The Terrordactyls
Overlapping Circles / Friendship (7")
Overlapping Circles / Friendship (7")
Anti-Folk / Lo-Fi
4 Tracks; 500 copies. This 7" actually does not contain only two songs, its four!!!!! On the A-Side you get the normal album versions. On the flipside there are alternate versions of these two... Details
4 Tracks; 500 copies. This 7" actually does not contain only two songs, its four!!!!! On the A-Side you get the normal album versions. On the flipside there are alternate versions of these two... Details
The Terrordactyls
s/t (LP, FOC)
s/t (LP, FOC)
Lo-Fi / Anti-Folk
13 Tracks; 500 copies. THE TERRORDACTYLS ' quirky, lighthearted yet decidedly melancholic pop/anti-folk tunes are augmented by toy pianos, kazoos, and the voice of Kimya Dawson (THE MOLDY PEACHES,... Details
13 Tracks; 500 copies. THE TERRORDACTYLS ' quirky, lighthearted yet decidedly melancholic pop/anti-folk tunes are augmented by toy pianos, kazoos, and the voice of Kimya Dawson (THE MOLDY PEACHES,... Details
Look The Other Way (7")
Look The Other Way (7")
Garage Rock
2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. With their record collections representing the entire rock'n'roll history, covering obscure country, blues, R&B, beat, punk, wave, grunge, contemporary garage and... Details
2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. With their record collections representing the entire rock'n'roll history, covering obscure country, blues, R&B, beat, punk, wave, grunge, contemporary garage and... Details

TV Buddhas feat. Juval Haring (Lebanon / Vaadat Charigim)
Band In The Modern World (12" EP)
Band In The Modern World (12" EP)
RSD 2012 / Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Wave
5 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Tel Aviv-Exilanten und Neu-Berliner mit einem exklusiven Record Store Day Release. Auch hier wieder waviger Punk/Garage mit WIPERS Einschlag. Details
5 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Tel Aviv-Exilanten und Neu-Berliner mit einem exklusiven Record Store Day Release. Auch hier wieder waviger Punk/Garage mit WIPERS Einschlag. Details
TV Buddhas
Dying At The Party (CD)
Dying At The Party (CD)
Garage Rock / Wave
9 Tracks; Booklet mit Texten. 2. Album der Band aus Tel Aviv bzw. mittlerweile Berlin. "[...] War der Vorgänger "The Golden Period" noch ein ziemlicher Rock-Brecher, haben die TV BUDDHAS seit... Details
9 Tracks; Booklet mit Texten. 2. Album der Band aus Tel Aviv bzw. mittlerweile Berlin. "[...] War der Vorgänger "The Golden Period" noch ein ziemlicher Rock-Brecher, haben die TV BUDDHAS seit... Details
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