Fucked Up To Dream (LP)
Too Dumb To Reason, Too Fucked Up To Dream (LP)
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
28 Tracks. These wild swedish guys blast out their load of 28 short, fast, fucked up and furious Punkrock hymns in record time. On board are Kalle and Max of the mighty MANIKINS. Image HENRY... Details
28 Tracks. These wild swedish guys blast out their load of 28 short, fast, fucked up and furious Punkrock hymns in record time. On board are Kalle and Max of the mighty MANIKINS. Image HENRY... Details

Loic Euzen
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
Punk Rock / One Man Band
11 Tracks. French punk rock "one man band". Voice, guitar and beatbox. The sound of MÉTAL URBAIN, MOPO MOGO, URBAN BLIGHT, ARSÈNE OBSCÈNE, DISCOLOKOSST. With the fun of PARABELLUM or LUDWIG VON... Details
11 Tracks. French punk rock "one man band". Voice, guitar and beatbox. The sound of MÉTAL URBAIN, MOPO MOGO, URBAN BLIGHT, ARSÈNE OBSCÈNE, DISCOLOKOSST. With the fun of PARABELLUM or LUDWIG VON... Details

The Loners ex-The Heartbreakers
s/t (7")
s/t (7")
Punk Rock / Power Pop
4 Tracks; Limited to 300 numbered copies. 1998 als THE HEARTBREAKERS gegründete norddeutsche Band. Haben sich nicht ohne Grund umbenannt, denn wer kommt auch auf die Idee sich nach den Punkvätern... Details
4 Tracks; Limited to 300 numbered copies. 1998 als THE HEARTBREAKERS gegründete norddeutsche Band. Haben sich nicht ohne Grund umbenannt, denn wer kommt auch auf die Idee sich nach den Punkvätern... Details
Lost Balloons feat. Jeff Burke (The Marked Men / Radioactivity / The Novice) & Yusuke Okada (Suspicious Beasts)
s/t (LP+MP3, farbiges Vinyl)
s/t (LP+MP3, farbiges Vinyl)
Punk Rock / Power Pop / Psych
14 Tracks; Klares 180g Vinyl; Inkl. Download-Code; Limited Edition. Details
14 Tracks; Klares 180g Vinyl; Inkl. Download-Code; Limited Edition. Details
Lütten ex-Der Trick ist zu Atmen
Delete | Elite (MLP)
Delete | Elite (MLP)
Punk Rock / Hardcore / Deutschpunk
5 Tracks; Inkl. A3 Poster mit Texten; Rechte obere Ecke des Covers hat einen Knick. Einseitig bespielte Debüt-12" dieses neuen Projektes (u.a. der ex-DTIZA-Sänger) aus Hamburg, deren erster Song... Details
5 Tracks; Inkl. A3 Poster mit Texten; Rechte obere Ecke des Covers hat einen Knick. Einseitig bespielte Debüt-12" dieses neuen Projektes (u.a. der ex-DTIZA-Sänger) aus Hamburg, deren erster Song... Details

The Lurkers GLM
Sex Crazy (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Sex Crazy (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Punk Rock
13 Tracks; Grünes Vinyl; Limited to 500 copies (of 1000) ACHTUNG: Leicht angeschlagene Ecke! Brand new studio album from original punk legends THE LURKERS! LP Limited to 1000 copies (500 Pink /... Details
13 Tracks; Grünes Vinyl; Limited to 500 copies (of 1000) ACHTUNG: Leicht angeschlagene Ecke! Brand new studio album from original punk legends THE LURKERS! LP Limited to 1000 copies (500 Pink /... Details

New Hedonism: Original 1978-82 Recordings (LP)
New Hedonism: Original 1978-82 Recordings (LP)
Punk Rock / New Wave / Post Punk / Killed By Death
11 Tracks; Compilation. Directly from Roma, one of the early Italian punk bands! Authentic 'prime movers', born in 1978, were led by Lucifer, a great vocalist inspired by IGGY POP and DAVID BOWIE.... Details
11 Tracks; Compilation. Directly from Roma, one of the early Italian punk bands! Authentic 'prime movers', born in 1978, were led by Lucifer, a great vocalist inspired by IGGY POP and DAVID BOWIE.... Details
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