V/A The Hydromatics / Bottles & Skulls / The Grannies / The Jack Saints / Everything Must Go / The Nitwitz / Ain't / Motorhome / Midnight Bombers / Jack Endino's Earthworm / Black Furies /...
Death Rattle & Roll Vol. 1 (CD)
Death Rattle & Roll Vol. 1 (CD)

V/A Bauhaus / The Southern Death Cult / Xmal Deutschland / Theatre Of Hate / Gene Loves Jezebel / Fields Of The Nephilim / UK Decay / Virgin Prunes / The Danse Society / Tones On Tail /...
Gothic Rock (2xCD)
Gothic Rock (2xCD)
Gothic Rock / New Wave
24 Bands; 24 Tracks. The Compilation Album to the book by Mick Mereer. Details
24 Bands; 24 Tracks. The Compilation Album to the book by Mick Mereer. Details

V/A Nerf Herder / Inspection 12 / Dogpiss / Fabulous Disaster / Limp / The Flipsides / Citizen Fish / Real McKenzies / Squirtgun / Bad Astronaut / Dance Hall Crashers / Diesel Boy /...
Honest Don's Dirty Dishes (CD)
Honest Don's Dirty Dishes (CD)

V/A In Ano / Tonsul / Sohcahtoa / Merick / The Dorks / Sanity Assassins / Battery Pack / Germ Attack / Rubber Frogs / Philbert / Candidate / Roman The Edge / National Guard / Teevie /...
More Than You Bargained For - The 144 Minute (CD)
More Than You Bargained For - The 144 Minute (CD)
Punk / Hardcore
18 Bands; 58 Tracks. This CD is not mono compatible! Playing instructions: In order to hear all 144 minutes of Sidrophonic sound you must listen to this CD one channel at a time. That means... Details
18 Bands; 58 Tracks. This CD is not mono compatible! Playing instructions: In order to hear all 144 minutes of Sidrophonic sound you must listen to this CD one channel at a time. That means... Details

V/A Uphill Down / Bad Guy Reaction / Rocket 69 / Log / Inquisition / Four Walls Falling / Dayspring / Inertia / Ipecac
Richmond Music Coop Vol. 3 (CD)
Richmond Music Coop Vol. 3 (CD)
Punk Rock / Alternative Rock
9 Bands; 22 Tracks. Compilation of Richmond area artists. The band LOG includes former GWAR & DEATH PIGGY guitarist Steve Douglas. Details
9 Bands; 22 Tracks. Compilation of Richmond area artists. The band LOG includes former GWAR & DEATH PIGGY guitarist Steve Douglas. Details

V/A Oliver / My Name Is Nobody / The Holiday Plan / Sounds Like Violence / A Month Of Somedays / Bailey Drive / Lock And Key / Hercules Hercules / Lukestar / Latitude Blue / Lost On...
The Hope I Hide Inside - The Emo Diaries Chapter 10 (CD)
The Hope I Hide Inside - The Emo Diaries Chapter 10 (CD)
Emo / Indie Rock
12 Bands; 12 Tracks. Letzte Nummer der bekanntesten Emo-Sampler Reihe. Die Bands jung, hungrig und no-names, die Musik frisch. Ein breites Spektrum cooler Indie-Bands aus allen möglichen Ländern. Details
12 Bands; 12 Tracks. Letzte Nummer der bekanntesten Emo-Sampler Reihe. Die Bands jung, hungrig und no-names, die Musik frisch. Ein breites Spektrum cooler Indie-Bands aus allen möglichen Ländern. Details
V/A Siddhartha / Sky Cries Mary / Beyond-O-matic / Ole Lukkøye / Rada & Blackthorns / In The Labyrinth / Barrett Elmore / The Narcotic Daffodils / Polska Radio One / Plootoh
Trail Records: Space Travel 2007-2014 (CD)
Trail Records: Space Travel 2007-2014 (CD)
Prog Rock / Psych Rock / Space Rock / Art Rock
10 Bands; 12 Tracks; Promo. Only one copy per order! Trail Records' 2014 free label compilation. Details
10 Bands; 12 Tracks; Promo. Only one copy per order! Trail Records' 2014 free label compilation. Details

The Vacancy
Heart Attack (CD)
Heart Attack (CD)
Punk Rock
11 Tracks; Enhanced-CD. "Ein ziemlich untypisches Release für A-F Records, die ansonsten dem politischen Punkrock frönen, soviel steht fest, denn THE VACANCY erinnern eher an ALKALINE TRIO als an... Details
11 Tracks; Enhanced-CD. "Ein ziemlich untypisches Release für A-F Records, die ansonsten dem politischen Punkrock frönen, soviel steht fest, denn THE VACANCY erinnern eher an ALKALINE TRIO als an... Details
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