Eugene Chadbourne Shockabilly
Young & Innocent Days (2x10", farbiges Vinyl)
Young & Innocent Days (2x10", farbiges Vinyl)
Anti-Folk / Alternative / Avantgarde / Experimental
14 Tracks; Mehrfarbiges transparentes Splatter Vinyl; Limited to 1000 copies. ">>This Music is really tripping me out<<, steht auf dem Cover und damit ist schon fast alles gesagt [...] Diese... Details
14 Tracks; Mehrfarbiges transparentes Splatter Vinyl; Limited to 1000 copies. ">>This Music is really tripping me out<<, steht auf dem Cover und damit ist schon fast alles gesagt [...] Diese... Details

Hank Haint
Blackout (LP+CD)
Blackout (LP+CD)
Blues Punk / Anti-Folk / One Man Band
13 Tracks; Inkl. bedruckter Innehülle. One Man Band aus Süd-England. Die Musik ein Mix von HAWKWIND auf Speed versus GG ALLIN auf LSD dazu eine wilde Ladung Blues Trash und Country Blues Punk. Das... Details
13 Tracks; Inkl. bedruckter Innehülle. One Man Band aus Süd-England. Die Musik ein Mix von HAWKWIND auf Speed versus GG ALLIN auf LSD dazu eine wilde Ladung Blues Trash und Country Blues Punk. Das... Details

The Terrordactyls
Overlapping Circles / Friendship (7")
Overlapping Circles / Friendship (7")
Anti-Folk / Lo-Fi
4 Tracks; 500 copies. This 7" actually does not contain only two songs, its four!!!!! On the A-Side you get the normal album versions. On the flipside there are alternate versions of these two... Details
4 Tracks; 500 copies. This 7" actually does not contain only two songs, its four!!!!! On the A-Side you get the normal album versions. On the flipside there are alternate versions of these two... Details
The Terrordactyls
s/t (LP, FOC)
s/t (LP, FOC)
Lo-Fi / Anti-Folk
13 Tracks; 500 copies. THE TERRORDACTYLS ' quirky, lighthearted yet decidedly melancholic pop/anti-folk tunes are augmented by toy pianos, kazoos, and the voice of Kimya Dawson (THE MOLDY PEACHES,... Details
13 Tracks; 500 copies. THE TERRORDACTYLS ' quirky, lighthearted yet decidedly melancholic pop/anti-folk tunes are augmented by toy pianos, kazoos, and the voice of Kimya Dawson (THE MOLDY PEACHES,... Details
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