Underparts ex-Deny Everything / The Dimensions
Steady Gaze (LP+MP3, farbiges Vinyl)
Steady Gaze (LP+MP3, farbiges Vinyl)
Punk Rock / Pop Punk
12 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt + Download-Code. Band aus Köln mit Leuten von DENY EVERYTHING und THE DIMENSIONS. Rauher, snotty und dennoch hooklastiger (Pop-)Punk. Details
12 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt + Download-Code. Band aus Köln mit Leuten von DENY EVERYTHING und THE DIMENSIONS. Rauher, snotty und dennoch hooklastiger (Pop-)Punk. Details

The Undertones feat. Feargal Sharkey (The Assembly)
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
70s / Punk Rock / Pop Punk
16 Tracks; Remastered; Reissue. Their highly acclaimed 1979 debut LP. 2016 remaster from the original tapes. Details
16 Tracks; Remastered; Reissue. Their highly acclaimed 1979 debut LP. 2016 remaster from the original tapes. Details
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