The Black Orchids feat. Jenna McGrath (Da Willys)
The Lunatics Ball (7")
Neuware (m/m-) US 1988 Cryptovision CR 900
80s / Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
4 Tracks. New York US-Band with female vox on some songs. Only release of the band. Details
4,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Born Loose feat. Larry May (Candy Snatchers / The Crums) & Suke (Snuka / Iron Prostate / Candy Snatchers) & Shane Konen (Live Ones / Ghetto Ways) & Eric Robel (Heroin Sheiks / Nova Express).
Blowout! (LP+MP3)
Neuware DE 2015 Hound Gawd! HGR-011
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll / Schweinerock
12 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. Kick Ass Rock'n'Roll - wenn es je eine Band gegeben hat, auf die diese Bezeichnung passt, dann waren es die CANDY SNATCHERS. BORN LOOSE sind die ultimative... Details
17,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Born Loose - Move Along (7")
Born Loose feat. Larry May (Candy Snatchers / The Crums) & Suke (Snuka / Iron Prostate / Candy Snatchers) & Shane Konen (Live Ones / Ghetto Ways) & Eric Robel (Heroin Sheiks / Nova Express).
Move Along (7")
Neuware US 2012 Black Lung BL-35
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll / Schweinerock
3 Tracks; Limited to 600 copies. Killer debut recordings by CANDY SNATCHERS' Larry May's band! It features 2 original songs plus a fantastic cover of the M-80's garage-punk anthem "You've Been... Details
8,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Charmin' Carmen - Dynamite (CD)
Charmin' Carmen
Dynamite (CD)
Neuware DE 2006 Rebel Products 011
Punk'n'Roll / Garage Rock / Local Heroes
11 Tracks; Digipack. "Straight-in-your-face-kick-ass-punk'n'roll verspricht das Presseinfo zum zweiten Album der in Stuttgart angesiedelten CHARMIN' CARMEN [...] Wie auch immer. Rocken tun sie... Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Church Of Abba / The Rüpelz
Split (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware DE 1998 Mutant Bigbeat MB 07498
Lo-Fi / Punk'n'Roll / Streetpunk
2 Bands; 4 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Limited to 200 numbered copies. Zwei Bands aus Schopfheim aus dem Umfeld von Indiepunk Records. Details
3,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Conditionz
Pushing Up Daisies (12" EP)
Neuware (m/vg+; rw) US 1990 Primal Lunch PL007
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
6 Tracks. US-Band aus Riverside, Kalifornien. "Start the 90’s with six brand new songs by the Conditionz. Punk destructo-garage rock to dump your beer by." Details
7,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Easy Livin' ex-The Morning Shakes / ex-The M-80s
Good Time Head-On Collision! (LP)
Neuware US 2000 Dionysus ID123383
60s Style / Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
14 Tracks. Garage punk band in the proud NYC tradition. This 14 track platter brings together the best worlds of '60s garage, '70s punk and '90s manic panic garage punk. Details
8,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Lipstick Killers ex-The Psycho Surgeons
Mesmerizer (LP)
2nd Hand (vg/vg-; sp; rw) FR 1985 Closer CL 0037
Punk'n'Roll / Garage Rock / Killed By Death
12 Tracks. Live-Album der 1978 gegründeten Band aus Sydney, Austrailen. Hervorgegangen aus der Asche von THE PSYCHO SURGEONS. Aufgenommen im November 1981. Details
13,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Locomotions - s/t (7")
The Locomotions feat. Martin Savage (Blacks / Dixie Buzzards / Tokyo Knives) / Loco Lopez & Topi the Kat (Sons Of Cyrus)
s/t (7")
Neuware FR 2004 Yakisakana SAZAE 016
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll / Power Pop
4 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Details
5,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Manikins - Bad Papers (7")
The Manikins feat. Kalle & Max (Local Oafs)
Bad Papers (7")
Neuware DE 2006 Squoodge SR 17.27
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Punk'n'Roll
3 Tracks; Limited to 333 copies. Band aus Schweden mit gewohnt hektischem, kickendem Vollgas-Punkrock mit hysterischen Vocals und durchgetretenem Distortion-Pedal. Die B-Seite läuft von innen nach... Details
6,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Real Kids - No Place Fast (LP)
The Real Kids pre-Primitive Souls / feat. John Felice (The Taxi Boys)
No Place Fast (LP)
Neuware US 1999 Norton ED-267
Power Pop / Punk'n'Roll / Garage Rock
12 Tracks; Compilation. Phenomenal net of massive John Felice originals! Loads of stupendous rare sides -- ALL FROM MASTER TAPES! Absolutely essential chapter in the still-unfolding Real Kids... Details
20,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Red Red Red ex-Piranhas
Mind Destroyer (LP)
Neuware US 2006 Big Neck BN052
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Punk'n'Roll
10 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. Band aus Detroit mit ex-PIRANHA Ryan Sabatis. Wild, messerscharf und total überdreht. Details
7,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Martin Savage & The Jiggerz - s/t (LP)
Martin Savage & The Jiggerz feat. Martin Savage (The Locomotions / Blacks / Dixie Buzzards / Tokyo Knives)
s/t (LP)
Neuware GB 2024 Damaged Goods DAMGOOD613LP
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
12 Tracks. Who said rock'n'roll is dead?! Maybe Dr Frankenstein's made a rock 'n' roll monster cuz it sure seems alive to me. We introduce to you the debut LP of MARTIN SAVAGE AND THE JIGGERZ! All... Details
21,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Sheek The Shayk
Just A Chick (7", farbiges Vinyl)
2nd Hand (m-/m-) AU 1999 2F90
Garage Rock / Punk'n'Roll
3 Tracks; Gelbes Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt. Band aus Sydney, Australien, die es auf dieser 3 Track 7" tasächlich fertig bringen bei jedem Song einen anderen Stil zu haben. "Just A Chick" klingt wir... Details
3,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Slander Tongue - Monochrome (LP)
Slander Tongue feat. Axel (Bikes / Modern Pets) & John Boy Adonis (King Khan & His Shrines / The About:Blanks / The Black Jaspers)
Monochrome (LP)
Neuware DE 2023 Alien Snatch! SNATCH!119
Lo-Fi / Power Pop / Punk'n'Roll / Boogie Rock
10 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Limited to 400 copies (of 500). This is aggro power pop, punk with pop sensibilities all in a full guitar driven 70´s ballroom blitz. Nowhere else to go when they hit the... Details
15,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Slander Tongue - Server Room b/w This Time (7")
Slander Tongue feat. Axel (Bikes / Modern Pets)
Server Room b/w This Time (7")
Neuware AT 2018 Bachelor BR-103
Lo-Fi / Pub Rock / Punk'n'Roll
2 Tracks. Debut single by this all star band from Berlin, Germany, with members of various garage/punk bands like BIKES, PRIMITIVE HANDS, MODERN PETS just to name a few. Recorded in November 2017,... Details
5,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Slander Tongue - s/t (LP)
Slander Tongue feat. Axel (Bikes / Modern Pets) & John Boy Adonis (King Khan & His Shrines / The About:Blanks / The Black Jaspers)
s/t (LP)
Neuware US 2020 Slovenly 702-240
Lo-Fi / Pub Rock / Punk'n'Roll / Boogie Rock
11 Tracks. Slovenly Recordings welcomes Germany's suave rock'n'roll true-believers SLANDER TONGUE to their stable of international beat group sensations! On their debut, self titled LP we have a... Details
16,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Sons Of Cyrus feat. Loco Lopez (Murder By Guitar / The Locomotions)
Trigger-Happy (LP)
Neuware DE 2006 Sounds Of Subterrania SOS 076
Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
8 Tracks. Würden die FLAMING SIDEBURNS sich ausschließlich mit einem Haufen STOOGES Platten in einer schimmligen Garage verschanzen, das Ergebnis könnte diese Platte sein. Für den perfekten Sound... Details
9,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Spongetunnel ex-Sponge / ex-Fudgetunnel
Morons...& Monsters!! (LP)
2nd Hand (m-/vg+) US 1988 Underdog LP-004
Garage Rock / Punk Rock / Punk'n'Roll
12 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt mit Texten. Band aus Chicago feat. Russ Forster (Underdog Records). Details
7,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Deniz Tek & The Godoys - Fast Freight (LP+MP3)
Deniz Tek & The Godoys ex-Radio Birdman / ex-New Race / ex-The Visitors / ex-Angie Pepper / ex-Exploding Fuck Dolls / ex-The Last Of The Bad Men
Fast Freight (LP+MP3)
Neuware IT 2019 Wild Honey WH-054
Garage Rock / Punk'n'Roll
10 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. Album from DENIZ TEK with Art and Steve Godoy. Art and Steve are internationally known skateboard stars, tattooists and punk rockers. They have been in Deniz' solo... Details
20,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A Acetones / Backyard Babies / Fokkewolf / Smooth & Greedy / Rodeo Rockets / Peepshows / Kucksuckers / Electric Frankenstein / Cosmic Goblins / Stisism / The Rockets / The Bones / Sex...
The 2nd Coming... (10", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware SE 1998 Frank FRANK 6
Punk'n'Roll / Schweinerock / Garage Punk
14 Bands; 14 Tracks; Blaues Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt. Details
11,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
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