Mongrel Rock (LP)
Mongrel Rock (LP)
Alternative Rock / Stoner Rock / Noise Rock
10 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 300 copies. AIKULA from Slovenia present a wayward interpretation of rock, roaming within variable music styles, keeping their unique original sound and... Details
10 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 300 copies. AIKULA from Slovenia present a wayward interpretation of rock, roaming within variable music styles, keeping their unique original sound and... Details
Big Damn Crazy Weight feat. Keith Herrera (Detonations / The Drags / The Kill Spectors)
Tijeras (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Tijeras (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Noise Rock / Grunge
2 Tracks; Grünes Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 numbered copies. "Tense, aggressive "fuck you" music that reminds me of, but doesn't sound like a grunged out BIG BLACK. Mean and angry... Details
2 Tracks; Grünes Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 500 numbered copies. "Tense, aggressive "fuck you" music that reminds me of, but doesn't sound like a grunged out BIG BLACK. Mean and angry... Details
Dustdevils feat. Jacqui Dulany (Cha Cha Cohen / STP) & Michael Duane (Crippled & The Burnout)
Gutter Light (LP)
Gutter Light (LP)
Noise Rock / Alternative Rock
7 Tracks. DUSTdevils was led by the British Michael Duane and Australian-born singer/bassist Jaqi Dulany. They were originally based in Leeds, England and later moved to New York City. Details
7 Tracks. DUSTdevils was led by the British Michael Duane and Australian-born singer/bassist Jaqi Dulany. They were originally based in Leeds, England and later moved to New York City. Details
All Day Sucker (LP)
All Day Sucker (LP)
Indie Rock / Noise Rock / Jazz Punk
12 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Einziges Album der US-Band aus Minneapolis. Details
12 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Einziges Album der US-Band aus Minneapolis. Details
Nice Strong Arm pre-Sugartime / pre-Timco
Mind Furnace (LP)
Mind Furnace (LP)
Noise Rock / Art Rock / Indie Rock
10 Tracks; Innnehülle mit Texten. 2. Album der 1987 in Austin, Texas gegründeten US-Band, die später nach NYC umsiedelte. Wurden damals mit Bands wie LIVE SKULL, PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH und SONIC YOUTH... Details
10 Tracks; Innnehülle mit Texten. 2. Album der 1987 in Austin, Texas gegründeten US-Band, die später nach NYC umsiedelte. Wurden damals mit Bands wie LIVE SKULL, PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH und SONIC YOUTH... Details
Oh' Dev feat. André Alberts (Meer Staal)
100 Times A Whore (7", farbiges Vinyl)
100 Times A Whore (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Noise Rock / Alternative Rock
2 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 1000 copies. The Constrictor Singles-Series. Kind of "noise-rock" band strongly influenced by SONIC YOUTH, SCRATCH ACID, etc. Details
2 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Limited to 1000 copies. The Constrictor Singles-Series. Kind of "noise-rock" band strongly influenced by SONIC YOUTH, SCRATCH ACID, etc. Details
Phantom Tollbooth feat. Dave Rick (Yo La Tengo / King Missile / Wonderama / Bongwater / B.A.L.L.)
Daylight In The Quiet Zone (MLP)
Daylight In The Quiet Zone (MLP)
90s / Noise Rock / Post-Hardcore / Indie Rock
6 Tracks. US-Band from New York, formed in 1984. Songs recorded live at CBGB 4.15.1985 & 4.15.1988. Details
6 Tracks. US-Band from New York, formed in 1984. Songs recorded live at CBGB 4.15.1985 & 4.15.1988. Details
Phantom Tollbooth feat. Dave Rick (Yo La Tengo / King Missile / Wonderama / Bongwater / B.A.L.L.)
Power Toy (LP)
Power Toy (LP)
80s / Noise Rock / Post-Hardcore / Indie Rock
10 Tracks; Innenhülle mit Texten. 2. Album der 1984 gegründeten US-Band aus New York. Details
10 Tracks; Innenhülle mit Texten. 2. Album der 1984 gegründeten US-Band aus New York. Details

Phantom Tollbooth feat. Dave Rick (Yo La Tengo / King Missile / Wonderama / Bongwater / B.A.L.L.)
s/t (12" EP)
s/t (12" EP)
80s / Noise Rock / Post-Hardcore / Indie Rock
7 Tracks. 12" EP der 1984 gegründeten US-Band aus New York. Details
7 Tracks. 12" EP der 1984 gegründeten US-Band aus New York. Details

Kim Salmon The Scientists / Beasts of Bourbon / Cheap Nasties / Kim Salmon & the Surrealists
Lightning Scary (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Lightning Scary (7", farbiges Vinyl)
90s / Alternative Rock / Noise Rock
2 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl. Debüt Solo Single von Kim Salmon. Details
2 Tracks; Weißes Vinyl. Debüt Solo Single von Kim Salmon. Details
Silverfish feat. Lesley Rankine (Ruby / Pigface)
Damn Fine EP (12" EP)
Damn Fine EP (12" EP)
Noise Rock / Indie Rock / Grunge
4 Tracks. UK-Band mit Sängerin Lesley Rankine, die von Ende der 80er bis 1993 aktiv war. Details
4 Tracks. UK-Band mit Sängerin Lesley Rankine, die von Ende der 80er bis 1993 aktiv war. Details
Thug feat. Tex Perkins (Beasts of Bourbon) & Lachlan McLeod (The Butcher Shop)
Electric Woolly Mammoth (LP)
Electric Woolly Mammoth (LP)
Alternative Rock / Noise Rock / Experimental
17 Tracks; Bedruckte Innenhülle. 2. und letztes Album der Band aus Australien um TEX PERKINS. Details
17 Tracks; Bedruckte Innenhülle. 2. und letztes Album der Band aus Australien um TEX PERKINS. Details
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