The Daleks - Exterminate: 40 Years Too Late (LP)
The Daleks Via Vess / Strictly Rockers
Exterminate: 40 Years Too Late (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware GB 2021 Damaged Goods DAMGOOD548
70s / 80s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
16 Tracks; Compilation; Silbernes Vinyl; Limited Edition. Limited edition vinyl release featuring original Croydon punks THE DALEKS (1979-80) along with their associated bands STRICTLY ROCKERS... Details
18,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Damned - Friday 13th (T-Shirt / M)
The Damned
Friday 13th (T-Shirt / M)
Neuware GB Plastic Head PH8909M
Punk Rock / KIlled By Death
Offiziell lizensiertes schwarzes T-Shirt; Größe M; Gildan Softstyle Ring Spun; 100% Baumwolle. Details
15,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Damned feat. Rat Scabies (London SS / Vicious White Kids) & Captain Sensible (The Sensible Gray Cells)
Music For Pleasure (LP)
Neuware EU 1977/2015 Sanctuary BMGRM051LP
Punk Rock / Killed By Death
11 Tracks; Reissue. Details
22,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Dead Nittels - Anti New Wave Liga (7")
Dead Nittels
Anti New Wave Liga (7")
Neuware AT 1983/2020 Bachelor Archives BA-710
80s / Deutschpunk / Killed By Death
4 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt + Postkarte + Aufkleber; Reissue; Limited Edition. Legendary Austrian Punk. Reissue. Originally released in 1983 when your parents still listenend to Goobay Dance... Details
10,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Dead Wretched - Convicted / Infiltrator (7")
Dead Wretched feat. Micky Coyle (Benediction / Sensa Yuma)
Convicted / Infiltrator (7")
Neuware DE 1982/2021 Mad Butcher Classics MBC 146
80s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
2 Tracks; Reissue; Limited to 400 copies (of 500). Neuauflage der 2. und letzten 7" von 1982 der UK-Band aus Birmingham. Details
6,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
s/t (LP, FOC)
Neuware DE 1981/2017 Static Age SA 044
Punk Rock / Swiss Punk / Killed By Death
11 Tracks; Deluxe Klappcover; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. Reissue of DEBILS' only album which came out in 1981. Finest Swiss Punk with male / female vocals. Catchy as hell. Comes in... Details
20,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Degenerates - s/t (LP)
The Degenerates feat. Wade Driver (J Church / The Reaction / Hickoids)
s/t (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware (m/m-) IT 2016 Rave Up RUR 081
80s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
18 Tracks; Compilation; Gelbes Vinyl; Limited to 200 copies. THE DEGENERATES were the youngest Houston punk band formed in late 1979 played gigs at ‘The Island’ and ‘Joe Star’s Omni’ with great... Details
17,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Demon Preacher - Little Miss Perfect (7")
Demon Preacher pre-The Demons
Little Miss Perfect (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware DE 1978/2021 Mad Butcher Classics MBC 149
70s / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
2 Tracks; Blaues Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 100 copies (of 500). Neuauflage der 2. und letzten Single von 1978 der UK-Band aus Islington. Details
8,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Destroy All Monsters - What Do I Get / Nobody Knows (7")
Destroy All Monsters pre-Dark Carnival / feat. Ron Asheton (Iggy & The Stooges / New Race) & Michael Davis (MC5)
What Do I Get / Nobody Knows (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware IT 1979/2019 Radiation RRS71008
70s / Punk Rock / New Wave / Killed By Death
2 Tracks; Graues Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 500 copies. The 3rd single (originally from 1979) by the cult Michigan-based experimental punk-wave band, reissued on the original 7-inch format with... Details
8,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Live in New Jersey, 1983 (7")
Neuware US Just'In BL-004
Punk Rock / Killed By Death
5 Tracks. Inkl. dem Hit "Dead Rock'n'Rollers". Details
8,91 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Dictators - Live Rochester NY, July, 77 (LP)
The Dictators feat. Andy Shernoff (The Master Plan) / pre-Manitoba's Wild Kingdom
Live Rochester NY, July, 77 (LP)
Neuware GB 2015 Interference INTRLP0001
Proto Punk / Punk'n'Roll / Killed By Death
8 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited Edition. Legendary radio recording. The loud, lewd & unabashed sound of New York punk rockers THE DICTATORS, live from Rochester NY on 7th June 1977.... Details
17,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Discharge - Protest And Survive: The Anthology (2xLP)
Protest And Survive: The Anthology (2xLP, farbiges Vinyl, FOC)
Neuware EU 2020 BMG BMGCAT424DLP
80s / Hardcore Punk / Killed By Death
38 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover; Splatter Vinyl. Thirty eight of DISCHARGE's most vital songs. Includes three previously unreleased tracks to celebrate 40 recorded years of their seminal... Details
29,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Why (LP, Picture)
Neuware GB 1981/2017 Let Them Eat Vinyl LETV526PD
RSD 2017 / Hardcore Punk / Killed By Death
24 Tracks; Picture Disc; Limited Edition. Compiles the mini-album "Why", "Realities Of War" EP, "Fight Back" EP, "Decontrol" EP and 2 live bonus tracks. Details
25,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
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