Dog Food (7")
Dog Food (7")
Punk Rock
2 Tracks. These four lowlifes from Atlanta, Georgia, have a solid 7" out on Douchemaster Records already which sounds very Glam / Pub Rock-esque. BUT the new songs go into the Powerpop / Punkrock... Details
2 Tracks. These four lowlifes from Atlanta, Georgia, have a solid 7" out on Douchemaster Records already which sounds very Glam / Pub Rock-esque. BUT the new songs go into the Powerpop / Punkrock... Details

The Cave Weddings
Last Time (7")
Last Time (7")
Garage Pop
2 Tracks; 500 copies. These two songs are sugar coated but still not too sweet, they are kinda lo-fi-ish but in a good way, and like most BACHELOR releases it has the right amount of melody in it,... Details
2 Tracks; 500 copies. These two songs are sugar coated but still not too sweet, they are kinda lo-fi-ish but in a good way, and like most BACHELOR releases it has the right amount of melody in it,... Details

Thee Cormans / The Pacifics
Split (7")
Split (7")
Surf / Beat / Garage
2 Bands; 2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Both bands dont really deserve to be on a split 45 cause they are good enough to have their own 7 Inches. This is a beast of a dirty surf beat platter.... Details
2 Bands; 2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Both bands dont really deserve to be on a split 45 cause they are good enough to have their own 7 Inches. This is a beast of a dirty surf beat platter.... Details

They Who Step On The Tiger's Tail (7", farbiges Vinyl)
They Who Step On The Tiger's Tail (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Hardcore / Old School
8 Tracks; Splatter Vinyl; Innencover mit Texten; Limited to 600 numbered copies. Austria's DETERMINATION continue exactly where their 1st 7" ended and rip through 8 new songs of early '80s... Details
8 Tracks; Splatter Vinyl; Innencover mit Texten; Limited to 600 numbered copies. Austria's DETERMINATION continue exactly where their 1st 7" ended and rip through 8 new songs of early '80s... Details

Drunk Mums
Beer Baby (LP)
Beer Baby (LP)
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
10 Tracks; Limited Edition. Australia's unrivalled purveyors of hard-hitting tunes, DRUNK MUMS, are storming back onto the music scene in 2024 after a four-year hiatus that felt like a... Details
10 Tracks; Limited Edition. Australia's unrivalled purveyors of hard-hitting tunes, DRUNK MUMS, are storming back onto the music scene in 2024 after a four-year hiatus that felt like a... Details

Die Ersten Menschen
Apocalypse Now & Then (LP)
Apocalypse Now & Then (LP)
13 Tracks. Long time ago, when Jacko was still alive, DIE ERSTEN MENSCHEN really got some buzz... about their off stage antics and more important - about their music. After punkrock yellow press... Details
13 Tracks. Long time ago, when Jacko was still alive, DIE ERSTEN MENSCHEN really got some buzz... about their off stage antics and more important - about their music. After punkrock yellow press... Details

The Feelers
Nothing Always (7")
Nothing Always (7")
Garage Punk
3 Tracks; Second pressing. THE FEELERS are back with this great 7", spazzed out "Killed by Death" Punk, snotty vox & hectic songs, this came out for their 2007 Euro Tour with the CLOROX GIRLS.... Details
3 Tracks; Second pressing. THE FEELERS are back with this great 7", spazzed out "Killed by Death" Punk, snotty vox & hectic songs, this came out for their 2007 Euro Tour with the CLOROX GIRLS.... Details

Frenzal Rhomb
Coughing Up A Storm (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Coughing Up A Storm (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
90s / Punk Rock / Skate Punk
15 Tracks, Weißes Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 250 copies (of 1000). Das Debütalbum der Australier von 1995, das damals nur auf CD erschien und 2020 erstmals auf Vinyl aufgelegt wurde. Details
15 Tracks, Weißes Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 250 copies (of 1000). Das Debütalbum der Australier von 1995, das damals nur auf CD erschien und 2020 erstmals auf Vinyl aufgelegt wurde. Details

Gut Reactions
Bored (7")
Bored (7")
Garage Punk
3 Tracks. Still sad because THE FEELERS stopped playing about two years ago? Well, here’s a serious contender, the GUT REACTIONS from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! This three songs will hit you like a... Details
3 Tracks. Still sad because THE FEELERS stopped playing about two years ago? Well, here’s a serious contender, the GUT REACTIONS from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! This three songs will hit you like a... Details

Knock Knock (LP)
Knock Knock (LP)
Punk Rock
10 Tracks. This four-piece punk dynamo from Rhode Island, is everything you want in a punk band: brutal, unrefined, and absolutely thrashing. They are exactly how you’d expect them to be offstage;... Details
10 Tracks. This four-piece punk dynamo from Rhode Island, is everything you want in a punk band: brutal, unrefined, and absolutely thrashing. They are exactly how you’d expect them to be offstage;... Details

The Haskels
Taking The City By Storm (LP)
Taking The City By Storm (LP)
80s / Power Pop / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
14 Tracks; Compilation. Infectious Milwaukee Punk Pop ca. 1981. Rare and previously unreleased tracks from the Splunge Archives. Including demos, live tracks and the highly coveted "Taking The... Details
14 Tracks; Compilation. Infectious Milwaukee Punk Pop ca. 1981. Rare and previously unreleased tracks from the Splunge Archives. Including demos, live tracks and the highly coveted "Taking The... Details

Indian Wars
If You Want Me (7")
If You Want Me (7")
Garage Pop
4 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Indian Wars is a 4-piece garage rock group from Vancouver, BC. The band is made up of two brothers (John and Dave) and their long time friends... Details
4 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Indian Wars is a 4-piece garage rock group from Vancouver, BC. The band is made up of two brothers (John and Dave) and their long time friends... Details

Don't You Strangle Me (7")
Don't You Strangle Me (7")
90s / Punk Rock / Alternative Rock
4 Tracks; Inkl. A3 Textbeiblatt. Verspielter Punk aus Freiburg im Breisgau. Details
4 Tracks; Inkl. A3 Textbeiblatt. Verspielter Punk aus Freiburg im Breisgau. Details
Jason / Radikalkur
Split (LP)
Split (LP)
Hardcore / Hardcore Punk
2 Bands; 27 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. JASON aus Brasilien spielen schnellen und aggresiven HC. RADIKALKUR aus Wien bewegen sich irgendwo zwischen GRAUE ZELLEN und DETESTATION. Details
2 Bands; 27 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. JASON aus Brasilien spielen schnellen und aggresiven HC. RADIKALKUR aus Wien bewegen sich irgendwo zwischen GRAUE ZELLEN und DETESTATION. Details

Thee Makeout Party
Jungle Cruise (7")
Jungle Cruise (7")
Power Pop / Bubblegum Pop
2 Tracks; Inkl. Wachsmalstifte + Beiblatt. Nachlass ihres 2. Albums, welches nie veröffentlicht wurde. Daniel Bush (einer der Songwriter) widmet sich lieber seinem Label BURGER RECORDS und bringt... Details
2 Tracks; Inkl. Wachsmalstifte + Beiblatt. Nachlass ihres 2. Albums, welches nie veröffentlicht wurde. Daniel Bush (einer der Songwriter) widmet sich lieber seinem Label BURGER RECORDS und bringt... Details
The Makeouts
Back To Sleep (LP)
Back To Sleep (LP)
Garage Punk
13 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. They are a Stockholm, Sweden based Garage Punk band. From day one of their existence they had quite a following, and with their wild live shows and stage antics... Details
13 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. They are a Stockholm, Sweden based Garage Punk band. From day one of their existence they had quite a following, and with their wild live shows and stage antics... Details
The Makeouts
In A Strange Land! (LP)
In A Strange Land! (LP)
Garage Punk
11 Tracks. THE MAKEOUTS started long time ago as a RIP OFFS blueprint, short harsh guitar riffs, fast paced songs and snotty vocals. THE MAKEOUTS became quite well known in their country, played... Details
11 Tracks. THE MAKEOUTS started long time ago as a RIP OFFS blueprint, short harsh guitar riffs, fast paced songs and snotty vocals. THE MAKEOUTS became quite well known in their country, played... Details

Mess Folk
This Is Mess Folk...And More! (LP)
This Is Mess Folk...And More! (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk
22 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Compilation record featuring various recordings from 2008-2010. Details
22 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Compilation record featuring various recordings from 2008-2010. Details
11 Buildings (2xLP, FOC)
11 Buildings (2xLP, FOC)
Alternative Rock
13 Tracks; Klappcover; Limited to 300 copies. 2. Album der Wiener Indie/Alternative Band. Details
13 Tracks; Klappcover; Limited to 300 copies. 2. Album der Wiener Indie/Alternative Band. Details

Myelins Sheats
Stackticon (7")
Stackticon (7")
Garage Punk
4 Tracks; 500 copies. Cassandra, Joel, Martine and Paul went to the lab and found the perfect formula on how to start an extraordinary band: "None of us really knew how to play our instruments... Details
4 Tracks; 500 copies. Cassandra, Joel, Martine and Paul went to the lab and found the perfect formula on how to start an extraordinary band: "None of us really knew how to play our instruments... Details

No Fun At All feat. Fredrik Georg Eriksson
Seventh Wave (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Seventh Wave (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Melodic Hardcore / Skate Punk
12 Tracks; Silver Vinyl; Bedruckte Innenhülle; Limited to 500 copies. 7. Studio-Album der Schweden, die neben MILLENCOLIN und den SATANIC SURFERS wohl zu den bekanntesten Vertrerten des Melodycore... Details
12 Tracks; Silver Vinyl; Bedruckte Innenhülle; Limited to 500 copies. 7. Studio-Album der Schweden, die neben MILLENCOLIN und den SATANIC SURFERS wohl zu den bekanntesten Vertrerten des Melodycore... Details

Paint Fumes
Real Romancer (LP)
Real Romancer (LP)
Power Pop / Punk Rock
12 Tracks. "Real Romancer", PAINT FUMES' 4th LP — and first for Dig! Records (US) and Bachelor Records (EU) — is a whole new world of glam stompin', duel-guitar with added bass hammerin' sounds... Details
12 Tracks. "Real Romancer", PAINT FUMES' 4th LP — and first for Dig! Records (US) and Bachelor Records (EU) — is a whole new world of glam stompin', duel-guitar with added bass hammerin' sounds... Details

Personal & The Pizzas
Raw Pie (LP)
Raw Pie (LP)
Punk Rock
12 Tracks; Inkl. bedruckter Innenhülle mit Texten. From New Jersey, these part-time workers of a well known Pizza Joint, made it to the world press. Just for fun, they recorded a couple of singles... Details
12 Tracks; Inkl. bedruckter Innenhülle mit Texten. From New Jersey, these part-time workers of a well known Pizza Joint, made it to the world press. Just for fun, they recorded a couple of singles... Details

Plexi 3
Tides of Change (LP)
Tides of Change (LP)
60s Style / Garage Pop
13 Tracks. Songs full of 60s girl group and mod/pop sounds flavoured with just the perfect pinch of garage punk attitude ! Now it is your turn as music expert and scenester to buy this gem! Details
13 Tracks. Songs full of 60s girl group and mod/pop sounds flavoured with just the perfect pinch of garage punk attitude ! Now it is your turn as music expert and scenester to buy this gem! Details

Real Numbers feat. Boys Club / The Retainers
EP (7")
EP (7")
Garage Punk
4 Tracks; Handnumbered to 500 copies. This is the second single of this trio from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and its just not too trashy so you can easily play it when you are DJing at the local... Details
4 Tracks; Handnumbered to 500 copies. This is the second single of this trio from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and its just not too trashy so you can easily play it when you are DJing at the local... Details

The Reekys feat. Chris Reeky (Mondo Ray / Thee Garagekid)
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
00s / Pop Punk / Punk Rock
14 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. The long lost debut album of THE teenpunk sensation from Monaco di Bavarie in the late 90s/beginning of the 00 years. 14 cuts put on tape in 2005,... Details
14 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. The long lost debut album of THE teenpunk sensation from Monaco di Bavarie in the late 90s/beginning of the 00 years. 14 cuts put on tape in 2005,... Details

Rock N Roll Adventure Kids
Boobies (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Boobies (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Garage Punk
2 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Repress. Vom renommierten SAN FRANSISCO GUARDIAN zur besten Punk Band 2007 gewählt kommen hier zwei fantastische, leicht ausser Kontrolle geratende Rock and Roll Punk Songs... Details
2 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Repress. Vom renommierten SAN FRANSISCO GUARDIAN zur besten Punk Band 2007 gewählt kommen hier zwei fantastische, leicht ausser Kontrolle geratende Rock and Roll Punk Songs... Details

Slander Tongue feat. Axel (Bikes / Modern Pets)
Server Room b/w This Time (7")
Server Room b/w This Time (7")
Lo-Fi / Pub Rock / Punk'n'Roll
2 Tracks. Debut single by this all star band from Berlin, Germany, with members of various garage/punk bands like BIKES, PRIMITIVE HANDS, MODERN PETS just to name a few. Recorded in November 2017,... Details
2 Tracks. Debut single by this all star band from Berlin, Germany, with members of various garage/punk bands like BIKES, PRIMITIVE HANDS, MODERN PETS just to name a few. Recorded in November 2017,... Details
Sonic Chicken 4
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
60s Style / Garage Punk
12 Tracks. After releasing a string of seven inches on NASTY PRODUCT and playing dates in Europe and the USA, SONIC CHICKEN 4 inked a deal with one of the leading garage punk record labels, IN THE... Details
12 Tracks. After releasing a string of seven inches on NASTY PRODUCT and playing dates in Europe and the USA, SONIC CHICKEN 4 inked a deal with one of the leading garage punk record labels, IN THE... Details

Soul Boys feat. Uwe Meyer (La Cry)
Fuck You... We Are The Boys! (7")
Fuck You... We Are The Boys! (7")
00s / Oi! / Punk Rock / Streetpunk
5 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. Nach der Split 7" mit COFFEIN BOMB die erst eigene 7" der Streetpunkrock'n'Roll Band aus Hamburg. Stimmgewaltiger Sänger (Uwe von LA CRY) mit Einflüssen von BLITZ und... Details
5 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. Nach der Split 7" mit COFFEIN BOMB die erst eigene 7" der Streetpunkrock'n'Roll Band aus Hamburg. Stimmgewaltiger Sänger (Uwe von LA CRY) mit Einflüssen von BLITZ und... Details
Spike & The Sweet Spots feat. Spencer Johnson (The Yolks)
Strange Breed (LP)
Strange Breed (LP)
Lo-Fi / Folk Rock
9 Tracks; Limited to 300 copies. Debut LP by Chicago's folk rock darlings. For the last ten years, Spencer "Spike" Johnson has played in Chicago’s favorite party rock band, THE YOLKS, and lent... Details
9 Tracks; Limited to 300 copies. Debut LP by Chicago's folk rock darlings. For the last ten years, Spencer "Spike" Johnson has played in Chicago’s favorite party rock band, THE YOLKS, and lent... Details

The Terrordactyls
Overlapping Circles / Friendship (7")
Overlapping Circles / Friendship (7")
Anti-Folk / Lo-Fi
4 Tracks; 500 copies. This 7" actually does not contain only two songs, its four!!!!! On the A-Side you get the normal album versions. On the flipside there are alternate versions of these two... Details
4 Tracks; 500 copies. This 7" actually does not contain only two songs, its four!!!!! On the A-Side you get the normal album versions. On the flipside there are alternate versions of these two... Details
The Terrordactyls
s/t (LP, FOC)
s/t (LP, FOC)
Lo-Fi / Anti-Folk
13 Tracks; 500 copies. THE TERRORDACTYLS ' quirky, lighthearted yet decidedly melancholic pop/anti-folk tunes are augmented by toy pianos, kazoos, and the voice of Kimya Dawson (THE MOLDY PEACHES,... Details
13 Tracks; 500 copies. THE TERRORDACTYLS ' quirky, lighthearted yet decidedly melancholic pop/anti-folk tunes are augmented by toy pianos, kazoos, and the voice of Kimya Dawson (THE MOLDY PEACHES,... Details
Look The Other Way (7")
Look The Other Way (7")
Garage Rock
2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. With their record collections representing the entire rock'n'roll history, covering obscure country, blues, R&B, beat, punk, wave, grunge, contemporary garage and... Details
2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. With their record collections representing the entire rock'n'roll history, covering obscure country, blues, R&B, beat, punk, wave, grunge, contemporary garage and... Details

TV Buddhas feat. Juval Haring (Lebanon / Vaadat Charigim)
Band In The Modern World (12" EP)
Band In The Modern World (12" EP)
RSD 2012 / Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Wave
5 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Tel Aviv-Exilanten und Neu-Berliner mit einem exklusiven Record Store Day Release. Auch hier wieder waviger Punk/Garage mit WIPERS Einschlag. Details
5 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Tel Aviv-Exilanten und Neu-Berliner mit einem exklusiven Record Store Day Release. Auch hier wieder waviger Punk/Garage mit WIPERS Einschlag. Details

The Younger Lovers
Rock Flawless (LP)
Rock Flawless (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage
14 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt mit Texten; 300 copies. BRONTEZ PURNELL is not only the head of THE YOUNGER LOVERS, he writes the "She's over it!" column for MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL zine and he's got his own... Details
14 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt mit Texten; 300 copies. BRONTEZ PURNELL is not only the head of THE YOUNGER LOVERS, he writes the "She's over it!" column for MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL zine and he's got his own... Details
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