Dustdevils feat. Jacqui Dulany (Cha Cha Cohen / STP) & Michael Duane (Crippled & The Burnout)
Gutter Light (LP)
Gutter Light (LP)
Noise Rock / Alternative Rock
7 Tracks. DUSTdevils was led by the British Michael Duane and Australian-born singer/bassist Jaqi Dulany. They were originally based in Leeds, England and later moved to New York City. Details
7 Tracks. DUSTdevils was led by the British Michael Duane and Australian-born singer/bassist Jaqi Dulany. They were originally based in Leeds, England and later moved to New York City. Details

Touched / First Out (7")
Touched / First Out (7")
Noise / Avantgarde
2 Tracks; Limited to 750 copies. Band from Nottingham. "If AMEBIX had ever decided to become a HAWKWIND cover band I kinda think they may have ended up sounding like this lot." (John Liedown) Details
2 Tracks; Limited to 750 copies. Band from Nottingham. "If AMEBIX had ever decided to become a HAWKWIND cover band I kinda think they may have ended up sounding like this lot." (John Liedown) Details
Mutton Gun Muttongun / feat. Justin Harwood (The Chills / Luna)
Amplexus (LP)
Amplexus (LP)
Noise Rock / Experimental
10 Tracks. Debütalbum der Band aus London mit Wurzeln in Neuseeland. Details
10 Tracks. Debütalbum der Band aus London mit Wurzeln in Neuseeland. Details
Pere Ubu feat. David Thomas (Rocket From The Tombs)
Waiting For Mary (What Are We Doing Here?) (12" EP)
Waiting For Mary (What Are We Doing Here?) (12" EP)

Silver Apples
Fractal Flow (7")
Fractal Flow (7")
90s / Space Rock / Synth-Pop / Experimental
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. 1967 gegründetes New Yorker Space-Rock-Duo um Simeon Coxe und Dan Taylor. Nachdem 1970 Schluss war, gab es 1996 eine Reunion wo diese 7" entstand. Das Cover ziert ein... Details
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. 1967 gegründetes New Yorker Space-Rock-Duo um Simeon Coxe und Dan Taylor. Nachdem 1970 Schluss war, gab es 1996 eine Reunion wo diese 7" entstand. Das Cover ziert ein... Details
Silverfish feat. Lesley Rankine (Ruby / Pigface)
Damn Fine EP (12" EP)
Damn Fine EP (12" EP)
Noise Rock / Indie Rock / Grunge
4 Tracks. UK-Band mit Sängerin Lesley Rankine, die von Ende der 80er bis 1993 aktiv war. Details
4 Tracks. UK-Band mit Sängerin Lesley Rankine, die von Ende der 80er bis 1993 aktiv war. Details

Sudden Sway feat. Mike McGuire (The Now)
Autumn Cutback Job Lot Offer (7")
Autumn Cutback Job Lot Offer (7")
Indie Rock / Experimental
8 Tracks; Inkl. Inserts. Eight jingles for imaginary products on a seven inch single. Came with two fold-out paper inserts with more detailed descriptions of the products. Details
8 Tracks; Inkl. Inserts. Eight jingles for imaginary products on a seven inch single. Came with two fold-out paper inserts with more detailed descriptions of the products. Details

Transmission feat. Adris Hoyos (Harry Pussy / Monostadt 3) & Graham Lambkin (The Shadow Ring)
EP #1 (7")
EP #1 (7")

Tumor Circus feat. Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys) & Charlie Tolnay (King Snake Roost / Grong Grong / Lubricated Goat) & Steel Pole Bath Tub
Meathook Up My Rectum (7")
Meathook Up My Rectum (7")
V/A Obimen / The Hamsters / The Lowthers / John The Postman / Beatrice / God / Mr. A. Valler / Andrew Berry / The Next Step / Philip Johnson
The Disparate Cogscienti (LP)
The Disparate Cogscienti (LP)
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