Subgenre:PUNK ROCK
Amyl & The Sniffers - s/t (LP)
Amyl & The Sniffers
s/t (LP)
Neuware EU 2019 Rough Trade RT0064LP
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
11 Tracks. AMYL & THE SNIFFERS sind die langersehnte, unbekümmert-energiegeladene Wiederbelebungsmaßnahme, die dem Punk noch einmal neuen Atem eingehaucht hat. In allerbester trotzig-rotziger... Details
25,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Arsene Obscene Veines / Kaiser Bitnik / Flaschen / The Electric Mormons
Zone Industrielle (LP)
Neuware (m/m-) DE 2010 P.Trash FULL TRASH 52
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / One Man Band
14 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Francois from the VEINES and his new solo-fi one-man pharmacy ARSENE OBSCENE. You're about to swallow 14 grams of crunched-out and fuzzed-up Punkrock powder,... Details
10,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Buck Biloxi & The Fucks - Put You In The Gulag (7")
Buck Biloxi & The Fucks pre-New Buck Biloxi
Put You In The Gulag (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware IT 2020/2021 Goodbye Boozy GB 170R
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
3 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Repress; Limited to 200 numbered copies (of 250). Es braucht ein besonderes Talent, super eingängige, angepisste Songs zu schreiben. Diese EP enthält drei. Minimalistischer... Details
7,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Celebrities - Redd Karpet (LP)
The Celebrities feat. Joe Sussman (Nancy / Dangus Tarkus / Muff Divers) & Kel Mason (Gee Tee)
Redd Karpet (LP)
Neuware US 2024 Total Punk TP-134
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
7 Tracks; Limited Edition. An international collaboration between Joe Sussman (NANCY, DANGUS TARKUS, MUFF DIVERS) and Kel Mason (GEE TEE) with a cameo by Ishka Edmeades (TEE VEE REPAIRMAN, SATANIC... Details
23,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Chained Bliss - s/t (LP)
Chained Bliss
s/t (LP)
Neuware GB 2022 Drunken Sailor DRUNKEN SAILOR 149
Punk Rock / Post Punk / Garage Punk
10 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Philly’s own CHAINED BLISS set tongues a-waggin’ back in 2019 with their "Stained Red" cassette EP, gathering more than a few comparisons to the WIPERS’ early racket... Details
20,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Chubby & The Gang - The Mutt's Nuts (LP)
Chubby & The Gang
The Mutt's Nuts (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware GB 2021 Partisan PTKF2198-1 / PTKF2198-5
Hardcore Punk / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
15 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Limited Edition. West London five-piece CHUBBY & THE GANG are balanced by two energies – a casual “fuck it” on one side, an active “fuck off” on the other. For every... Details
25,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Chuckamuck - Sayonara (7")
Sayonara (7")
Neuware DE 2017 Staatsakt AKTSIE069
Punk Rock / Garage Rock / Country
2 Tracks. 10 Jahre Chuckamuck! Als Geburtstagsgeschenk gibt es zwei neue Songs. Einen 77er Punk-Stampfer namens "Sayonara" und als exklusive B-Seite die JOHNNY CASH Cover-Version "Let the train... Details
7,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Dahmers
Down In The Basement (LP)
Neuware (m/vg+; sp) SE 2018/2023 Lövely LLY033
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
18 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! Das 3. Album der schwedischen Rock'n'Roll-Horror-Sensation. Das Album versammelt 18 Tracks mit einem... Details
20,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Dahmers
In The Dead Of Night (LP)
Neuware (m/vg+; sp) SE 2017/2023 Lövely LLY021
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
13 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Inkl. Beiblatt; Reissue; Limited Edition. ACHTUNG: Cover hat oben einen Seam Split! A mutation of garage punk, energic rock and 60s pop makes 'In The Dead Of Night' a... Details
20,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Death Laser / Pää Kii - Split (7")
Death Laser / Pää Kii feat. Teemu (The Heartburns / Nazi Death Camp / Kakka-Hätä 77)
Split (7")
Neuware FI 2013 Airiston Punk-Levyt AIRO-34 / BLAST012
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Inkl. Textblatt; Limited to 1000 copies. 2x finnischer Punk Rock! PÄÄ KII mit finnischen Texten und mit Teemu (THE HEARTBURNS / NAZI DEATH CAMP / KAKKA-HÄTÄ 77, ...)! Details
6,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Didjits feat. Rick Sims (Gaza Strippers / Supersuckers / The Lee Harvey Oswald Band)
Backstage Passout (LP)
2nd Hand (m-/vg+; rw) 1991 Fan Club
90s / Punk Rock / Garage Punk
11 Tracks. Die US-Band aus Illinois live Sept. 19, 1990 at the Kilburn National Ballroom, London. Details
10,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Drunk Mums - Beer Baby (LP)
Drunk Mums
Beer Baby (LP)
Neuware AT 2024 Bachelor BR-145
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
10 Tracks; Limited Edition. Australia's unrivalled purveyors of hard-hitting tunes, DRUNK MUMS, are storming back onto the music scene in 2024 after a four-year hiatus that felt like a... Details
23,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Electric Blue Peggy Sue & The Revolutionions From Mars ex-Après Demain
Collectionion (LP)
Neuware (m-/m-) DE 1991 Gift Of Life GIFT 011
Alternative Rock / Garage Rock / Punk Rock
16 Tracks; Compilation. Band aus Oulu, Finnland, die zwischen 1986 und 1996 aktiv war. Details
6,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Fist City / Piss Test feat. Zach (Red Dons / Scott Baio Army / Soda Pop Kids)
Split (7"+MP3)
Neuware GB 2013 Drunken Sailor DRUNKEN SAILOR 028
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Old School
2 Bands; 5 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt + Download-Code. PISS TEST are from Portland featuring members of RED DONS, THERAPISTS, CUNTIFIERS, SCOTT BAIO ARMY, SODA POP KIDS, CALL SIGN COBRA, ... This... Details
6,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Fixed Up
On Your Line (12" EP)
Neuware (m/m-; rw) Fr 1985 Closer CL 1247
Garage Rock / Power Pop / Punk Rock
3 Tracks. French band produced by Jim Dickson (RADIO BIRDMAN / NEW CHRISTS) Details
5,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Flesh Rag - s/t (7")
Flesh Rag feat. TV Freaks / Rocket Reducers
s/t (7")
Neuware CA 2015 It's Trash ITS-006 / LLR-005
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Hamilton garage punk rippers feat. members of TV FREAKS and ROCKET REDUCERS. Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Freaks feat. Andrea Kusten (The Outta Place / Blacklight Chameleons / The Fuzztones)
In Sensurround (LP, FOC)
2nd Hand (m-/m-) NL 1989 Resonance 33-8924
Garage Rock / Punk Rock / Hard Rock
11 Tracks; Klappcove mit Texten. NYC-Band mit Sängerin und eigenständigem Garage-Sound. Details
9,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Happy Hookers For Jesus - s/t (7")
Happy Hookers For Jesus ex-Urban Achievers
s/t (7")
Neuware DE 2013/2014 Erste Theke Tonträger ETT 018
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Old School
4 Tracks; Reissue. If you are looking for a new and outstanding band from Europe, here you got it. What you get is pure Danish unrelenting punk rock damage! Take the smarmy music oft THE URINALS,... Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Heavy Metal - Smash Criticism Smash Optimism Smash Arachnophobia (LP)
Heavy Metal feat. Jasper Hood (The About Blanks / Johnny Throttle / Black Jaspers / Shakin Nasties / Moorat Fingers) & Josh (Diät) & Robert (Needle Exchange)
Smash Criticism Smash Optimism Smash Arachnophobia (LP)
Neuware DE 2017 Static Age SA040
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Synth-Punk
13 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt; 2nd Press. The 2nd full album by this Berlin-based band, who released one of the most outstanding Punk albums ("Anti-Music Anti-Sense Anti-You") 2016. This new one... Details
13,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Heavy Metal - The Nietzschean Supermen Of Dustbin Rock (LP)
Heavy Metal feat. Jasper Hood (The About Blanks / Johnny Throttle / Black Jaspers / Shakin Nasties / Moorat Fingers) & Josh (Diät) & Robert (Needle Exchange)
The Nietzschean Supermen Of Dustbin Rock (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware GB 2017 Harbinger Sound HARBINGER174
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
12 Tracks; Gildenes Vinyl 3rd album from Berlin's almost mythical band HEAVY METAL. Don't let that name put you off. This is the most sarcastic snotty take on punk rock the modern age is going to... Details
19,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Horny Toads
Con Anima Con Forza (MLP)
2nd Hand (m-/m-) AU 1988 Green Fez FEZ 804
Punk Rock / Garage Rock
6 Tracks; Bedruckte Innenhülle. 1985 gegründete Band aus Brisbane, Australien. Inkl. RADIO BIRDMAN "Snake" Coverversion. Details
6,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
I Get Mynze - Big Wup (7")
I Get Mynze feat. Legendary Wings
Big Wup (7")
Neuware DE 2014 Red Lounge / Pelican Pow Wow
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Garage Punk
3 Tracks. Blown own, burned up dumdum TV punk made by Kalamazoo MENSA chapter board members (also LEGENDARY WINGS members). Sounds like someone recorded this band in 1983 on a VHS tape, stuck the... Details
6,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Johnny & The Jumper Cables feat. Kenne Highland (Gizmos / Afrika Korps)
Total Depravity (7")
Neuware AU 1990 Dog Meat DOG 015
Punk Rock / Garage Rock
2 Tracks. Boston band started in 1982 as a recording project by guitarist and band roadie Johnny Black and the legendary Kenne Highland of AFRIKA KORPS and GIZMOS. Details
4,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Judges - Judgement Day (LP)
The Judges
Judgement Day (LP)
Neuware US 2023 Total Punk TPR-132
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
9 Tracks; Inkl. Poster. Debut LP from Melbourne Australia’s JUDGES. A 36-minute meditation on the power of THE RIFF from some of the folks who brought you Smarts, Cereal Killer, and Living Eyes.... Details
26,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Leather Uppers
Bright Lights (LP)
Neuware (m/vg+) US 2006 Goner 22GONE
Blues Punk / Punk Rock / Duo
13 Tracks. Die LEATHER UPPERS bieten auf "Bright Lights" eine fulminante Mischung aus rasantem Blues Punk und auf den Punkt gebrachten, und auf das nötigste reduzierten US Punk Rock. 13 Kracher... Details
11,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Leather Uppers feat. Anthony Bedard (Icky Boyfriends / Resineaters) & Craig Daniels (The Exploders / Tijuana Bibles / The Bon)
OK, Don't Say Hi (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware US 1994/2006 Goner / Pantsuit City 27GONE
Blues Punk / Punk Rock
19 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 500 copies. A limited repress of the legendary Neopolitan record originally on Pantsuit City Records and long since out of print - compiling early... Details
11,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Local Oafs ex-The Manikins
Power And Glory (LP)
Neuware DE 2010 P.Trash FULL TRASH 48
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
18 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Nach dem Ende der MANIKINS sind Kalle und Max mit ihrer zweiten Band back on the map. Wie schon auf dem Vorgänger Album wieder die geballte... Details
9,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Local Oafs ex-The Manikins
Too Dumb To Reason, Too Fucked Up To Dream (LP)
Neuware DE 2006 P.Trash / Cage Match Federation FULL TRASH 15 / CMF 008
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
28 Tracks. These wild swedish guys blast out their load of 28 short, fast, fucked up and furious Punkrock hymns in record time. On board are Kalle and Max of the mighty MANIKINS. Image HENRY... Details
9,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Manikins - Bad Papers (7")
The Manikins feat. Kalle & Max (Local Oafs)
Bad Papers (7")
Neuware DE 2006 Squoodge SR 17.27
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Punk'n'Roll
3 Tracks; Limited to 333 copies. Band aus Schweden mit gewohnt hektischem, kickendem Vollgas-Punkrock mit hysterischen Vocals und durchgetretenem Distortion-Pedal. Die B-Seite läuft von innen nach... Details
6,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Mark Vodka Group - s/t (LP+MP3)
The Mark Vodka Group
s/t (LP+MP3)
Neuware GB 2020 Drunken Sailor DSR 122
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
14 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt + Download-Code. Debut LP from Canadian THE MARK VODKA GROUP. For fans of CONEHEADS, DLIMC, BUZZCOCKS and sunshine in the city. "More effortlessly catchy brilliance... Details
20,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Memphis Bitch - Sometimes It Get's Rough (7")
Memphis Bitch
Sometimes It Get's Rough (7")
Neuware DE 2006 Prügelprinz
00s / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
3 Tracks. Band aus Heidelberg mit melodischem Kick Ass Garage Punk, der den Spirit von 77er Punk Rock mit Schweiß und Bier mischt. Details
1,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Mike Rep & The Quotas - Hellbender (LP)
Mike Rep & The Quotas feat. Mike Rep (True Believers)
Hellbender (LP)
Neuware US 2016 HoZac / HoZac Archival HZR-182 / HZA #19
Lo-Fi / Proto Punk / Punk Rock / Killed By Death
12 Tracks; Compilation; Limited to 500 copies. Unreleased Unhinged Underground Ohio Punk circa 1975-78. On "Hellbender" you get a full primal serving of mostly previously unheard chaos, recorded... Details
20,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
More Fiends / 27 Devils Joking feat. Brian Curley (The Delinquents / Roky Erickson)
Split (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware (m/m-) US 1990 Rave RAVE 011
Punk Rock / Garage Rock
2 Bands; 2 Tracks; Violettes Vinyl; Limited to 1000 copies. 27 DEVILS JOKING from New Mexico feat. Brian Curley (THE DELINQUENTS / ROKY ERICKSON). Details
4,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
(Get The) REVVUP (7")
Neuware DE 2015 Erste Theke Tonträger ETT-029
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Duo
2 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Debüt-7" des Duos aus New York. RAMONES-influenced Garage-Punk mit einer SPITS-Kante. Lustige Truppe, die Live auch gerne mal in... Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The New Bomb Turks - Tapeworm Blues: The 1992 Demos (10"+MP3)
The New Bomb Turks
Tapeworm Blues: The 1992 Demos (10"+MP3)
Neuware US 2013 Crypt CRYPT-103
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
6 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. 6-song 1992 demos 10": CRUDE, RUDE, and LOUD punkrock blort recorded 4 months prior to the epic "Destroy-Oh-Boy!!" sessions inna dank basement in Columbus. TWO... Details
13,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The New Brutarians - Hysteria (LP)
The New Brutarians feat. Adam Turkel (The Beatings)
Hysteria (LP)
Neuware DE 2022 Alien Snatch! SNATCH!114
Lo-Fi / Power Pop / Glam Rock / Punk Rock / Duo
11 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 400 copies (of 500). 70's popart proto punk debut album by the a sunshine state duo! NEW BRUTARIANS are scene veteran Adam Turkel on guitar & vocals and... Details
16,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Motorhead mit mir (7")
Neuware DE 2013 Red Lounge RLR 104
Garage Pop / Punk Rock
2 Tracks; Limited to 700 copies. Details
6,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Novotny TV - Das Volk sind wirr (LP)
Novotny TV
Das Volk sind wirr (LP)
Neuware DE 1998/2019 Höhnie / Phantom HÖ 163 / PHNTM35
90s / Deutschpunk / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
17 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Reissue; Limited to 500 copies. Endlich eine Neuauflage dieses 90er Jahre Deutschpunk Klassikers! "Die Kreditabteilung der Deutschen Bank in Coesfeld strikes back.... Details
16,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Overnight Lows - Leichte Mädchen haben mehr Action!!! (7")
Overnight Lows feat. Daphne (Lover! / Comas)
Leichte Mädchen haben mehr Action!!! (7")
Neuware DE 2012 Red Lounge RLR099
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
3 Tracks. Mississippis own OVERNIGHT LOWS have a new record ..and it is in GERMAN!! Usually on GONER records, they gave Red Lounge the honor of an all new song in german sung by Daphne (formerly... Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Piss Test feat. Zach (Red Dons / Scott Baio Army / Soda Pop Kids)
s/t (2nd) (7")
Neuware DE 2014 Taken By Surprise SURPRISE 054
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Old School
4 Tracks; Innencover mit Texten; Limited to 500 copies. Portland's PISS TEST return with a second EP and continue their assault of snotty punkrock jams in the vein of ANGRY SAMOANS, THE LEWD or... Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Politicians
Meat (LP)
2nd Hand (m-/vg; gr) DE 1987 Glitterhouse GR 0015
Punk Rock / Garage Rock
10 Tracks. Die Band aus München vermischt gekonnt Punkrock, 60s Punk, Garage und Punk'n'Roll zu einem eigenständigen Sound. Inkl. coolem ALICE COOPER "Elected" Coversong. Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Primitive Hands feat. Brian Hildebrand (Demon's Claws, Mind Controls, Genital Hospital)
Heartless Man (7")
Neuware DE 2018 Alien Snatch! SNATCH!087
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Garage Punk
3 Tracks; Limited to 133 numbered copies. Brian Hildebrand took some Bowie-style Berlin off days after a DEMONS CLAWS tour in ended of 2017. He spent night after night at Wowsville Bar for teaming... Details
5,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Primitive Hands - s/t (LP)
Primitive Hands feat. Brian Hildebrand (Demon's Claws, Mind Controls, Genital Hospital)
s/t (LP)
Neuware DE 2017 Alien Snatch! SNATCH!085
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Garage Punk
11 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. It´s Brian Hildebrand (DEMON'S CLAWS, MIND CONTROLS, GENITAL HOSPITAL) from Montreal, Canada. The piece of vinyl is sheer lo-fi KBD madness and has eleven... Details
13,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Private Function - Whose Line Is It Anyway? (LP)
Private Function
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (LP)
Neuware ES 2020/2021 Folc FOLC142
Punk Rock / Garage Punk
13 Tracks; Repress. This is the Australias premier pub-punk kingpins PRIVATE FUNCTION 2nd fulllength and it stormed the Australian ARIA charts, hitting #1 on the ARIA Vinylcharts, landing at #2 on... Details
23,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Pronto - s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
Neuware US 2015 Slovenly 702-163
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Power Pop
10 Tracks. Melbourne scuzz squad PRONTO, and their self-titled LP will steal your purse n pills before kicking holes in your speakers! This decroded piece of plastic devolves from hammering... Details
15,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Puppy & The Hand Jobs - I Hate Everything (7")
Puppy & The Hand Jobs
I Hate Everything (7")
Neuware (m/m-) US 2019 Slovenly / Black Gladiator BG 033 / 702-242
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
7 Tracks. The three obnoxious jack-offs known as PUPPY AND THE HAND JOBS are back with another crude EP of filth ridden, barely listenable / tolerable punk called "I Hate Everything," and with 7... Details
8,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Real Numbers - Radio World (7")
Real Numbers feat. Boys Club / The Retainers
Radio World (7")
Neuware US 2008 Three Dimensional 3D-004
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
2 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Debut single by the Real Numbers feat. Eli from BOYS CLUB and the RETAINERS on guitar and vocals, BOYS CLUB's singer on guitar, and Matt from RETAINERS on drums.... Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Reatards - Grown Up, Fucked Up (LP+MP3)
Reatards feat. Jay Reatard (Lost Sounds / Nervous Patterns / Bad Times / Terror Visions / Angry Angles)
Grown Up, Fucked Up (LP+MP3)
Neuware US 1999/2015 Goner 118GONE
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
19 Tracks; Inkl. Download-Code. Reissue of their 1999 full-length, recorded -with assistance from Alicia Trout- shortly after the release of "Teenage Hate". The music here is less garage-tinged... Details
21,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Red Red Red ex-Piranhas
Mind Destroyer (LP)
Neuware US 2006 Big Neck BN052
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Punk'n'Roll
10 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. Band aus Detroit mit ex-PIRANHA Ryan Sabatis. Wild, messerscharf und total überdreht. Details
7,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Rowdy - s/t (LP)
Rowdy ex-The Hex Dispensers
s/t (LP)
Neuware GB 2024 Drunken Sailor DRUNKEN SAILOR 181
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
8 Tracks. ROWDY liefern auf ihrem Debütalbum energiegeladenen Garage-Punk mit einem Hauch von 77er-Punk und Rock’n’Roll-Attitüde. Kein Wunder, denn die Band besteht aus Mitgliedern der legendären... Details
23,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Sic Kidz - Teenage Obsessions 1978-84 Recordings (LP)
Sic Kidz
Teenage Obsessions 1978-84 Recordings (LP)
Neuware (m/m-) IT 2008 Rave Up RUR 054
70s / 80s / Punk Rock / Garage Punk / Killed By Death
12 Tracks; Compilation. A Philadelphia-based punk rock band formed sometime back in the late 1970’s. Four teenagers in love with THE CRAMPS, STOOGES, ’60 garage punk and of course the first wave... Details
12,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Spanks
Dogfood (MLP)
2nd Hand (m-/m-) BE 1988 Punk Etc. PETC.14
Garage Rock / Punk Rock
6 Tracks. 80s Garage Band aus Belgien. Inkl. ZEROS "Wimp" Coversong. Details
7,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Split System - Bullet / On The Streets (7")
Split System feat. Arron Mawson (Stiff Richards) & Jackson Briggs (Jackson Reid Briggs & The Heaters)
Bullet / On The Streets (7")
Neuware FR 2023 Beast BR354
Punk Rock / Garage Punk
2 Tracks. Rock’n’punk done right, as only Australians can do. Tattoos, bad haircuts, and repetitive solid riffs. HEARTBREAKERS and STITCHES amphetamine swagger with COLOURED BALLS, SAINTS, or... Details
9,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Split System - Vol. I (LP)
Split System feat. Arron Mawson (Stiff Richards) & Jackson Briggs (Jackson Reid Briggs & The Heaters)
Vol. I (LP)
Neuware GB 2022 Drunken Sailor DSR 157
Punk Rock / Garage Punk
11 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. SPLIT SYSTEM, the Aussie group featuring Jackson Reid Briggs (JACKSON REID BRIGGS & THE HEATERS) on vocals and Arron Mawson (STIFF RICHARDS) on guitar, took the punk... Details
23,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Split System - Vol II (LP)
Split System feat. Arron Mawson (Stiff Richards) & Jackson Briggs (Jackson Reid Briggs & The Heaters)
Vol II (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware GB 2024 Drunken Sailor DS-166
Punk Rock / Garage Punk
11 Tracks; Oranges Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; 2nd Press; Limited Edition. Rock’n’punk done right, as only Australians can do. Tattoos, bad haircuts, and repetitive solid riffs. HEARTBREAKERS and... Details
25,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Spongetunnel ex-Sponge / ex-Fudgetunnel
Morons...& Monsters!! (LP)
2nd Hand (m-/vg+) US 1988 Underdog LP-004
Garage Rock / Punk Rock / Punk'n'Roll
12 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt mit Texten. Band aus Chicago feat. Russ Forster (Underdog Records). Details
7,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Stuck-Ups / The High Beams
Split (7", farbiges Vinyl)
2nd Hand (vg/vg) US 2003 Dirtnap ZZZ-28
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
2 Bands; 4 Tracks; Grau marmoriertes Vinyl; Limited to 1000 copies. THE STUCK UPS: These two songs will give you a pretty decent look in to Sympathy for the Record Industries new best-kept secret.... Details
3,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Stupes ex-Bum / ex-Pez
Happy Now?! (7")
2nd Hand (m-/m-) ES 1995 Munster 7081
Punk Rock / Pop Punk / Garage Punk
4 Tracks. 90s pop-punk/punk-rock/garage band from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Active from 1994-1997. Details
2,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Subtle Turnhips / Elektrolux - Split (7")
Subtle Turnhips / Elektrolux
Split (7")
Neuware FR 2006 Jojo JOJO 001
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
2 Bands; 4 Tracks. Zwei Bands aus Frankreich. Wer auf Bands wie SWELL MAPS, TV PERSONALITIES oder DRUNKS WITH GUNS steht, wird an SUBTLE TURNHIPS seine Freude haben. ELEKTROLUX hingegen sind... Details
5,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
S.U.G.A.R. - II (LP)
Neuware DE 2022 Alien Snatch! SNATCH!118
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
8 Tracks; Bedruckte Innenhülle; Limited to 400 copies (of 500). LoFi for life! Berlin's own S.U.G.A.R. are back! Sounding like 3 Australian expat garage rockers lost in early 80's Berlin in a GDR... Details
16,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Superstupid! (LP)
Neuware (m/m-) DE 1993 Sub Pop SP 79/250
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
12 Tracks. All-Girl Band aus Japan. Details
9,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Sweet Reaper - Closer Still (LP)
Sweet Reaper feat. Seth Pettersen & Sasha (Massenger)
Closer Still (LP)
Neuware DE 2020 Alien Snatch! SNATCH!106
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Pop Punk
11 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. SWEET REAPER are THE Californian three-piece. That beach monster has some WIPERS/RAMONE genes, but the thriving bass lines of Danny and Sasha (MASSENGER) booming... Details
13,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Thermals feat. Hutch Harris (Forbidden Friends)
We Disappear (LP)
Neuware US 2016 Saddle Creek LBJ-225
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Indie Rock
10 Tracks. Das Album, das just vor dem zehnten Jubiläum des dritten und erfolgreichsten THERMALS Album "The Body, The Blood, The Machine" erscheint, ist ein echtes, düsteres und sehr persönliches... Details
23,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
TJ Cabot & Thee Artificial Rejects - s/t (LP)
TJ Cabot & Thee Artificial Rejects
s/t (LP)
Neuware DE 2020 Alien Snatch! SNATCH!107
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Garage Punk / Trash
11 Tracks; Black Vinyl; Limited to 200 copies (of 300). This is truly 100% debunked limbo liberation army lockdown rock'n'roll! Recorded with ONE $5 microphone, the 11 all but originals just... Details
13,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Trailer Park Tornados - Don't Mind The Maggots (7")
Trailer Park Tornados
Don't Mind The Maggots (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware US 2004 Big Neck BN032
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Scum Punk
4 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl. Das aus dem Arsch der USA, Buffalo, stammende Trio verwüstet mit diesen 4 kruden LoFi Punk Hasstiraden regelrecht alles was ihm im Weg steht. Als Vergleich dienen primitive... Details
4,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Traitors ex-No Empathy
s/t (LP)
Neuware US 1998 Johanns Face JFR 041
Punk Rock / Garage Punk / Hardcore
15 Tracks. Nasty garage hardcore. Think NEW BOMB TURKS, only faster; think MINOR THREAT, only more fucked up; think very, very drunk. Details
11,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
TV Buddhas - Band In The Modern World (12" EP)
TV Buddhas feat. Juval Haring (Lebanon / Vaadat Charigim)
Band In The Modern World (12" EP)
Neuware AT 2012 Trost TR 111
RSD 2012 / Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Wave
5 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Tel Aviv-Exilanten und Neu-Berliner mit einem exklusiven Record Store Day Release. Auch hier wieder waviger Punk/Garage mit WIPERS Einschlag. Details
7,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
TV Buddhas - Hello To Loneliness (7")
TV Buddhas
Hello To Loneliness (7")
Neuware DE 2011 Staatsakt AKTSIE024
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock / Wave
2 Tracks. Tel Aviv-Exilanten und Neu-Berliner. "[...] "Hello To My Loneliness" ist der Startschuss, bei dem sie sich im Titeltrack wieder von der WIPERS-Seite zeigen. Auch die B-Seite mit "Just... Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Two Saints feat. Joe Mazzari (ex-Johnny Thunders / The Daughters / Pussy Crush)
Tequila 213 (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware (m/vg+) GB 1990 Shakin' Street YEAH-HUP 011
Punk Rock / Garage Rock
3 Tracks; Blaues Vinyl; Limited numbered edition of 500 copies. Inkl. THE CHANTAYS "Pipeline" Coversong. B Side live in Newcastle 30/9/89. Details
3,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Unknowns - East Coast Low (LP)
The Unknowns feat. Josh (The Chats / Rick N The Sickos / Loose Lips) & Eamon (The Chats / Rick N The Sickos / Headlice)
East Coast Low (LP)
Neuware GB 2023/2024 Drunken Sailor DRUNKENSAILOR169
Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Pub Rock
10 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt. Pub Punk Band with members of THE CHATS, their 2nd LP in anticipation of their debut Euro Tour. For fans of COSMIC PSYCHOS, THE SAINTS, STIFF RICHARDS. Australia... Details
27,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A The Bo-Weevils / The Wet Ones / Big Backyard / Arthur In The Dark / Jacksworld / The Band Who Shot Liberty Valance / Honeymoon In Green / Slaves Of Sin / Buick K.B.T. / Painters & Dockers
Alive At Melbourne Uni (Swapo Album) (LP)
2nd Hand (m-/vg) AU 1987 Doc DOCR0020
80s / Alternative Rock / Punk Rock / Garage Rock
10 Bands; 10 Tracks; Inkl. Booklet. Benefit album recorded Live at Melbourne University 3/8/86. Includes 16 page booklet. Details
12,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A The Bo-Weevils / The Wet Ones / Big Backyard / Arthur In The Dark / Jacksworld / The Band Who Shot Liberty Valance / Honeymoon In Green / Slaves Of Sin / Buick K.B.T. / Painters & Dockers
Alive At Melbourne Uni (Swapo Album) (LP)
2nd Hand (m-/vg+) AU 1987 Doc DOCR0020
80s / Alternative Rock / Punk Rock / Garage Rock
10 Bands; 10 Tracks; Inkl. Booklet. Benefit album recorded Live at Melbourne University 3/8/86. Includes 16 page booklet. Details
14,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A - Always Memphis Rock & Roll (LP)
V/A Jack Oblivian & The Sheiks / Jack Oblivian & The Dream Killers / Heathens / Tyler Keith / Turnstyles / Opossums / Toy Trucks / Fingers Like Saturn / Mario Monterosso
Always Memphis Rock & Roll (LP)
Neuware EU 2021 Black & Wyatt / Head Perfume BW111420 / HP-V-02
Garage Rock / Garage Pop / Punk Rock / Rock'n'Roll
9 Interpreten; 14 Tracks. LP-Compilation von in Memphis, Tennessee (USA) ansässigen Bands mit Aufnahmen von 1956 - 2019! Vom frühen und für sechs Jahrzehnte (!) unveröffentlichten... Details
20,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A Superchunk / Guzzard / Jawbox / godheadSilo / Boredoms / Supernova / Chokebore / Love 666 / Bailter Space / Steelpolebathtub / Chrome Cranks / Brainiac / Today Is The Day / Rocket From...
Dope-Guns-'N-Fucking In The Streets Volumes 8-11 (LP)
Neuware DE 1997 Amphetamine Reptile ARR 80/023
Noise Rock / Punk Rock / Garage Punk / Lo-Fi
17 Bands; 17 Tracks. Details
19,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A - Goldmark's A-Go-Go! - Keep Charlottenplatz Alive (LP)
V/A The Monsters / Columbian Neckties / Kepi Ghoulie / Venerea / Levin Goes Lightly / Neat Mentals / Motörpussy / Stumfol / Supermug / Bike Age / Hell & Back / Helmut Cool / Mofakette /...
Goldmark's A-Go-Go! - Keep Charlottenplatz Alive (LP)
Neuware DE 2021 Trash-A-Go-Go! TRASH001
Punk Rock / Garage Punk / Hardcore Punk
15 Bands; 15 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt + Download-Code; Limited Edition. Benefiz-Compilation LP von Trash-A-Go-Go und dem Goldmark's-Team. Der Betrag wird 1:1 ohne Abzüge direkt weitergereicht. Die... Details
30,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A Seminal Rats / The Dirty Lovers / Bored! / The Poppin' Mammas
Now Suck This...Dogface (7")
Neuware AU 1990 Destroyer D-002
Garage / Punk Rock
4 Bands; 4 Tracks. Coversongs von ANTISEEN, MC5, THE SAINTS und THE SONICS. Details
9,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A The Tunas / Wasted Pido / Thee Boozers / Wild Weekend / Movie Star Junkies / Singing Dogs / Honey Don't / Signorine Taytituc / Terminals / The Leeches / Funny Dunny / Female Troubles /...
Sick Of Being Sick Vol. 1 (LP)
Neuware IT 2007 Primitive
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Punk Rock
17 Bands; 17 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Überblick über die momentan sehr umtriebige Garage, Punk Rock und Trash Szene in Bella Italia. Special Guest: SONNY VINCENT. Details
12,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
V/A Obimen / The Hamsters / The Lowthers / John The Postman / Beatrice / God / Mr. A. Valler / Andrew Berry / The Next Step / Philip Johnson
The Disparate Cogscienti (LP)
2nd Hand (m-/vg+) GB 1988 Cog Sinister COG 2
Indie Rock / Garage Rock / Punk Rock / Art Rock / Experimental
10 Interpreten; 13 Tracks. Details
7,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Weak Willies
s/t (LP)
Neuware (m/vg+; socf) DE 1991 Sputnik PUT 15
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
14 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. Debütalbum von 1991 der 1986 gegründeten deutschen Garage-Punkrock-Band aus Bayreuth. "THE WEAK WILLIES [...] spielen [...] einen kraftvollen SchrammelRock’n’Roll,... Details
5,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Zero Zeroes - s/t (LP+MP3)
Zero Zeroes feat. Exx Valdez (Crackbrained Serenaders / Weird Owls)
s/t (LP+MP3)
Neuware EU 2020 Bachelor / Drunken Sailor BR-113 / DSR-129
Garage Punk / Punk Rock
10 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt + Download-Code. Band aus Karlsruhe, die international mit ihrem Sound durchgestartet ist! For Fans of HEX DISPENSERS, NEW BOMB TURKS, early RIVERBOAT GAMBLERS, ...... Details
17,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
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