Ladies Night / No Feeling feat. Levon (Das Pussyhound)
Split (7")
Split (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Trash
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Limited to 400 copies. Split-7" der beiden Bands aus Vancouver, Kanada. LADIES NIGHT ist ein schwer gestörtes Distortion Garage Punk Monster - irgendwo zwischen den OBLIVIANS... Details
2 Bands; 3 Tracks; Limited to 400 copies. Split-7" der beiden Bands aus Vancouver, Kanada. LADIES NIGHT ist ein schwer gestörtes Distortion Garage Punk Monster - irgendwo zwischen den OBLIVIANS... Details
The Leather Uppers
Bright Lights (LP)
Bright Lights (LP)
Blues Punk / Punk Rock / Duo
13 Tracks. Die LEATHER UPPERS bieten auf "Bright Lights" eine fulminante Mischung aus rasantem Blues Punk und auf den Punkt gebrachten, und auf das nötigste reduzierten US Punk Rock. 13 Kracher... Details
13 Tracks. Die LEATHER UPPERS bieten auf "Bright Lights" eine fulminante Mischung aus rasantem Blues Punk und auf den Punkt gebrachten, und auf das nötigste reduzierten US Punk Rock. 13 Kracher... Details
The Leather Uppers feat. Anthony Bedard (Icky Boyfriends / Resineaters) & Craig Daniels (The Exploders / Tijuana Bibles / The Bon)
OK, Don't Say Hi (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
OK, Don't Say Hi (LP, farbiges Vinyl)
Blues Punk / Punk Rock
19 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 500 copies. A limited repress of the legendary Neopolitan record originally on Pantsuit City Records and long since out of print - compiling early... Details
19 Tracks; Pinkes Vinyl; Reissue; Limited to 500 copies. A limited repress of the legendary Neopolitan record originally on Pantsuit City Records and long since out of print - compiling early... Details
The Lipstick Killers ex-The Psycho Surgeons
Mesmerizer (LP)
Mesmerizer (LP)
Punk'n'Roll / Garage Rock / Killed By Death
12 Tracks. Live-Album der 1978 gegründeten Band aus Sydney, Austrailen. Hervorgegangen aus der Asche von THE PSYCHO SURGEONS. Aufgenommen im November 1981. Details
12 Tracks. Live-Album der 1978 gegründeten Band aus Sydney, Austrailen. Hervorgegangen aus der Asche von THE PSYCHO SURGEONS. Aufgenommen im November 1981. Details
Liquid Pink feat. Peder Hedman (Tweaker) & Rob McCuen (Plasticland)
s/t (LP)
s/t (LP)
80s / Garage Rock / Psych Rock
10 Tracks. Einziges Album der US-Band aus Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Details
10 Tracks. Einziges Album der US-Band aus Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Details
The Little Wretches ex-No Shelter / feat. John Creighton & Robert Wagner
Just About Due / What Goes On (7")
Just About Due / What Goes On (7")
Garage Rock
2 Tracks. Band aus Pittsburgh/USA. Inkl. VELVET UNDERGROUND "What Goes On" Coversong. Pittsburgh’s Little Wretches show two different sides to their sound on this 45. "Just About Due" is a... Details
2 Tracks. Band aus Pittsburgh/USA. Inkl. VELVET UNDERGROUND "What Goes On" Coversong. Pittsburgh’s Little Wretches show two different sides to their sound on this 45. "Just About Due" is a... Details

LiveFastDie LFD
Bandana Thrash Bloopers (7")
Bandana Thrash Bloopers (7")
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Scum Punk
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Outtakes vom Album "Bandana Trash Record" im besten GG ALLIN & THE SCUMFUCS Stil inklusive ordentlich übersteuertem Gitarrensound. "Gonna Have Some Fun" im... Details
3 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. Outtakes vom Album "Bandana Trash Record" im besten GG ALLIN & THE SCUMFUCS Stil inklusive ordentlich übersteuertem Gitarrensound. "Gonna Have Some Fun" im... Details
Local Oafs ex-The Manikins
Power And Glory (LP)
Power And Glory (LP)
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
18 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Nach dem Ende der MANIKINS sind Kalle und Max mit ihrer zweiten Band back on the map. Wie schon auf dem Vorgänger Album wieder die geballte... Details
18 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 500 copies. Nach dem Ende der MANIKINS sind Kalle und Max mit ihrer zweiten Band back on the map. Wie schon auf dem Vorgänger Album wieder die geballte... Details
Local Oafs ex-The Manikins
Too Dumb To Reason, Too Fucked Up To Dream (LP)
Too Dumb To Reason, Too Fucked Up To Dream (LP)
Lo-Fi / Punk Rock
28 Tracks. These wild swedish guys blast out their load of 28 short, fast, fucked up and furious Punkrock hymns in record time. On board are Kalle and Max of the mighty MANIKINS. Image HENRY... Details
28 Tracks. These wild swedish guys blast out their load of 28 short, fast, fucked up and furious Punkrock hymns in record time. On board are Kalle and Max of the mighty MANIKINS. Image HENRY... Details

The Locomotions feat. Martin Savage (Blacks / Dixie Buzzards / Tokyo Knives) / Loco Lopez & Topi the Kat (Sons Of Cyrus)
s/t (7")
s/t (7")

Th' Losin Streaks feat. Tim Foster (The Trouble Makers / Trouble Bound Gospel) & Matt K. Shrugg (Groovie Ghoulies / The Zodiac Killers)
Sounds Of Violence (LP)
Sounds Of Violence (LP)
60s Style / Garage Punk
14 Tracks; Reissue. Garage Rock, wie er gespielt werden sollte: laut, wild, kompromisslos! Und ohne die üblichen Retro-ismen. Man stelle sich vor THE SONICS treffen Texas Punk '66. Eine... Details
14 Tracks; Reissue. Garage Rock, wie er gespielt werden sollte: laut, wild, kompromisslos! Und ohne die üblichen Retro-ismen. Man stelle sich vor THE SONICS treffen Texas Punk '66. Eine... Details

Love Boat feat. Claudio (Thee Oops / Two Bit Dezperados / The Rippers) & Andrea (Thee Oops / The Rippers / Sushicorner)
Love Is Gone (LP)
Love Is Gone (LP)
Love & Respect feat. Steve Turner (Mudhoney)
Deep & Heartfelt (LP)
Deep & Heartfelt (LP)
Garage Punk / Blues Punk / Noise Punk
12 Tracks. Zweitband des MUDHONEY Gitarristen Steve Turner. Details
12 Tracks. Zweitband des MUDHONEY Gitarristen Steve Turner. Details
The Lovely Bad Things
The Late Great Whatever (LP)
The Late Great Whatever (LP)
Lo-Fi / Garage Punk / Garage Pop / Grunge / Surf
12 Tracks. Deeply embedded in California's DIY scene, the THE LOVELY BAD THINGS have cultivated a devoted fan base through sharing the stage (or lack thereof) with noteworthy acts THE GROWLERS,... Details
12 Tracks. Deeply embedded in California's DIY scene, the THE LOVELY BAD THINGS have cultivated a devoted fan base through sharing the stage (or lack thereof) with noteworthy acts THE GROWLERS,... Details

Lover! feat. Rich Crook (Reatards / Lost Sounds / Knaughty Knights)
Lets Play A Game (7")
Lets Play A Game (7")
Garage Pop / Psychedelic
2 Tracks; Limited to 400 copies. More Psych Pop Weirdness from Rich Crook of LOST SOUNDS, KNAUGHTY KNIGHTS, REATARDS etc. fame. Space pop with great Guitar effects. Details
2 Tracks; Limited to 400 copies. More Psych Pop Weirdness from Rich Crook of LOST SOUNDS, KNAUGHTY KNIGHTS, REATARDS etc. fame. Space pop with great Guitar effects. Details

Lover! feat. Rich Crook (Reatards / Lost Sounds / Knaughty Knights)
Lost In The Shuffle: The Singles Collection (LP, FOC)
Lost In The Shuffle: The Singles Collection (LP, FOC)
Garage Punk / Garage Pop / Psychedelic
16 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. Singles collection with their gazillion 7"ers . Details
16 Tracks; Compilation; Klappcover. Singles collection with their gazillion 7"ers . Details

Lyres feat. Jeff Conolly (DMZ / Thee Headkotexas)
A Promise Is A Promise (LP, FOC)
A Promise Is A Promise (LP, FOC)
80s / Garage Rock
14 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Klappcover; Reissue. The 3rd LYRES LP on Ace of Hearts in another mighty collection and own songs and chosen covers, all bearing the inimitable imprint of the Boston band.... Details
14 Tracks; 180g Vinyl; Klappcover; Reissue. The 3rd LYRES LP on Ace of Hearts in another mighty collection and own songs and chosen covers, all bearing the inimitable imprint of the Boston band.... Details

Lyres feat. Jeff Conolly (DMZ / Thee Headkotexas) & Rick Coraccio (The Real Kids / DMZ / Thee Headkotexas)
Live At Cantones, Boston 1982 (LP)
Live At Cantones, Boston 1982 (LP)
80s / Garage Rock
13 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. A furious live set by LYRES at a tiny Italian restaurant that became the home of Boston's underground punk and rock & roll movement. Along with Jeff "Mono Mann"... Details
13 Tracks; Limited to 500 copies. A furious live set by LYRES at a tiny Italian restaurant that became the home of Boston's underground punk and rock & roll movement. Along with Jeff "Mono Mann"... Details
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